Just take your deck...and put it over there.
Thanks for the feedback, I have been running Milo for years also! Its so fun to see that look on your opponents face! I haven't tested this since adding Breaking / Entering and I hadn't thought about the Dark Confidant issue there. Also I have felt Deathrite Shaman somewhat underperformed here but im in love with the card haha. Due to your suggestions and this mild problem I dropped it.I replaced Deathrite Shaman with Thought Scour and bob with Sign in Blood .
Again thank you for the feedback! Im on my way to check out your deck now.
January 29, 2014 4:33 p.m.
spentbullets says... #5
Hey, been awhile. Glad to see you're still milling the modern metagame.
How do you deal with decks that side in Leyline of Sanctity , is that what the Oblivion Ring s are for? I'm also curious as to why you sideboard O-Ring instead of Detention Sphere . Is it because it's easier to cast in a vacuum?
It's been a really long time since I last played modern, but I've been thinking of testing Bitter Ordeal as a two-of. Exiling up to 14 cards of my own choosing from a library for 2B after a free Archive Trap seems utterly backbreaking.
May 9, 2014 1:19 p.m.
This tears up my modern meta because I only take it once every few months. If I took it more than that people would board in way too much mill hate for this build to handle. I chose o-ring over d-sphere because it's less mana intensive so it's easier to cast and its there to handle things like Glistener Elf and Wild Nacatl and walkers that get out of hand when unchecked. And if faced with a Leyline, o-ring would definatly take care of that!
As forBitter Ordeal I prefer Surgical Extraction over it because you get all copies of the card for no mana. Also look at Extirpate in this slot. You dont have the option of tapping out for a Glimpse the Unthinkable on t2 and then paying 2 life to permanently get rid of a threat, but the trade is it can't be responded to in any way.
May 9, 2014 4:45 p.m.
Nightstlkr says... #7
get Banishing Light over the o-ring incase you get in the weird infinite loop from oring. its rare but you should be prepped for it
May 10, 2014 7:28 p.m.
I like ring over light just because the chance for a permanent removal.
May 10, 2014 9:10 p.m.
Nightstlkr says... #9
oring and b light are the same cards except: 1. light cant hit your own spells, and 2. it doesnt loop for games being draws; other then that its the same card
May 12, 2014 1:52 p.m.
@ Nightstlkr: You forgot 3. You can disenchant your own O-Ring to exile a permanent for the rest of the game if its first ability is on the stack. No such shenanigans with b light.
May 16, 2014 10:49 p.m.
Granted I don't run a way to do that in this deck, I like o-ring over b-light all the same.
May 17, 2014 6:58 a.m.
Yeah true. O-Ring is a classic. Nice mill deck by the way, I especially like Path to Exile + Archive Trap . Upvoted.
May 17, 2014 10:32 a.m.
Thanks man. Modern runs a lot of fetch lands. and that combined with paths and Ghost Quarter s I have a lot of opportunities to cast trap for free. And all the grabbing lands out of the opponent decks makes Mind Grind s huge. They're consistently 10+ in this build, occasionally they are only 4 lol. That's frustrating when that happens!
May 17, 2014 5:06 p.m.
spentbullets says... #15
Amen to that.
You already know this, but Surgical Extraction on fetchlands makes those Mind Funeral s even more vicious.
May 17, 2014 11:48 p.m.
I tried this deck yesterday on a modern event featuring 35 players. I only made some changes since it was a "casual" moder event, and I just wanted to test it. I did not have time to test it so the five matches i played during the event is the five matches i have played it.
I did not know the meta at the event, but I made the following changes.
Out: 3 Oblivion Ring In: 3 Crypt Incursion
Out: Thought Scour In: Oboro, Palace in the Clouds
I went 3-2 and only lost the two last games against Tron. I am new to modern and didn't really know this deck as my local player who uses it is not that good. But it is a hard matchup.
Oboro, Palace in the Clouds is really cute with Hedron Crab and makes the crab removed faster than you can say removal.
Crypt Incursion won me one game against Boggle and one game against Affinity. I found it very good against agro decks to stay in the game.
Trapmaker's Snare ended up sided out as they really got wary of fetching in game two.
It was a really fun deck, and it brought some smiles to the other players as well. And no one had any sideboard against it. Other than Tron that plays mainboard hate.
June 22, 2014 10:25 a.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #18
I'd personally cut a land for Oboro, Palace in the Clouds as a 1-of, then find space for a maindeck Crypt Incursion . It could be that my meta is full of Merfolk and Affinity, but even against the Twin builds gaining 12-45 life in a game is enough to stall for the win if you're not using Darkness . I also am a big advocate of using more Thought Scour since on turn 1 you can break their combo if you get lucky with a Thought Scour milling a combo peice then paying life with an Extraction. I've never been a big fan of the Trapmaker's Snare , mostly due to facing a bunch of decks that normally don't search their library ever (i.e.- Merfolk, mono-white hatebears, Affinity, budget decks without fetches, green ramp decks, all of these I've faced in my local meta).
It's my opinion that mill is super great vs a combo-deck metagame (I've almost never lost vs Pod!), but if everyone's on the aggro train, it's tough to win which is why I don't break it out much nowadays.
June 23, 2014 8:11 a.m.
Great ideas man! I've too been having hard thoughts around competitive mofern-format-mill and after consulting a friend he gave me an idea of BUG-Mill with tarmos and other bad stuff. Your deck looks nice, thou if I think it in our local mtg-meta it would not be that powered. Our meta is filled with Americans, Junds and not that many combos - Living end I've seen once, but not played against. I'd see more control - thoughtseizes/i.o.kozileks in this deck to empower control or if it comes to blue maybe remands, cause the cantrip.
July 20, 2014 7:59 p.m.
I'd take two Mind funerals out, cause them flooding in pregame is quite bad and I actually see them most powerful around turn 5 and after. Also i would take out Enterings to fill in control cards. Because of W in mana I would consider Hindering Light as sideboard option. Absolute counter and draw - not bad.
July 20, 2014 8:07 p.m.
I love this, lol.
You literally win in one turn if you JUST SO HAPPEN to draw all four of your Archive Trap and a Path to Exile with the respectable Plains to go with it.
August 16, 2014 6:50 p.m.
Lol I have won on turn 0 before. I was playing against a Splinter Twin deck. My opening hand had 4 traps and I was on the draw. He t1 Misty Rainforest and cracked it off for a Steam Vents . I 4x archive trapped him. 60 minus his hand of 7= 53 minus the land he pulled out of the deck with misty rainforest =52. 4x archive traps = mill 52 lol gg's
August 16, 2014 9:37 p.m.
ZwiebelRoyal says... #23
asaxgod, "always" is a great word for a "you may search" card. If your opponent knows the combo, he just won't search. So in every game, after the opponent saw Archive Trap it is presumably to cast it for 3uu.
Visions of Beyond is great for this deck but only if you can use the 3 draw. A 1 draw is in my eyes more like a waste of mana. At its best, you play it with something that can e.g. counter gravehate cards.
Crypt Incursion is a damn nice card. My expirience is, it will be effective and makes you live longer. In case you draw 2 it is just a dead card for many turns.
This deck seems to be very fast. I like it for its mana curve!
August 19, 2014 11:28 a.m.
With the ghost quarters taking out their mana they will eventually have to search. I haven't played a game where the opponent didn't search for some reason. Even if they knew I ran traps they have to take the risk eventually.
I hold onto visions until it draws 3. If there aren't 20 cards in a yard i use thought scour. And yes crypt incursion is bombtastic. Helps a lot against zoo decks
August 19, 2014 12:52 p.m.
ZwiebelRoyal says... #25
May be Ravenous Trap is right here?
Instant speed means the right time for Visions of Beyond if you play against a Emrakul, the Aeons Torn .
GeminiSpartanX says... #1
I really don't like the combination of Dark Confidant and Breaking / Entering in the same deck. It will hit yourself for 8. Archive Trap in there doesn't make it much better either. I do agree that nobody expects a mill deck in modern, so they don't really side against it. I'd add a number of Thought Scour s instead, or run maindeck hand disruption like Inquisition of Kozilek . You may also want some enchant hate in the SB, just in case anyone catches onto you and starts using Leyline of Sanctity . And this may be just me, but devoting 3 spots to deathrite shaman just for the chance of mana acceleration seems a bit much, since you don't have the mana to use his lifegain ability and the -2 life for your opponents doesn't fit the wincon of your deck. Have you tested it against Affinity and Infect yet? Darkness gives a mill deck like this game against those ridiculously fast aggro/infect wins.
Check out my deck- Modern Milling Machine
I've been playtesting this version of mill now for over a year, and it still has game against most of the top-tier decks out there. Tron and Infect are the hardest matchups, but can be beaten. Hope this helps you!
January 29, 2014 3:12 p.m.