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Just let them rip each other to pieces! 2.0

Commander / EDH Blink BR (Rakdos) Curse Sacrifice




Why bother doing all that tedious attacking yourself? Just play Kardur and your opponents will be forced to rip each other to pieces!

This version of the Kardur deck is based on this one by EDH Jank Center on YouTube! https://www.archidekt.com/decks/2996610/kardur_doomscourge

Ok I made lots of changes! I tried to simplify the deck down to doing only a few specific things: card draw, curses, and blinking ETBs. Very excited by the addition of Xantcha, Sleeper Agent, I think it's going to be very interesting to see how it plays! Blinking Anathemancer and Fanatic of Mogis is gonna be awesome, too. My playtests have gone pretty smoothly all things considered. Sometimes it still bricks and I've got nothing to play, but that's much less often.

Let me know what you think of the substitutions! Any suggestions you might have would be amazing! I'm going to keep tinkering and playtesting for a little while before getting the new cards!


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Ok I've played about 5 games with this deck so far and I have thoughts!

Early/mid game this deck is SO FUN!!! As I put it to a friend yesterday, this deck allows me to act like a maniacal overlord...until I get stabbed like Caesar in the late game when its just 1v1! I got second place 4/5 games, the last game I was killed first. Puppetmastered too close to the sun, I guess.

It seems like this deck needs finishing potential on the surface, but my first instinct is to add more blink. In that last game, the very first turn I couldnt blink Kardur was the beginning of the end for me, I just couldnt recover. I have some very good finisher cards, like Captive Audience, I just need to get there with enough mana and resources. So draw and ramp should also be a priority. I played against a group hug deck that drew me so many extra cards that I just wont have in other games.

There were a few creatures that when I drew I just never wanted to play, like Brash Taunter. It is so heavily costed I always wanted to use the mana for something else. And, I also never wanted to use a boardwipe because I never had much of a board and getting rid of what little I had felt really detrimental. In which case maybe I just need more graveyard recursion? Idk. Definitely I need some really good ETBs that I can blink in the late game instead of Kardur. So many of my cards are passive waiting for opponents to meet certain conditions that...just never happened. For instance, all day yesterday, over three games, an attacking creature died exactly once. Not good!

So should I get rid of my boardwipes? I cant right??? Id love to run more curses they are so fun! Id love some suggestions for what creatures to swap out! How do I fit more card draw/ramp in here also?! I would so appreciate any help and advice!!!!!!!!


93% Casual


Date added 5 months
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 1 Mythic Rares

26 - 13 Rares

17 - 10 Uncommons

27 - 2 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.47
Tokens Copy Clone, Elemental 1/1 R, Food, Goblin 1/1 R for Goblin Spymaster, Gold, Myr 1/1 C, On an Adventure, Rat 1/1 B, Rat Rogue 1/1 B, The Monarch, Treasure, Wicked, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Decks to tryt, Cool decks
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