@vincentgalbo, that could work out pretty well I'll give it a try later on today
February 6, 2014 5:15 p.m.
I'll run this against my aggro version with the changes you suggested
February 6, 2014 5:24 p.m.
@vincentgalbo, so I did 5 play tests with the changes against my Rakdos aggro deck and I must say, Bile Blight saved me quite a few times. I'm tempted to sideboard my other 2 for something. The extra land helped also.
February 6, 2014 7:11 p.m.
juliandusett says... #6
Awesome deck! I was just gonna ask about Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch . While I feel it's a good card, it doesn't affect any of your other creatures, and there are other better 4 drops you could run (like Desecration Demon, which you have plenty of). But besides four drops, I would actually take out the blood witches for a 1 drop (considering you have none and your average cmc is looking a little hefty lol). Legion Loyalist is an awesome card, and can prove to be a game finisher if it stays on the field into turn 5 or 6. But hey, this deck already looks pretty fun, just a suggestion :)
February 6, 2014 10:51 p.m.
@juliandusett, now that you mention it I believe you are right about Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch . Legion Loyalist would actually be pretty awesome with the bigger creatures I'm running, plus I have no one drops aside fro Thoughtseize but that's sideboarded anyway. I think I have a buddy with a play set of them that owes me for helping build his deck. Thanks for the suggestion and checking out the deck.
February 6, 2014 10:59 p.m.
vincentgalbo says... #9
Great, glad the changes made a difference. I think 3 Bile Blight is where you want to be at most, as it could totally screw you over if you're playing against a midrange deck like yours. Also, looking over your list, Legion Loyalist doesn't fit the bill. I think you should swap him with Thoughtseize . Rather than plunking down a 1/1 haster that annoys your opponent and at best gives your dudes trample, I think picking your opponents best card out of their hand would be a much better play and sets you up for cards that will really win you the game.
February 7, 2014 9:17 a.m.
juliandusett says... #10
Yeah that actually is true. I mean, Legion Loyalist is a good creature but it looks like this deck is going all out in terms of cards, so Thoughtseize would be more beneficial. I mean, you could put in 3x Thoughtseize and then 2x Legion Loyalist ... maybe take out a Chandra's Phoenix and a Bile Blight , or an Underworld Connections . Whatever works, but I feel like both cards would be pretty awesome, whether they're mainboarded or sideboarded.
February 7, 2014 9:45 a.m.
slayermetalblade says... #11
trying to build a similar deck, was at an identity crisis thanks for helping me figure it out
February 7, 2014 11:42 a.m.
@vincentgalbo and juliandusett, moving the Thoughtseize to the mainboard probably is my best bet. I will probably drop a Magma Jet or Underworld Connections to make room. I'm not sure what to put into the side board now. I own 2 Duress and have a couple Pithing Needle and Ratchet Bomb so maybe them.
slayermetalblade, I hope the deck works out for you.
February 7, 2014 11:55 a.m.
I've got just one question! EXPLOSIONS?! This deck description has TOO MANY SYLLABLES! APOLOGIZE!!
February 7, 2014 11:56 a.m.
CocoCrispy1337 says... #15
Born of the Gods swag! dat temple though so young! lol
February 8, 2014 12:16 a.m.
Stone_Munkee says... #17
Biggest issue I see is, you have 24 dual-lands, and only 2 ways to get rid of Burning Earth which could cause you some problems if it's dropped on target
February 8, 2014 10:33 p.m.
@Stone_Munkee, Burning Earth could be an issue. Should I throw in another Slaughter Games or 2? I'm not sure what else I could do to combat it
February 8, 2014 10:37 p.m.
Stone_Munkee says... #19
I actually didn't even see Slaughter Games in the sideboard tbh. 5 ways to combat it post-board should be plenty
February 8, 2014 11:07 p.m.
@Stone_Munkee, I threw in an extra Revoke Existence . I figure it would be useful anyway with all the Gods and Detention Sphere and such. I had preordered 4 because I was running Azorius control but now I can just use them here.
February 8, 2014 11:13 p.m.
This is close to my red white black control/midrange. I've tested a lot and since you are running white you definitely need Chained to the Rocks and Elspeth. I'd say get rid of the reckoners, they are good but a 1 mana exile is better or even Bile Blight . Next is that you probably don't need the whip. Putting in 1X Assemble the Legion makes things way more fun. I run 4x Slaughter Games in my sideboard because it can't be countered and really messes up your opponent when he is missing 16 win cards. Also for your lands you don't need 4x. Temple of Triumph I'd replace them with swamps and mountains, also probably -2 sacred foundry. I know all the duel colors and scry is amazing but you will have games where you can't afford to shock until turn 5 when blood baron comes out or Obz. I found those 6 were better replaced with swamps and mountains especially since temple of tri. Is only a land. And if you do run Chained to the Rocks you will need mountains. Next is id do 4 desecration demons that way your opponent will waste his kill spells so you can protect your plains walkers and obz. Elspeth needs to be in here because she is too amazing not to be and you probably plan on winning late in the game anyways. With key runes you will get her out fast! I hope I can help a little and didn't just waste your time haha. Good luck +1 for brilliance!
February 10, 2014 11:43 p.m.
rufio1406, thank you for all the advice. I haven't picked up any Sacred Foundry yet so I can actually just cut the order down to 2 when I do in a couple days, waiting on my tax return for them. With the extra money I can pick up 2 Elspeth. I had 2 but traded them away last week since I was originally running this as Rakdos midrange but it didn't look to have as many answers as I wanted. The Whip of Erebos I mainly threw in since I haven;t had the chance to playtest this much yet and when I did it never came up anyway and have been looking for a replacement. I have actually been thinking about Chained to the Rocks a ton. How many of those would you suggest? Again thank you for the advice.
February 10, 2014 11:48 p.m.
I am trying 3 right now but might go 4 the reason for this is that it is a 1 cost exile. Take care of gods when they become active. And if it get destroyed so be it it was only 1 mana haha. I personally like more control than creatures but that's just me haha. Plus there is no greater feeling than seeing the look in your opponents face when you exile his win condition. The other reason I love it is the new everyone plays RG monsters deck. If they turn 3 mana ramp a big guy all you have to do is chain it then launch an ass rape Anger of the Gods explosion and the game is yours haha. I'm kinda that ahole who likes to watch people's expression when you dominate them. Oh one more thing I have in my deck is Merciless Eviction i run 1 main board and this card has done me so much good. Also I'd main board Boros Charm not only does it save your creatures but it saves your enchantments. Plus a double strike blood baron for 8 life gain really helps at that point in the game.
February 11, 2014 12:11 a.m.
Oh another note, if you do run mogis you could replace 2 Desecration Demon with 2 Rakdos, Lord of Riots I tried this out and it is funny but really situational but then again chandra and obzedat can poop him out too. I personally don't run Mogis, God of Slaughter anymore. But thought I'd remind your of Rakdos, Lord of Riots because he is a funny card
February 11, 2014 12:15 a.m.
rufio1406, should i switch out the Warleader's Helix for the Boros Charm do you think? It's a great card and all but I am not sure what else is really droppable at this point. I'm an ex control player so having tons of creatures has never really been my thing. I tried an aggro deck last week for FNM and I did not enjoy it much.
vincentgalbo says... #1
-1 Rakdos's Return + 1 Swamp
-2 Magma Jet + 2 Hero's Downfall
-2 Dreadbore + 2 Bile Blight
February 6, 2014 5:09 p.m.