This is my rendition of the eldrazi decks that will be becoming popular with the release of Battle For Zendikar just around the corner. There are several ways that this deck is played, and its ideal ways of being played.
So of course the main win-con is getting out Ulamog, but with the 10 mana cost, that becomes a little bit more tricky to do. so of course there is Rattleclaw Mystic and shaman of the forgotton path to help with your mana, but we want him out for cheaper than that. The use of
Necromantic Summons
lets you play Ulamog cheaply and easily, by pitching Ulamog or another bigger creature into your graveyard using Gather the Pack, or Bitter Revelation
A secondary win-con would be Dragonlord Atarka, being such a big creature with flying, and the enter the battlefield effect, he can win the game without even having to attack.
And now, to the sideboard!
A lot of the side board is pretty self explanatory, orbs of warding against burn or tutelage mill, for the most part shuts them down.
Tainted remedy, if you are playing against those people who are trying to get to 40 life and win, make whenever they try to gain life hurt them instead of help them.
Infinite Obliteration, gets rid of those pesky combos that your opponents may attempt to hit you with, good for the same lifegain scenario when you need to get rid of things like Felidar Sovereign
If your opponent is play tokens or weenies, wait until the get a bunch of their little 1/1s and 2/2s out then languish them and watch their face fall.
Smash to smithereens would be put in if people are trying to Aligned Hedron Network away your big scary ulamog, also is able to get rid of walkers that have gotten out of control, then you can languish away all the thopters the get out of it.
Waiting for tappedout to include these for use in the maybeboard:2x Dust Stalker (BFZ)3x Endless One (BFZ)
Any feedback would be appreciated, thanks for any help you give. :)