Junk Token Walkers

Standard* harrydemon117


harrydemon117 says... #1

Okay so I changed up to 3 x Day of Judgment as i need some more board wiping chances (2 wasn't enough but i don't want to overload with dead cards vs control)

I also -1 Geist-Honored Monk and +1 Acidic Slime to help with land removal, as well as those pesky opposing Oblivion Ring s are (so i don't have to wait for a Ratchet Bomb game one and then 3 turns later to get my 'walker back)

June 5, 2012 8:04 a.m.

harrydemon117 says... #2

I'm also thinking about Sun Titan as a mid to late game finisher as he will also allow me to bring back Ghost Quarter or Ratchet Bomb to use again

June 5, 2012 1:32 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #3

I definitely think if you're gonna run sun titan then Ghost Quarter would be great. I think I'd prefer Garruk, Primal Hunter over relentless. I know the cost is a little prohibitive, but its still really good and can really win you games. I like the super friends theme though. Reminds me of Planeswalker Contagion.

August 1, 2012 5:07 p.m.

zandl says... #4

I feel like you have a lot of creatures that contribute nothing to your strategy, and just too many creatures in general.

Token/Planeswalker decks want lots of board control and spot removal without putting out too much to get in the way. Focus more on spot removal (4x Oblivion Ring ) and board control (4x Day of Judgment , 2x Terminus ).

Ratchet Bomb seems terrible. For 0, it kills everything you're trying to accomplish. For anything else, it's not worth it.

Rampant Growth > Sphere of the Suns .

I'd add more Black to open up card:Black Sun's Zenith and Go for the Throat /Tragic Slip to be more options for removal. Beast Within 's also really good.

August 1, 2012 8:36 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #5

Thanks for the suggestions guys!

@rckclimber777 - I chose Garruk Relentless  Flip due to his removal ability, and once flipped he has a nice tutor ability (sac a token, tutor for a titan or a Thragtusk or even a Wolfir Silverheart . Not to mention a turn 3 walker is just too good to pass up

Garruk, Primal Hunter would be nice once I finish my collection of Woodland Cemetery s, as I have none of those now

@zandl - The current metagame (ESPECIALLY at my local shop) plays a LOT of aggro. Ratchet Bomb kills a lot of early things and can be recurred with Sun Titan . It is also a turn 2 play (along with the Elvish Visionary s) to give me something to do in early turns. I like the idea of Rampant Growth and will probably put those in instead of the Sphere of the Suns . The spheres were for mana fixing not acceleration really, but as i said up above I need to get some Woodland Cemetery s and then Rampant Growth will get the nod as having green would be imperitive early on. The # of creatures is also to maximize the "pump" creatures with Garruk Relentless  Flip ultimate

I like all of these suggestions and please keep them coming!

August 2, 2012 9:23 a.m.

harrydemon117 says... #6

If you guys don't mind, try playtesting it and see how much card advantage it truly gives you. There have been SEVERAL games where my starts get me out to 3-5 creatures, have 5 lands in play, and still 5 cards in hand (and probably a walker on the field by this time as well)

August 2, 2012 9:24 a.m.

Vogie says... #7

I'd get rid of the Legionnaires, and the Silverheart, and replace with a playset of Intangible Virtue . You could also replace the slower Rampant growth with Caravan Vigil . Move the Ratchet Bomb s to the sideboard in case you're getting out-tokened or vs werewolves. You also have a lot of ETB effects in the remaining creatures, so having something like Cloudshift could let you re-use those effectively. Odric is good as a one-off, as "creatures you control are unblockable next turn" is a really powerful effect... but only after you've gotten a fair amount of tokens out.

Swapping out Grave Titan for Captain of the Watch or Geist-Honored Monk would keep the deck from rotating out when RTR hits and greatly improve your mana base (i.e. drop the black-mana production count to 1-2 basic swamps to be fetched by rampant, borderland, or the above-mentioned vigil). You may also want to begin swapping out your DoJs for Divine Reckoning , allowing you to do things like "Wrath everything... but my Sun Titan ". Get them now, while they're cheap, 'cause lord knows once M12 rotates out they'll shoot up. (Because the m13 Planar Cleansing will also knock out your own planeswalkers).

Otherwise, looks good! best of luck!

August 5, 2012 9:41 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #8

Thanks Vogie!

I have MORE than a playset of Divine Reckoning already lol. I thought about running the monk as it was better on the mana than Grave Titan . Maybe remove the Porcelain Legionnaire s and Rampant Growth for Caravan Vigil s?

I had the Porcelain Legionnaire s in here for anti-aggro decks as the first strike ability is BOSS vs creatures without it (not to mention can recur with Sun Titan )

What are your thoughts on Champion of Lambholt with a token generating deck? or even a Rancor ?

August 5, 2012 9:54 p.m.

Jarrod_0067 says... #9

One or two less fetch lands since you have 2x Borderland Ranger and 3x Elvish Visionary to get more. Woodland Cemetery can fill in those spots. I'd actually put the Ratchet Bomb s in the sideboard and add another land or two, since you are peaking out at 7 mana and you want to be dropping Karn asap. I think Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite would have good synergy with all the tokens. Can't say I'm a fan of Porcelain Legionnaire as it clearly fails the Gut Shot test. Maybe use Blade Splicer instead? And black seems to be just a splash color, so having Grave Titan at BB could be counterproductive. I'd agree that Geist-Honored Monk would be better

August 5, 2012 11:29 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #10

I don't have any Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite s. But that's a great idea.

Porcelain Legionnaire will get the cut for sure. I have a lot of 3 drops already so I didn't want to add another one with Blade Splicer .

If I go with Caravan Vigil + Borderland Ranger s, do you think I should still go over 24 lands?

August 6, 2012 12:07 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #11

Okay, so Rancor did not seem to help against ANY aggro deck (which are about 75% of the decks I play against). Crushing Vines seems better vs Delver of Secrets  Flip decks so that's those changes I made.

Also, I had to add another Terminus to help combat Zombies (red/black seems more prevalent)

VS. Aggro decks, this deck ends up winning 80% of the time due to Day of Judgment except against Zombies.

Also, since alot more decks are relying on graveyard shenanigans (Either Delver, Reanimators, or just flashback in general), 1x Nihil Spellbomb is going to go in main deck. I have also added Garruk, Primal Hunter to my repertoire as with ramp he is boss.

Games at FNM 8/31:

Round 1 vs RED/BLACK Zombies: Blood Artist is a punk and it sucked my opponent was able to get them out consistently. I lost 2-0 to this and was my only loss for the night (Loss 0-2)

Round 2 vs Naya Pod: For some reason, he never saw a Birthing Pod during both of our games, and he would end up overplaying his hand right into a waiting Day of Judgment . Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite was a pain but Oblivion Ring s and Tragic Slip or DOJ made short work of her (I won 2-0)

Record 1-1 (2-2 overall)

Round 3 vs GU self mill: Splinterfright s and Boneyard Wurm s made appearances, but fell quickly to my board wipers. Repopulating wasn't a problem. Game 2 I side in the spellbombs and more mass removal. He ends up taking it down after resolving a Kessig Cagebreakers after I board wiped and hit home for lethal (too many creatures in graveyard screwed me). Game 3 we go to turns and I end up hitting him for all but 1 life so we drew (I was still at 15 life). Tied 1-1-1

Record 1-1-1 (overall 4-3-1)

Round 4 was GW aggro and wasn't a very competitive player. I ended up easily going 2-0 with the overwhelming card advantage.

Record 2-1-1 (Overall 6-3-1)

So a 50% win percentage (and would have been over 50 had it not gone to turns in round 3) is pretty good. There WAS a Delver deck present but I didn't end up playing against it (which I wanted to see how well I stacked up).

I think this deck is becoming the "real deal". Too bad 4 'walkers and Sun Titan are rotating or else I would be all set come October. Hopefully some other good walkers will be printed in RTR that will take the place of those leaving

(As a personal side note I did better when I had the Ratchet Bomb s in vs Aggro which is why I added them back in))

August 31, 2012 11:17 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #12

Vraska the Unseen seems to be a legit Planeswalker to replace Elspeth Tirel or even Gideon Jura . I'm glad that Garruk, Primal Hunter got reprinted, but I'm sad to see Karn Liberated go.

Also, the new Populate mechanic seems good as this may take me more in a token direction instead of just using 'walkers

September 10, 2012 2:19 p.m.

No Liliana of the Veil or Liliana of the Dark Realms ? I would think either one would be really well suited for this deck if it uses walkers. Also, definitely look into getting some Vraska the Unseen and Ajani, Caller of the Pride s.

Also, more Rootborn Defenses owuld be great. With the new Supreme Verdict and Planar Cleansing , you'll want a way to save your creatures. I honestly think you could drop Wolfir Silverheart for something else, whether it be another Rootborn Defenses , Wayfaring Temple , or Essence of the Wild .

October 16, 2012 11:56 a.m.

Sagi007 says... #14

agree on Liliana of the Veil was bout to mention it aswell. another suggestion is Sigarda, Host of Herons

October 17, 2012 6:53 a.m.

zandl says... #15

Gatecreeper Vine > Borderland Ranger . Having 2 Power won't mean anything, really. Especially when the Vine gets your land a turn earlier.

I'd be using Vault of the Archangel over Grove of the Guardian . The life-gain in the late-game will save you games.

October 17, 2012 2:14 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #16

Thanks for the comments!


Nobody in my local area is willing to come off of their Lilly's (either one) and my local shop doesn't have any. Until I go to different area or get lucky and pack some I'm stuck :) (I've been SEARCHING for some but everyone runs Grixis or Zombies now so Black mythics/rares are highly rated in my area)

@sagi007:- I thought about putting Sigarda, Host of Herons in the sideboard against heavy removal decks and possibly MainDeck and remove the Wolfir Silverheart . If I had the money to buy more boxes (or find someone to trade it) I would pick up Armada Wurm also

@Zandl:- YES! I actually just finished going through my commons/uncommons for lower CMC creatures and forgot about it. Funny you mention it :)- My Only issue is that it has defender so it can never attack whereas Borderland Ranger can.

I also Just got some more Call of the Conclave and was thinking of running these over Gather the Townsfolk as 1/1's seem to get picked off more and more by burn and opposing card:Curse of Death's Hold. (Not to mention populating them is also better than the humans)

If I go with Gatecreeper Vine s over Borderland Ranger s this now allows me to drop 2 x 2 CMC's for 2 x 3 CMC's to keep the curve in line. Maybe I'll drop the Gather the Townsfolk altogether and run some Midnight Haunting s and +1 Rootborn Defenses instead. Thoughts?

October 18, 2012 4:35 p.m.

Keep trying at it man :) I'm still trying to get some Liliana of the Veil s myself :D

October 18, 2012 5:04 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #18

Yeah...and Vraska the Unseen as well

October 19, 2012 8:05 a.m.

harrydemon117 says... #19

Finally picked up a Vraska the Unseen !

October 22, 2012 4:37 p.m.

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