Junk Pile (Second at FNM)

Standard* BliefCallerOfBeastzz


magicalhobbits says... #1

in my honest opinion, i would drop 1 Anafenza, the Foremost and 1 Brimaz, King of Oreskos due to them being legendary, so having 2 stuck in your hand and one in the field is a bummer. due to you playing aggro as well, there isnt a great need for a full playset of Sylvan Caryatid so maybe take 1 out. with 3 slots open i would add Herald of Torment or 2 Utter End and another Hero's Downfall its your prerogative. i recomend checking out mike sigrists pro tour abzan deck, its very similar to this. some sideboard action would be Whip of Erebos if you feel youre going to play a burn deck or a long winded game where reanimate will help (reanimating your 5th rhino is always funny) so far it looks really good, may even be better than mine. check mine out and +1 as well. i have kept it in the mid range play style though Mid range Abzmanliness! (1st place FNM)

November 30, 2014 11:08 a.m.

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