So here's my prototype for Abzan Tokens. So far in playtesting, it's still a bit slow for some matchups, but way better than BW Tokens against control decks and a few other common archetypes, as it's more persistent in creating creatures, instead of doing it primarily in bursts. So it's a better long-game deck overall with more control elements and more persistent board presence.
BW Tokens is one of the most well-rounded decks in the format in terms of having a sporting chance against most opponents right now, and I'm aiming to improve on that and not lose so consistently to Control, Tron, and others, while avoiding some particularly expensive cards typical in Junk.
Some thoughts on particular card choices:
Voice of Resurgence - This is the most important card in the deck in some matches. Much of the rest of the deck makes this a much better threat, and hence much better disruption at the same time. As much as this is a highly rated card in the format, I still don't think it quite gets its due.
Bitterblossom and Selesnya Evangel or Rhys the Redeemed- having permanent ability to produce tokens works better here than in BW Tokens because this deck has more disruptive tools to slow the game down. The addition of Abrupt Decay makes me less worried about a slow early game, and I don't mind Evangel being an obvious removal-magnet before I can get out a big token or creature. Between the two cards, I can reliably make 1/1s every turn without sapping much mana, leaving it available to disrupt my opponent, and can get by when I sideboard Bitterblossom. UPDATE: I decided to stop sideboarding Blossom and just throw in a better lifegain package.
Gavony Township - better than Vault of the Archangel. One of the major reasons for deciding to build GBW instead of just BW, the other being Voice of Resurgence, which is sometimes the best card in this deck, and it's twice as good here as it is anywhere else.
Pendelhaven - Crucial to making the deck work. This deck is unlikely to really swarm opponents, so it relies more heavily on boosting 1/1s. It's ineffective once I get an anthem out, but it gets around enchantment destruction and has absolutely zero downside other than only producing green.
Sigil Captain - Mascot.
On the sideboard: Adding green gives tokens access to an even better sideboard. Heroes' Reunion is damn near as good as dropping Siege Rhino in some situations, and slightly better vs. Burn, which has gotten to be ridiculously efficient, and a rough (and frequent) matchup. I haven't seen many people play Eyes of the Wisent, but it radically changes some of Tokens' worst matchups (Control, U Tron, Scapeshift, Twin) - acts like Voice of Resurgence number 5 and 6. Maelstrom Pulse improves the matchup against Tron, Twin, any deck that plays Liliana of the Veil, etc..
Feel free to add suggestions. I'd really like to hone this deck. The big questions for me are whether I really need more disruption?, more removal?) and whether I can further improve the sideboard (I'm still not sure about missing cards that hose graveyard shenanigans, but think I can get away with it). Since my mana base is a bit of a life suck, I've also strongly considered adding Timely Reinforcements.