Junk Enchantment Christmas Land

Standard wetwilly92


Fonzii says... #1

I also run a junk enchantment deck, Constellation of Pillows, and while the decks are fairly different I think i can make a few suggestions.

Mana Bloom works absolutely beautifully with any constellation card, especially in multiples. It can also provide a touch of early game fixing/acceleration if you're lagging behind. I can 100% suggest running these. You can side them out if need be for more aggressive decks where you need some blockers perhaps. I love them with constellation.

Sphere of Safety can absolutely get out of hand, especially in multiples and with Pharika, God of Affliction . If you get these out and they can't kill 'em off, it's pretty much GG unless they can whip out a ridiculous amount of mana.

That's my two cents. Solid deck, looks great! +1

May 31, 2014 4:03 p.m.

wetwilly92 says... #2

I did Mana Bloom as a 1 or 2 of in place of sylvan caryatids. Adding some extra recursive enchantments seems like a nice little spicy piece of tech. I'll slot one in and playtest it later.

Now, Sphere of Safety , this card I don't like as much. My main issue with the spell is that it asks too much for a "win-more" card. I don't play rams and I don't play ethereal armors, so it's very possible that I have little to no board on turn 5, and then sphere of safety is a dead draw. It's just not a card for us, it's for pillowfort decks that focus on defense from the outset of the game. I would much rather have a Doomwake Giant in my 5 slot.

Thanks so much for the suggestions Fonzii!

June 1, 2014 1:33 a.m.

asasinater13 says... #3

any thoughts for Extinguish All Hope ? definitely would help against any hexproof thing, or if any weenies get off too much in the early-game, give you breathing room to catch up.

June 5, 2014 1:35 p.m.

wetwilly92 says... #4

It's a cool card, asasinater13, it's just too expensive for a sweeper in this deck.

Better options are

Drown in Sorrow

Golgari Charm

Doomwake Giant

All of these get around invulnerability as well, which might be relevant?

June 5, 2014 1:40 p.m.

asasinater13 says... #5

all of those have a lot of problems with naya hexproof, though. Those creatures will be enchanted and big, the only indestructible you have to worry about is Fleecemane Lion and gods who none of those will be killing either way, because when it hits indestructible it's a 4/4 or bigger toughness in the gods, which would need double Drown in Sorrow or 4 enchantments for Doomwake Giant . Extinguish All Hope basically puts a stop to anything that's gotten off the ground that isn't control. those sweepers hit anything that's off the ground at low toughness.

June 5, 2014 1:50 p.m.

asasinater13 says... #6

also think about whether or not the splash of white is worth it, you could replace Unflinching Courage with Gift of Orzhova , Banishing Light with going to a playset of Silence the Believers , and Underworld Coinsmith with Grim Guardian . It will smooth you landbase a whole lot and let you play faster.

June 5, 2014 1:51 p.m.

wetwilly92 says... #7

Thanks for the comments asasinater13!

all of those have a lot of problems with naya hexproof, though. Those creatures will be enchanted and big, the only indestructible you have to worry about is Fleecemane Lion and gods who none of those will be killing either way, because when it hits indestructible it's a 4/4 or bigger toughness in the gods, which would need double Drown in Sorrow or 4 enchantments for Doomwake Giant . Extinguish All Hope basically puts a stop to anything that's gotten off the ground that isn't control. those sweepers hit anything that's off the ground at low toughness.

Hexproof isn't really a huge threat to the deck in my experience. Having Abrupt Decay , and Banishing Light offers us 6 outs to Madcap Skills and the like, in addition to the 6 hand disruption spells in the main.

Post-Board we have lots of options by way of Gift of Orzhova , Duress , Golgari Charm , and Devour Flesh .

I'm just not really sure that running Extinguish All Hope is necessary. Keep in mind that once you get past a certain point with the deck, you're just going to overwhelm your opponent with card advantage. If a hexproof deck is going to win, it's because you never had the opportunity to "go-off". In this sense, we really just want cheap answers to enchantments until we can stabilize the board.

also think about whether or not the splash of white is worth it, you could replace Unflinching Courage with Gift of Orzhova , Banishing Light with going to a playset of Silence the Believers , and Underworld Coinsmith with Grim Guardian . It will smooth you landbase a whole lot and let you play faster.

Splashing white may be a bit greedy, but the main draw is Banishing Light . This is literally a Hero's Downfall that says "Draw a card" past turn 6 and is easier to cast. It's not instant speed, but it also hits artifacts and enchantments.

I would probably replace Banishing Light with Hero's Downfall before Silence the Believers . The card is sweet, but only if we're casting it for 7 or 10 mana. Otherwise, I'd rather have a Downfall in my hand.

Underworld Coinsmith is in the deck because it's the best 2-mana creature that triggers constellation. Replacing it with Grim Guardian is a little awkward for the curve.

Overall, I think the white splash is worth the price in mana base, especially if we decide to slot Archangel of Thune later. I'm not sure there's enough to gain from having a faster mana base to merit cutting white.


June 5, 2014 2:21 p.m.

asasinater13 says... #8

thanks for the explanations, good luck with the deck

June 5, 2014 8:22 p.m.

lockedin says... #9

Extinguish All Hope has a place as a 2 of in your sideboard. Not sure what to take out, precisely, though.

June 23, 2014 9:31 a.m.

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