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Jundo Calrissian

Modern BRG (Jund)




Creature (1)

Instant (2)

Jund midrange deck I've been working on, getting pretty solid, with some tweaks to figure out once the meta settles. Let's take a look at the list.


Deathrite Shaman added to mainboard because of my dislike of pillar of flame mainboard.

Farseek : mana fixing, finds shocklands, etc.

Mizzium Mortars: I think bonfire doesn't have as much of an applicable use in this meta, and mizzium mortar takes both the role of single target removal or if i get the mana mass removal. Also does just enough damage to angel tokens.

Dreadbore: destroys it all, especially planeswalkers

Abrupt Decay: answer to enchantments like Detention Sphere and Oblivion Ring can also act as creature removal if need be.

Liliana of the Veil: trying this in my 3 cmc slot as a one of, seems to work well with the deck.

Rakdos Keyrune: ramps and becomes an aggressive dude. a 3/1 first striker is very relevant with thragusk in just about every deck.

Vampire Nighthawk: 2/3 deathtouch lifelink seems to be really good and deals with some pesky problems.

Underworld Connections : card draw is just great. not a lot of removal that deals with it besides Ghost Quarter, which doesn't see enough play to discredit the use of this.

Olivia Voldaren: she is so amazing. She can simply win a game all by herself. Controls the board, get's bigger, win-win.

Huntmaster of the Fells  : very versatile card, puts threats on the board, pings creatures and players.

Sever the Bloodline: good against zombies and tokens. Deck is particularly weak to an untimely Entreat the Angels . i need to have options to deal with that, and this does a good job.

Garruk Relentless  : I personally love garruk and I'm glad to finally find a home where he functions really well. If he flips and gets time to work with, he can really put a game away for you.

Disciple of Bolas: trying him as that spicy 1 of . I like what he does with thragtusk. You get 5 more life 5 cards and a beast token with a 2/1 leftover, not bad at all.

Thragtusk : just amazing value, and impossible to 2 for 1, especially with a lack of good counterspells lurking about the standard meta.

Zealous Conscripts: I like having one in the main and one in the side, with the one mainboard copy around to spice things up, and because it works well in pretty much every matchup.

Rakdos's Return : the discard alone has proved amazing in just about any matchup, the damage is nice, and can help you with that last push.


Appetite for Brains : good against the miracle decks. Gets their biggest problems (Jace, Tamiyo). also good in mirror and against reanimator

Deathrite Shaman : hoses reanimate strategies and works well against Miracle decks.

Duress: it's a little better than apettite, in the control matchup

rolling tremblor: small scale wiping, good for humans, tokens kind of strategies.

Slaughter Games: good against problem cards, and also against 4 of's like Geralf's Messenger .

Underworld Connections : bring in the extra for control mainly

Zealous Conscripts: Good against walkers and fatties.

Garruk, Primal Hunter : control decks have a tough time dealing with planeswalkers, also good in planeswalker matchup.

Staff of Nin : pretty much 0 artifact hate in the meta, draws cards, puts your opponent on a clock.


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Open was not bad went 4-5 could have done better with less misplays, had a lot of fun. some comments on things i liked in the deck and things i disliked:


Pillar of Flame: I really disliked this card and found it useless in over half of my matches, going to try main boarding the Deathrite Shamans and siding 2 pillars just in case, but even that may be unnecessary.

Rakdos Keyrune: Before the tourniment i cut one of the keyrunes bringing tem down to 2, I liked this change as I did not get to make too much use of them in my games.

Zealous Conscripts: (sideboard) just never found a reason to side it in.


Rolling Temblor: found this card my all star sideboard card, sided it in a lot for G/W aggro and geist decks. literallly won me some games that i would have lost otherwise.

Zealous Conscripts: (mainboard) The mainboard conscripts did a lot of work by ending games that would have gone on forever, like stealing a thragtusk and swinging for the win or a Sublime Archangel.

Underworld Connections: brought me out of a mull to 5 with 1 land by finding me a 4th land quick enough that i could get ahead. the card draw otherwise was pretty useful.

I'm working on making some changes based on these observations to help improve the deck, but so far it seems that pillar of flame is the main thing that is being replaced. instant speed removal also seems like it would help the deck, if there were any good instant speed removal in the format. hopefully gatecrash brings some of that.


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #98 position overall 12 years ago
Date added 12 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 1 Mythic Rares

42 - 3 Rares

10 - 5 Uncommons

0 - 2 Commons

Cards 64
Avg. CMC 3.17
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Human 2/2 G, Wolf 1/1 B, Wolf 2/2 G, Wurm 6/6 G
Folders GReen Red Ideas, Std rtr
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