Junk Angel Aggro/Midrange

Standard* PrimeSpeaky


Socratio says... #1

i think a full four copies of either corpsejack or kalonian hydra is way more important than a full playset of archangel of thune. I get that the anthem effect is strong, but most of the time, either one or only two of corpsejack menace or kalonian hydra/archangel of thune is going to be on board for u to combo. that said, opting for the most powerful creature(kalonian hydra, swings for 8, and than 16, is a MUST deal with threat) is the best choice to go, i feel.

January 3, 2014 12:57 a.m.

PrimeSpeaky says... #2

I can see the argument for more Kalonian Hydra and less Archangel of Thune , I opted for more angels because I feel she has more impact in aggro matchups than the hydra which feels more important in my meta. She's also how the deck was originally fleshed out pre rotation and I kinda wanted to stick to that

January 3, 2014 1:07 a.m.

artakha says... #3

I hope you don't mind a comment that's not a suggestion, but how is this junk?! XD

January 3, 2014 6:58 a.m.

artakha says... #4

Well, here's a suggestion: Putrefy in the sideboard?

January 3, 2014 7 a.m.

PrimeSpeaky says... #5

Junk is a reference to the color combo (BWG). The wedges (tri color combinations that weren't in Alara) all have player made nicknames and that just happens to be the popular one that stuck lol. I could maybe see putrefy over abrupt decay, I'll have to figure that out in testing though.

January 3, 2014 1:13 p.m.

Yay for Junk good stuff! I love these decks!

January 3, 2014 4:57 p.m.

artakha says... #7

I was thinking Putrefy over Hero's Downfall , because even though it's got planeswalker removal, you won't see that many planeswalkers on the field normally, but you would probably see a bunch of artifacts, right?

January 3, 2014 5:45 p.m.

artakha says... #8

Also, Orzhov Charm could save a really valuable creature from getting destroyed by a board wipe, or a weak destroy card. It really depends on the opponent, doesn't it?

January 3, 2014 5:48 p.m.

@ artakha : I would disagree. The only people I see running artifacts are the people who play devotion. In my experience, planeswalkers are far more played.

January 3, 2014 6:57 p.m.

PrimeSpeaky says... #10

@SlumberingDragon Thanks, I really like the build and when its built I think I'll actually play it through till RTR rotates =]

@artakha I have to disagree on the Putrefy vs. Hero's Downfall debate. Some of the top decks are relying hard on their 'walkers. RG Monsters has Domri, Garruk, AND Xenagos. Mono Blue and Esper both run Jace AOT and Esper also packs Elspeth and the occasional Ashiok. There are plenty of planeswalker targets, and some pretty must hits at that. Whereas artifacts seeing play are mostly the gods, none of which can be hit by Putrefy . I might hit a Bident of Thassa , but thats perfectly manageable without Putrefy in the main.

As for Orzhov Charm , it just doesn't do enough. There isn't a single creature I can reanimate with it, the life loss from the removal hurts too much with all the early shocks (especially against aggro where I'll need it most) and I would rather just side in Golgari Charm to deal with the wrath effects.

January 3, 2014 7:02 p.m.

artakha says... #11

Hmm... I see where you're coming from. But even with a bunch of planeswalkers in each deck, most people I've played are usually only able to drop one during a game. I did see a game (pre-rotation) where a guy dropped Ral Zarek , and Tamiyo, the Moon Sage at the same time during a game (I wasn't playing, which I'm sure as hell glad I didn't have to go against that guy), and the game ended pretty fast after pulling off Tamiyo's ultimate. But in most of the games I played, most people either dropped Garruk Relentless  Flip , or Garruk, Primal Hunter .

Of course, this is post-rotation, so I don't know how much all this has changed.

I mostly just thought of Orzhov Charm as a thing to save your creatures in case of them being destroyed. Like, if there's a really powerful set of enchantments attached to them (like the Ordeal based ones, specifically Ordeal of Heliod because of it's on destruction ability), you'd want to make sure the enchantment didn't just get simply destroyed.

January 3, 2014 9:24 p.m.

PrimeSpeaky says... #12

Its not necessarily that I'll see a ton hit the field all at the same time so much that I have the option to take down threats that are very relevant, back breaking cards for other common decks in the format.

You might also note I don't run any enchantments in main or side, and 2 of my creatures leave behind a dude when they die. (Voice of Resurgence and Xathrid Necromancer ) And then a fair amount are just hard to answer or stave off (Blood Baron of Vizkopa only dies to Mizzium Mortars or Supreme Verdict unless someone wastes two burn spells, which I'm fine to trade with. Most my creatures are just out of bolt range too, but can still die to spot removal otherwise, I can certainly deal with that however with ways to build back up or just ride them out on the back of a Scavenging Ooze .)

The focus of the deck isn't so much keeping things from dying as it is resiliency. You can spam removal as much as you like but it comes at a cost against the 2-for-1 style creatures and maybe prove feeble when I'm just upping Garruk all day. I appreciate your suggestions, don't get me wrong, I'm just explaining the rationale behind the card choices and the rationale behind the exclusions.

January 3, 2014 9:39 p.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #13

im not sure i agree with Xathrid Necromancer at all...its just....an ok card sure, but it doesnt really do what is meant to do in here. id honestly just put Golgari Charm in place of them; its doing what u want to do (surviving wrath), and the other modes are relevant.. or Thoughtseize it from there hand, or if u really want the body, Sin Collector may be what you are looking for...or hell...there always Mutavault ...also your mana base needs a bit of work. youve got too much white, -1 Plains for +1 Forest ...caryatid is there to mana fix you...if you can cast it. i foresee you not having your green mana early probably 20% of the time. all of your low drops need it...make sure u get it..you curve into white, which caryatid should fix, and youve played more dual lands at that point. anyways, i like the deck overall, anything thats not MBD, MUD, or esper is refreshing.

January 4, 2014 12:34 a.m.

Ra1nStorm says... #14

This deck looks like there's going to be huge creature presence.. like someone would use supreme verdict on all of that.. just something to watch out for.

January 5, 2014 1:03 p.m.

Josiah says... #15

honestly, I love it. :) great synergy, big creatures and Garruk. what more could i ask for?

+1 from me.

January 7, 2014 2:24 a.m.

Versus Esper/UW, you fold to Supreme Verdict .

Versus Big Green/Gruul, you fold to their superior ramp.

Versus Devotion to Red/RDW, you fold to a resolved Fanatic of Mogis .

Versus Devotion to Black, you have only 3 outs in your whole deck to a resolved Desecration Demon (Hero's Downfall ).

Versus Blue, you're depending on 3 Abrupt Decay to remove Master of Waves if a Judge's Familiar is on the field.

Mainboard Thoughtseize is a universal answer to everything, without you're intentionally putting the deck in a fragile position for no real reason. Yeah, sure, Xathrid Necromancer survives Supreme Verdict ....but why not Seize the Verdict and have everything live? It's a much more effective plan. Also, Corpsejack Menace is a jank card, it only interacts with 6 cards in the deck, and as a two-of you're never gonna be able to rely on it to do anything. Reaper of the Wilds is a far better value creature at that cost, or Ultimate Price for more removal, since only having 6 removal leaves you very vulnerable.

January 7, 2014 2:25 a.m.

DylanRayQueen says... #17

This deck is sweet! I just play tested it on www.untap.in and it seems to beat almost everything! +1

January 7, 2014 12:52 p.m.

I feel like Fiendslayer Paladin might be better than Xathrid Necromancer . he dodges most removal, gains life, and is a better blocker due to his fist strike. I think he at least deserves a spot in the sideboard.

January 9, 2014 1:19 a.m.

PrimeSpeaky says... #19

I actually tested with him tonight against mono red and red splash decks GKirt. I don't feel like he's actually incredibly better than a Nexromancer is in several match ups, especially when drawn in multiples. However, he DID swing the burn match ups heavily in my favor so I think he has a home in my side board.

January 9, 2014 1:36 a.m.

woll3Y says... #20

Blood Baron of Vizkopa doesn't really fit in the deck imo. You don't have quite enough lifegain mechanisms to make him truly work. If you added one more lifegain card it would work much better for him. Someone like Fiendslayer Paladin would do the trick nicely.

January 9, 2014 12:34 p.m.

PrimeSpeaky says... #21

No offence woll3Y, but it sort sounds to me like you missed the point on why Blood Baron of Vizkopa is just dumb in this deck and frankly the rest of the format. His protection from white pushes him past some very relevant creatures like Boros Reckoner and helps him dodge a few pieces of white removal like Banisher Priest or Glare of Heresy . His protection from black, blanks pretty much all the spot removal spells in the format right now minus Mizzium Mortars . He swings past Desecration Demon , Pack Rat , Gray Merchant of Asphodel , and he does all of that while netting 4 life per swing and/or block. I couldn't give two rips if he ever makes his second ability relevant haha.

January 9, 2014 1:07 p.m.

GreyFawkes says... #22

I feel obzedat and trostani may be relevant in here? And blood baron is a game ender on his own, he doesn't need anything to combo with, not even angelic accord.

January 9, 2014 2:07 p.m.

PrimeSpeaky says... #23

I really like them both GreyFawkes, they're just amazing cards. My only issue is with rotation we lost so many options in tri color schemes with the loss of such amazing mana. I mean having the colors on curve is still kinda feasible, but the shocks you have to take and turns you lose to tapped lands just doesn't afford me the ability to play cards with such intensive and restrictive mana costs.

January 9, 2014 2:22 p.m.

Loco-Motive says... #24

Hey there, PrimeSpeaky -

Been following your deck's convo this past week.I echo what GreyFawkes says above about Obzedat and Trostani in a deck such as this...and I threw in Thune to make it crazy - Obzedat and Thune are Totally Doin' It!.

It's feasible...been my deck for about a month and a half now...and the mana curves quite capably.

I will say, though, in looking at your deck, though I agree with his sentiment that they can work well together, I don't think they work well in THIS deck. Mine runs more removal to control board state, dropping heavy hitters to take advantage of that control. You run Xathrid and Kalonians for the aggro, I run Desecrations for the controlling board state. You run 24 creatures, I'm running about 14. Trostani and Obzedat...I love them to death (and run them in my deck)...but you're right to keep them out of this one. It doesn't go with your theme.


January 10, 2014 11:09 a.m.

GreyFawkes says... #25

I completely understand your statement. But seeing as how you have 25 mana, and mana producers on top of that, I really think you can pull of their doubles very easily. I run a deck with them both in it, and I haven't had problems pulling them out yet, I don't even run the selesnya guild gates you do. But it is ultimately your choice and build, and if you don't feel they belong, then they don't lol. I love the build myself, so good job! +1

January 10, 2014 12:08 p.m.

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