
Attempt at the best Tasigur deck.

The original deck idea came from Caleb Durward ( I came to current list through my own testing and from talking with Caleb about his testing.

This deck takes the basic game-plan outlined by the popular 4-color Soul decks and streamlines it by removing blue. Since we are in only 3 colors, we don't have to play Sylvan Caryatid or Courser of Kruphix and are thus able to be much more aggressive. The deck pushes threats to the board at a rate similar to the Abzan Aggro decks, but our threats are much higher power - Tasigur and Soul of Theros as opposed to Heir of the Wilds. and Rakshasa Deathdealer.

Satyr Wayfinder and Commune fuel delve for Tasigur and bin Soul of Theros.

Fleecemane Lion is an interesting addition I stole from a recent Gerry Thompson article. Its relevant at all phases of the game, and I think having an early drop to slow aggression that is also a good late-game topdeck against control may be exactly what this deck needed to push it over the edge.

Some comments on the removal:

3 copies of Downfall is a reaction to the increased popularity of Stormbreath Dragon decks and heavy-planeswalker control decks. I tried a copy of Banishing Light in this light because it's nice to be able to get a removal spell off Commune, but I wanted to have at least 3 removal spells that could hit Stormbreath. I also find Banishing Light fairly lackluster with people main-decking enchantment removal and the popularity of Ashiok and Ugin as finishers.

Playing Murderous Cuts because this deck thrives off of being able to interact cheaply with the opponent's board while spending the rest of the mana on threats.

Main deck Abzan Charm is a reaction to the new popularity of UB and BUG Control decks as well as Gx devotion decks. Against control, the extra card draw gives you a fighting chance pre-board. Against the devotion decks, what seems to be most effective is to slog through their early threats with Thoughtseizes and removal before trying to close things out with your own threats. Abzan Charm also is the only card outside of Erase or Unravel the Aether that can interact with Nylea, and I'm not going to play either of those main-deck.

There are a lot of things in the format with 3 or less toughness. Bile Blight kills those things while simultaneously playing around Valorous Stance.


Updates Add

Changed things a lot tonight. Cut Elvish Mystics, added a land and 2 Caryatids. Back on Anafenza over Courser. Shaved numbers on all the graveyard spells, added Fleecemane Lions and main deck Bile Blights.


Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 4 Mythic Rares

30 - 2 Rares

12 - 4 Uncommons

5 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.22
Tokens Bird 3/4 W, Enchantment Snake 1/1 BG
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