So I tested a match against unbanned 'Murica Control. Bolt, Helix, Snaps, Cryptics, Colinades, permissions and now... Jaces.
Game 1 - the grind fest
Main take-away... don't let the Search for Azcanta flip... And if you do, MAKE SURE IT LEAVES. Got into a top deck war with Lilly at 5 on the field and he flipped Search... suddenly, he was bolting/helixing Lilly, and activating Azcanta to the point where I just got out card-advantaged. Eventually ulted lilly, but gave him too much. Search + plains + U / W land + Snap Vs 4x lands, and he took the search side... topdecked a land and we were back to square one. ended up loosing with ~10 cards left in his deck.
Sided in Fulminators, Brutality, Cage, Surgical and Lilly tLH and brought out Tarfire, Push, and Kitchen Finks, and some others...
Game 2 -
Main take-away... Sometimes you get lucky. I was able to pulse the search (he played and then visioned, tapping out) and find a way through "throw away discard" (to catch permissions) to get Lilly out. I was able to get Flayer out, and hit with BBE in hand... he had Colinade avaliable to block next turn (attacked last turn) and I saw a fulminator 3 from the top... bin bin top the fulminator, up lilly to get the last card in hand out, BBE, Fulminator, Sack, attack for the win.
Game 3 -
Main take-away... keeping a one lander on a mul to 6 is still not good. suffice it to say, I let him durdle for the first 4 turns until on T5 i got my second land... some how, some way, I was able to semi-stabalize (through discard to catch permissions). He boarded in the non-bo of Relic + Search for Azcanta, and it effectively kept it from flipping by himself. However, he was able to slam a Jace and proceded to Fate Seal me out of answers for his Colinade.
So this was my first time play testing against a Jace tMS deck, and I feel that I needed more answers for him, as I feel people will be trying to play him or BBE for the next few weeks. With that said, I felt that the value of Tarfire went down and the value of Nihil Spellbomb went up (because it shuts off Search, which will undoubtedly be played alongside Jace). Because of this, I refactored the deck to help push through some of the decks I feel will being played for the next few weeks
-2 Tarfire (doesn't kill jace and feels underwhelming)
+2 Nihil Spellbomb (Grim Flayer and Graveyard Hate... still underwhelming, but not as much as Tarfire)
-1 Inquisition
-2 Kitchen Finks
+3 Lightning Bolt (kills jaces and can go to the face)
+1 Terminate (more 'catch all' removal)
-2 fatal push (adding more removal in bolt and terminate)
+1 Liliana, tLH (more value)
-2 fetches
+2 Blackcleave Cliffs (helps with "shock value")