
Hello folks of iMAGICnation!

This is my brand new creation, a Modern Aggrodeck which has a lot of synergies with discarding your own cards.

The Main Deck

The deck has the following strategies:

  1. Card advantage through Squee, Goblin Nabob and Grave Scrabbler: Both cards offer an enormous card advantage if used right. Squee gets you a +1/+1-counter every turn for Lotleth Troll. With 4 copies of Zombie Infestation and 2 copies of Faithless Looting, both being cards where you have to discard 2, he also offers one free discard on those. Grave Scrabbler gets it even quicker as he represents two +1/+1-counters for the Troll while also being a nice additional 2/2 supporting your army.

  2. High damage output through Extractor Demon and Sedraxis Specter : The high amount of discard outlets will easily get you both of them into your graveyard where they cost very low mana to go into the red zone immediately. The Demon's little ability also allows you to get even more of his friends into your graveyard from where they wreak havoc.

  3. Get out a turn 1 two-drop and go aggro: This deck plays 4 copies of Chancellor of the Tangle . This card becomes extremely effective, when you can get one of your eleven 2-drops (4x Lotleth Troll, 4x Zombie Infestation and 3x Oona's Prowler) already on turn 1. The good thing about 8 of these 11 is, that the remaining Chancellor can actually have a use as you can just discard it into the 2-drop you just played. While a turn 1 Lotleth Troll will normally strike for ~4 on turn 2 and ~6 on turn 3, a turn 1 Zombie Infestation can provide 1-2 tokens at the end of turn 1 and further 2 tokens at the end of turn 2. Meanwhile, a turn 1 Oona's Prowler offers a great and annoying basis to attack.

The best-case-szenario happens when all three strategies get combined but even only one of them can make your opponent headache.

Removal: While the aggressive plan happens to work well often, some interactive action can help you out to get through or against opposing aggro decks. As this is a black and green including deck, Abrupt Decay should be a must-in for this build. There don't exist many decks against which it isn't good. Big Game Hunter is for the really big stuff, like Siege Rhino, Tarmogoyf, with Cranial Plating equipped creatures and maybe Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. In a format currently dominated by Abzan midrange builds, he can almost always find a target. And of course, while killing all these things for 1 mana and bringing a body on the board, he also feeds the Troll or the Infestation. Darkblast however, is for the toughness 1 creatures, like Noble Hierarch, Vendilion Clique , Young Pyromancer, Martyr of Sands or Grim Lavamancer. Its ability to come back every turn while filling your graveyard with Extractor Demon , Sedraxis Specter and Squee, Goblin Nabob helps you keeping the opposing board clean.

The Side Board

1 Ancient Grudge against affinity.

1 Big Game Hunter for additional removal on midrange.

1 Dismember as a versatile removal spell.

1 Firespout against creature heavy decks.

1 Gnaw to the Bone which is really effective against burn in this deck.

1 Golgari Charm against token decks, Splinter Twin and Jeskai Ascendancy combo.

2 Makeshift Mannequin mostly against Abzan midrange to get additional support from a turn 4 Chancellor of the Tangle (still testing this).

3 Phyrexian Revoker especially against graveyard hates like Relic of Progenitus and Scavenging Ooze, but also as a possible blocker against Etched Champion.

1 Scavenging Ooze against decks which use their graveyards and for some more lifegain.

3 Slaughter Games against all possible variants of combo decks.

The Maybe Board

Life from the Loam: This card is great in combination with Zombie Infestation and dredge also works great with the deck. However, it is relatively slow and uses up 2 mana every turn if you go for that strategy. I have to test this more.

Sudden Death :Nice against Scavenging Ooze, Arcbound Ravager and Deceiver Exarch, but not as good as Dismember when it comes to Siege Rhino, Tasigur, the Golden Fang and most of the times Tarmogoyf.

I am open to any suggestions, so feel free to criticize.


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

35 - 7 Rares

14 - 6 Uncommons

7 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.24
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Casual Things, Rakdos (R/B), Playtest, Modern, control, Modern Ideas, aaa___ispirazioni altrui, reference decks, Interesting Modern Decks, Interesting
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