Just Stay Dead (Saffi cEDH)
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 321 | 204 COMMENTS | 77519 VIEWS | IN 139 FOLDERS
Cheers for the feedback.
As long as I can get a sac outlet, if I can draw either piece I can still go into combo. But yeah, its all reliant on the deck drawing a sac outlet. And since I only have 4 "combo" outlets I'm still wary.
I have considered running more but they just feel like such a dead draw 99% of the time. I'll tell you what though, the second they release a green Viscera Seer I will be in heaven.
My playgroup abides by the new rules (stupid as they are) so Oblation is much weaker however I have to say I do like the instant speed that it gives. I am on the fence about it though, I'm not a fan of giving my opponents cards.
I do like Grasp of Fate, it does look very powerful. I'll stick it on the maybe board for now.
November 10, 2015 4:14 a.m.
If it's something you're on the fence about, it might not be worth it. It works really well for me because of the utility provided by Ghave, Guru of Spores, but that's something you may be lacking. You have a very strong deck as is, and Boonweaver Giant is not the most mana efficient combo. Including it may remove some necessary utility or more efficient cards.
November 10, 2015 4:23 a.m.
I personally wouldn't advise running Boonweaver combo here, simply because so many of the key cards that make the combo so brutally efficient like Buried Alive, Victimize, and, of course, Viscera Seer itself aren't available to you. Your current combo shell seems more than adequate without trying to force a less efficient version of Boonweaver.
November 23, 2015 5:05 p.m.
NarejED: Yeah, I've looked at the combo but it's just too hard to make work in the build. The biggest issue the deck runs into is getting a sac outlet down and Boonweaver Giant doesn't help with that. I recently added Tooth and Nail (it was banned in the league I play in but there is some down time at the moment) which I think helps the dck much better o nthe whole than just adding another combo.
But yeah, if they ever released a function reprint of Viscera Seer in great that would be amazing. I used to run Gobbling Ooze in a much older version of the deck but it's just not the same.
November 23, 2015 7:14 p.m.
Well, I don't know a whole lot about but boy do I love reanimator. After just an initial glance:
Duplicant: I know you already run Archon of Justice, but removal on a reanimatable creature is good. Plus it deals with Iona.
Sword of Light and Shadow grants protection from removal, can be returned with Sun Titan and is another was to get stuff back from the grave.
I don't know, I'll check back later.
February 17, 2016 12:16 p.m.
I've tossed and turned about running Duplicant before. I like it, but I just worry that it's too mana intensive. Luckily nobody runs Iona, Shield of Emeria otherwise I could run into some issues. That being said though, I do run Beast Within which can hit her if white is named, though tutoring the card is slightly harder.
Sword of Light and Shadow is interesting. The pro white might be a problem though as I cant target the creature with Saffi's ability. But I will look more into it.
February 17, 2016 8:31 p.m.
What a nice build and I really like the art of Saffi Eriksdotter!
An upvote and kudos. Seems solid and fatal playing against this.
One things that I am curious about:
I don't see any spells that can lock down a commander from your opponent. I had great results using these in the past. Cards like : Song of the Dryads or Darksteel Mutation
February 20, 2016 4:14 a.m.
PartyJ: Cheers, it took me a while to find an artwork that I liked but I was super happy when I cam across that one. I'm currently looking at doing an alternate for Damia, Sage of Stone and I have probably looked at 4000+ different artworks. Still going too T_T
As for Darksteel Mutation and Song of the Dryads, typically I prefer to starve players out of their commanders using commander tax or to combo out underneath everyone. I also run a lot of ramp so I can play all of my combo pieces in one turn which means I'm less of a threat and more left alone. In some ways, I'm ok with people playing their commanders if it takes the heat off me and provides an opening.
February 20, 2016 7:09 p.m. Edited.
Matrixxx999 says... #10
Have you considered these cards:
- Wall of Blossoms - can be a good additon, or can replace Elvish Visionary
- Azusa, Lost but Seeking - great card for more speed
- Mox Diamond - speed and mana fixing
- Grasp of Fate - very good spot removal
- Mirari's Wake - anthem and doubler in one card
- Academy Rector - with all sac outlets could be very useful
- Aura Shards - you have a lot of creature-based combos, so it could be good in your deck
March 5, 2016 6:13 a.m.
Matrixxx999: Cheers for the feedback and the upvote. As for the suggested cards:
I prefer Elvish Visionary in the deck as it natively dies to Skullclamp and can also attack (which can be relevant with Cathars' Crusade).
Azusa, Lost but Seeking definitely provides powerful ramp, however I prefer Oracle of Mul Daya because even though she costs more and ramps less, she provides card advantage, which is much more relevant to me since I dont have access to blue.
I like Mox Diamond, but I think I would prefer another one drop mana dork as they have synergy with Survival of the Fittest late game and both would provide me with turn two three mana.
Grasp of Fate has been recommended before and I quite like it. I'm not sure what I would take out for it but I will put it back on the maybe board.
I used to run Mirari's Wake bit found it to be too slow and fragile. You would waste an entire turn playing it just to have it removed. And the impact it provided wasn't all that much.
Academy Rector is one of those ones that I would be running on a heartbeat if I ran the Boonweaver Giant/Pattern of Rebirth combo and Martyr's Cause. My problem with it is that at the moment though, I don't run enough enchantments to warrant running her, though I do have to admit that getting Survival of the Fittest could be very nice. I'll have a think about this one.
I used to run Aura Shards but took it out for Nature's Claim. I much prefer claim as it is cheaper, draws less hate and doesn't require me to play a creature. Technically shard provides more repeatable removal, however in playtesting I found claim to be the better card.
Cheers for the suggestions though, if you have any more then feel free to keep them coming in :D
March 5, 2016 3:55 p.m. Edited.
DiamondFlavor says... #12
I came here to check out your build. I didn't read all the updates, so forgive me if I mention anything that's already been turned over a few times. We run very similar lists, with a few differences presumably due to personal style and meta. I'll give some suggestions and I won't be offended if you reject them all!
Angel of Glory's Rise is ridiculous. I could rave about it in Saffi but I'll try to be concise. It's a less common card in EDH than Lark, Guide, or Sun Titan, so people occasionally underestimate it or don't understand what it does until it's too late. Not only does it loop with Saffi (and Fiend Hunter), but it nets a ton of other high-value guys that you run anyway. It also randomly hoses zombies, which is certainly no reason to include it but is occasionally neat.
Academy Rector is worth inclusion, I think. It's such a powerful effect and so easy to activate in this deck. What sold me on it (and Idyllic Tutor) really is more tutors for sac outlets. And it doesn't have to be Martyr's Cause: Fanatical Devotion gives you some flex with board wipes and spot removal. Greater Good is ridiculous. Don't be afraid of the discard: you're usually going to be feeding Sun Titan or Lark too it, which nets you cards and pitches the things you want in the yard for Lark anyway. I've actually found Perilous Forays to be really solid too. Obviously the kills it as a combo outlet, but it gives you some options until you get there. I may not run it without the Rector in the deck though.
Pattern of Rebirth is also crazy. I never mind seeing it. We run a ton of creatures, many of them early game goons that are expendable. My favorite tech is putting it Dryad Arbor and feeding it to Knight of the Reliquary.
Altar of Bone is a little-known card that is tailored specifically to Saffi's needs. While typically "strictly worse" than Eladamri's Call, the sacrifice is a huge boon when its handy to kill something off (Academy Rector, Archon of Justice, anything worth recurring with Saffi). And is good for a tutor.
In that vein, I've never been unhappy to see Life's Legacy in my hand. It's great if you have Saffi and Sun Titan but still need that Blasting Station. I used to run Momentous Fall but I think the cost is worth giving up life gain and instant speed.
I get your point about Mirari's Wake above. I just can't resist running it because it's infuriating to opponents. It makes them deal with that instead of dealing with your combo. And if you drop it turn 3 or 4 and they don't deal you can usually combo off the next turn. Again, it might not be worth it without Academy Rector.
I also get your point about Azusa, and I'm on the fence about her inclusion in my own deck. But there is a lot of good land tech available between fetches, Crucible, Life from the Loam, Knight of the Reliquary, and Sun Titan. They're a bit slow, but I've been enjoying Myriad Landscape, Krosan Verge, and Blighted Woodland in my build. Blighted is definitely the best of the three because it doesn't come in tapped. Looking at your list, I realize I completely forgot about Titania and Crop Rotation. Hmm.
March 11, 2016 7:25 p.m.
Matrixxx999 says... #13
It's hard for me to add something more to the existing suggestions, and your deck looks very solid.
But I will try:
- Scapeshift - Don't know if it helps to your build. But in my tests this card was insane with cards like Lotus cobra, Avenger of Zendikar, Knight of the Reliquary, Crucible of Worlds, Riftstone Portal, Sun Titan and it is absolutely insane with Titania, Protector of Argoth
- Boseiju, Who Shelters All - I don't think it is so needed, but even though your build has not so many sorcery and instant spells, it could be good to have it.
- Cavern of Souls - this one, I think, is more necessary then Boseiju, for Staffi
March 11, 2016 8:36 p.m.
DiamondFlavor/Matrixxx999, sorry it took me so long getting back:
I used to run Angel of Glory's Rise. It's definitely good, but my biggest issue is the mana cost. Seven is a lot for the deck - the only two cards I run which are that expensive are Avenger of Zendikar which gives me a combat out and Tooth and Nail which is Tooth and Nail.
Academy Rector / Idyllic Tutor are both good, but I don't run enough combo based enchantments to warrant it. I know I could include Fanatical Devotion / Martyr's Cause, but I have an issue with both of them as they don't provide a combo win condition. At least with Ashnod's Altar / Phyrexian Altar they provide mana to run into combo. As for Perilous Forays, I used to run it but it's too slow for the current build.
Greater Good kind of goes with the previous point. I could add it to provide very real card advantage, however I run into the issue of creature size. I don't like running lots of big heavy creatures in the deck as they are slow, but it means that the trade off is that they are typically smaller. And most of the creatures with either net loss me cards or only break even. There's also the topic of Pattern of Rebirth - There have been a few discussions about this card, especially in tandem with Boonweaver Giant. My biggest issue is that while it's a cool combo, it needs a repeatable sac outlet. And since I only have 4 of those in the deck, the most important thing to try and find is one of them, not the creature combo loop. So then it comes down to the number of sac outlets versus the ability they provide. And then it comes down to mana cost, balancing the functionality of the deck and a bunch of other stuff. The build is designed to cut down on the number of "conditionally good" cards. So while the deck might be a bit slower and less combo heavy, it makes it more functional overall. I can go further into this if you'd like, but that's a whole other post :P
Altar of Bone is cool and I used to run it, but I much prefer the instant speed of Eladamri's Call. Plus I don't require a creature to be in play first to make it work.
Life's Legacy is cool, I have thought on and off about it. I will add it to the maybe board.
Life from the Loam is good in the right build, but here I think it's too situational.
Scapeshift is really cool with Titania, but my issue with it is that at 4 mana, it's in that awkward spot. Situationally it's really good, but I don't think it's better than the rest of the cards already in the deck.
I don't think Boseiju, Who Shelters All will provide enough value. I would much rather just add Dragonlord Dromoka which gains me life instead :P
Cavern of Souls is interesting. I'm not sure how useful it will be given the wide variety of creature types, however it's definitely worth further thought.
March 13, 2016 9:38 a.m. Edited.
DiamondFlavor says... #15
Well, the thing I like about Greater Good is actually the discard. Unlike the other sac enchantments, it actually does provide a combo win condition because it lets you put as much as your deck into your graveyard as you need.
If you have any of the Saffi loops online, you can just keep feeding the other creature to Greater Good until you have another piece in the yard.
If the other creature is Reveillark, keep filling the yard until you get Karmic Guide, Sun Titan, and a sac artifact. Get Karmic Guide and Saffi with Lark, then Sun Titan with Guide, then the sac artifact with Sun Titan. You also net a card every time so you could just draw into the artifact if you had the mana, which is only or . Alternatively, you can fill your graveyard until you get any of your cantrip creatures for infinite draw without discard, or Acidic Slime to destroy all your opponents non-creature perms, or Wood Elves to put out all your forests which will give you the mana you need for the Blasting Station once you draw it.
It kinda goes the opposite way with Karmic Guide. You have to discard your whole hand, but you will eventually find and discard Reveillark, then use Guide to get Lark and Lark to get Saffi and Guide. You can win as above. Or you loop Archon of Justice infinitely and guarantee victory next turn.
If the other creature is Sun Titan, you net 3 cards every time so you can just draw into the artifact you need. This is the worst combo because you can't eventually expand the loop. But you can sculpt both your hand and graveyard with whatever you like and if you happen to have the mana you can just slam the Blasting Station and win.
But I respect and understand your opinion on all the cards I suggested. The only ones I feel strongly about other than Greater Good are Academy Rector and Pattern of Rebirth. Each of the three justifies running the other two, and while each is arguably situational, they thrive in situations that the deck wants to and is build to create anyway.
March 13, 2016 3:55 p.m.
Eidolon of Blossoms doesn't fit this deck, you don't have enough enchantments to justify it
Beastmaster Ascension is a far greater card since you are mostly running small creatures
March 14, 2016 11:22 a.m.
DiamondFlavor: I hadn't thought about deliberately pitching stuff for reanimation tagets. That's interesting. My biggest issues are a) what happens if your win condition is on the bottom of your deck and b) it only works with 2 out of 4 combo loops. But it's definitely something to think about. I'm always looking for viable sacrifice outlets.
Pattern of Rebirth / Academy Rector seem ok here, but I still don't think they're worth a spot in this build. Putting pattern in the deck would just raise the whole boonweaver combo thing again. And while I get that Academy Rector can get me Greater Good, it feels underwhelming other than that. And I'd have to cut a bunch of deck functionality to make it work. I'll have a bit more of a think though.
Cicjose: Eidolon of Blossoms is actually pretty brutal in the deck. Eidolon was included as a cantrip creature which can work with Reveillark for setting up combo (there are only 3 of these in the deck). But while the enchantment count is low, even just getting one extra card from playing an enchantment is good. Not to mention that with Gift of Immortality on any self sacrifing creature, the card advantage I can generate is disgusting.
The deck mainly focuses on combo, not on turning sideways as a win condition. While I do have cards like Avenger of Zendikar in the deck, these are there to serve multiple purposes. Beastmaster Ascension however only provides a combat outlet, which 9/10 times I am not going to take. It also draws too much hate and can be removed far too easily, instantly nerfing my creatures again. At least with Cathars' Crusade, even if the enchantment is destroyed, the existing buff still remains.
March 14, 2016 8:40 p.m.
DiamondFlavor says... #18
I wouldn't dare advocate Boonweaver Giant shenanigans. That's silly and unnecessary to me. If you want to run a Saffi-less loop, there's already Finks / Shepherd / Primus with Cathars' / Juniper, which have the bonus of all being useful otherwise.
The thing about Pattern of Rebirth is that you can always put it on Saffi and sac her, even if she has to target herself. It's not optimal of course, but it makes Pattern read essentially: ": Search your library for a creature card and put that card onto the battlefield", which is insanely powerful. Especially because you can just grab Sun Titan and get Saffi back. I understand that we need to prioritize finding the sacrifice outlets, but I generally find that interaction too strong to pass up.
And on the note of digging for sacrifice outlets, that's precisely why I think Academy Rector is valuable. Together with Greater Good, he adds essentially two copies of a repeatable sac outlet for CMC . I also like the diversity of having at least one enchantment-based outlet, just in case people are running things like Vandalblast, Into the Core, Fiery Confluence, Scrap Mastery, Creeping Corrosion, Stony Silence, etc. It's rare, but possible. Obviously a meta call though.
Regarding your concerns for Greater Good: it's highly unlikely that all your win conditions would be buried so deeply that it would be a problem. You only need to hit one of them to go off. But beyond that, by pitching other reanimate targets you open up your options. With 'Lark (or Glory's Rise) active, you can eventually reanimate Witness for a pitched Enlightened Tutor. Or if you somehow know the card you want is on the bottom, you can reanimate Wood Elves to shuffle.
But even if your Blasting Station is on the bottom, you can just find Ashnod's Altar, pull that with Sun Titan, and Greater Good until you find a cantrip creature, then Ashnod loop into Blasting Station. Even in the craziest fringe situations, you can loop Witness for Noxious Revival and pay life throw a few cards back into the library so you don't lose to mill.
My point overall is that, while Greater Good itself doesn't read "win", it is such a powerful and versatile engine that if you turn it on, you can almost always find the Blasting Station or another win-on-the-spot piece in the same turn.
March 15, 2016 1:05 p.m.
DiamondFlavor says... #19
What do you think of this? It's our first option for a free, repeatable sac on a creature. But it's also CMC and requires Delirium.
March 15, 2016 1:15 p.m.
I hear what you're saying with Greater Good. It is really strong. I'm not sure though, I've always had hesitations with certain cards and it's one of them (Necropotence is another). I know it's card advantage and I know it's potential combo. I'm not sure though. I've been meaning to get one just to have, maybe I just need to bite the bulet and play test it.
As for Academy Rector, it just feels too situational in the deck. And it would mean cutting a more functional more-of-the-time card for it. And while it can get things like Greater Good and Survival of the Fittest, I think I still just prefer raw card advantage.
Don't get me started on Reaper of Flight Moonsilver. That card makes me cry so very much. It's almost playable. And if it didn't have the delirium requirement it would be in the deck in a flash. I don't even care that it costs 5 mana. It's a REPEATABLE sac outlet on a creature in white/green. I have hoping for this for so long. But that delirium effect T_T. Why? I would have taken a 2/2 for 6 with no delirium and still probably run it...
The thing is (and I have had multiple conversations about this one card), I can easily get 3 card types in the graveyard - Creature, Land and Sorcery. But then I don't know how risky it will be to try and get that 4th type. And the whole thing makes me a sad panda. I think I'm going to keep track of my graveyard from now on to see what it gets full with, and make a call in a little while.
March 15, 2016 8:57 p.m.
DiamondFlavor says... #21
Our thoughts on the Reaper are exactly the same. 5 mana is easily worth it, but the Delirium is likely the deal breaker. However, it might not be either. I too will keep it in mind and will probably playtest the card once it comes out (it will be cents so it's no real loss to try it).
Currently my build may have an easier time enabling Delirium than yours, because I run Hermit Druid, Life from the Loam, and Greater Good. I also run twice the enchantments, but about half the non-permanent spells.
One thing to keep in mind though, if either of us decides that having access to a sac outlet creature, is where we can double-dip card types: Duplicant (for me), Solemn Simulacrum, Eidolon of Blossoms, and Dryad Arbor. Simulacrum and Eidolon seem most likely.
I don't know, like you said it's both temptingly and irritatingly close to a card we really want with Saffi. And I actually think 2 power would be preferably for the interaction with Reveillark. It's power is either infinite or irrelevant.
March 18, 2016 6:30 p.m.
Another card you could consider to help with delirium is Burnished Hart. It has the benefit over Solemn Simulacrum that it actually has an inbuilt sac outlet.
What're your thoughts on the new Sigarda btw?
March 18, 2016 7:29 p.m.
DiamondFlavor says... #23
Regarding the new Sigarda, I feel like the only thing this deck would want from her is the "you have hexproof" bit. I don't think the ability to make tokens is worth exiling from our graveyard, nor do I think our Humans having hexproof is particularly useful. Saffi is really cheap and in the business of dying, and if Unmake gets aimed at one of our creatures it's not going to be her.
As a commander in her own right, I'd have to assess her more carefully. She definitely has some interesting options and a good body for her cost. She's less resilient and intimidating than her original printing, but I have become pretty disenchanted with voltron as a strategy. If the goal is to go wide, then Heron's Grace may have the edge given the token ability. I could possibly see a build that loads up on anthems and token effects and tries to Overrun to victory.
I guess that ultimately I feel like Selesnya has better options for commanders in pretty much every direction. Rhys the Redeemed or Trostani, Selesnya's Voice are better for token builds. Karametra, God of Harvests seemingly has great applications for creature and/or enchantress builds and going full battlecruiser. If you want a controlling, restrictive build then Gaddock Teeg is one of the best commanders that exists. Sigarda, Host of Herons is one of the hardest creatures in the format to remove, hence her popularity as a voltron general. Dragonlord Dromoka provides an interesting/casual cross between Teeg and Host of Herons by disabling your opponents while providing a big threat from the zone. So, honestly, I don't know what kind of deck really wants Heron's Grace at the helm.
All that said, if we're just talking about Heron's Grace as a card, regardless of format or even competitive viability, then I like her a lot. She has a good, unique design that both has its own internal logic but avoids being too niche. The art is cool, the name is awesome, and the flavor of her being the sane angel looking out for the humans comes across without flavor text.
March 19, 2016 4:30 p.m.
DiamondFlavor says... #24
Okay, Shadows over Innistrad might give us some decent cards.
Thoughts on Ulvenwald Hydra, Seasons Past, Ulvenwalk Mysteries, and Angelic Purge?
Ulvenwald Hydra probably costs too much for either of our builds, but the land fetch is nice.
Seasons Past seems lucrative, but would take some playtest. Six mana is steep for a recovery spell, but if used correctly I feel it will always set up a win next turn. Eternal Witness is still better, Greenwarden of Murasa is possibly better as well.
Ulvenwald Mysteries feels so fringe that I almost didn't even mention it. But the ability to draw for for any death seems okay. It is really slow when we're ahead, but could make the difference in a grindy game. The tokens thing is... whatever.
Angelic Purge... flexible, and the sacrifice is usually upside for us. The only problem I see with it is sorcery speed, otherwise I'd put it over (or alongside) Beast Within.
March 24, 2016 2:45 p.m.
DiamondFlavor: Sorry it took so long to respond, busy weekend.
Ulvenwald Hydra is interesting. I'm torn about it as a card. It's more abuseable than Reap and Sow but is also more expensive. I think it warrants some play testing though.
Seasons Past seems good enough but I wouldn't run it here. It's too expensive and at sorcery speed, too slow.
Ulvenwald Mysteries is interesting. It's Fecundity that only affects you, but is also much slower. I'll give it some thought, but I'm a bit on the fence on it. That card draw is real, but I'm just not sure if it's real enough. As for the token thing, I think there is some merit there.
Angelic Purge is not bad. The problem is that as removal, you have to have a permanent you're willing to sac to make it work. So if your board is clear, yo uhave to sac lands, which has the potential to really screw you over. And at sorcery speed, I'm juts not sure if it's worth it.
Still, the two cards I'm the most interested to test from the set in this deck are Reaper of Flight Moonsilver and Ulvenwald Hydra I think. Cryptolith Rite also looks kind of cool...
-Fulcrum says... #1
The only reason I run the Boonweaver combo is because if I happen to draw Pattern of Rebirth, I can put it on any creature - even one of Ghave's tokens - and then sacrifice that creature to Ghave, Guru of Spores. I don't actually need both parts of the combo to get it started. Additionally, I can tutor for Boonweaver and Viscera Seer with Tooth and Nail which allows me to combo more readily. If you think you can reliably sacrifice any creature at any time, then it might be worth it to play the combo.
As for other suggestions, I don't really have much. Unless your group ignores the new rules on tuck, I would replace Oblation with Council's Judgment. As for additional removal, you can play Oblivion Ring, Banishing Light, or the new Grasp of Fate.
Other than that, it seems good. Very detailed and efficient.
November 9, 2015 10:42 p.m.