So this is the deck I am building to survive rotation, come hell or high water, and I believe it could be very scary. I want to break down some of my reasoning behind the cards I chose and want to break down my strategy a bit.

Strategy :

So I want to go with a very slow paced, life sap/occasional beat type of play style where I kill almost everything I see, and I don't have more than 1 or 2 things on board unless absolutely necessary. I run quite a bit of life gain to compensate for the loss of life that comes with strictly shock lands, drawing with Underworld, and of course getting hit in the face.

Cards :

Creatures : Creatures were a tough call, especially since I am losing Thragtusk, but I chose quite a few utility creatures in the form of Scavenging Ooze to hit every creature that Deathrite Shaman doesn't hit to gain life early on, Shaman to hit an instant/sorcery every turn to sap life, Elvish Mystic to ramp me that extra turn, because who doesn't want to be a turn ahead, and of course Obzedat, Ghost Council as my all star that will wreck faces and ruin days. Now I have Loxodon Smiter in because I love the card, there is absolutely no downside to it, it decimates control, is a wall against aggro, and beats on everything!

Spells : I run so many kill spells as a response to not having counter spells to deal with the creatures before they hit the board. Abrupt Decay and Doom Blade are good for early game creatures that I just don't want to see, the life lost from Orzhov Charm is pretty easily set off from the life gained through my utility creatures, and Selesnya Charm is just an all around solid card to have, exiling anything too big, making a flash chump blocker, or pushing damage over chump blockers. Advent of the Wurm is a straight up power house and is a staple for me. Grisly Salvage is a card that I will be testing to dump unnecessary creatures into my graveyard if my opponent has none to kill, a way to dig for just the right creature, or just fix my hand a bit. Last but not least, Gaze of Granite is my answer to Supreme Verdict in that late game, if you start running away with the game, ill wipe it all and we can start all over.

Enchantments : Obviously this is a small part of the deck, but it is an integral part of it. Underworld Connections is my draw power, and I need them desperately. Primeval Bounty, if left unanswered, will ruin your day, I promise you that!


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I have started constructing this deck, and will post when it is complete!

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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

33 - 0 Rares

9 - 0 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.75
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance, Wurm 5/5 G w/ Trample
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