Just take your deck...and put it over there.

Modern* asaxgod


asaxgod says... #1

Surgical Extraction can handle emrakul game 1 and Rest in Peace is an all star against it from then out. That is a neat card though. I've never heard of it before lol

August 19, 2014 4:46 p.m.

GeminiSpartanX says... #2

I really dislike Rest in Peace in a deck that tries to use both Snapcaster Mage as well as Surgical Extraction . I've found that I really love Tormod's Crypt against Tron (our worst matchup imo), since you can extract a tron land while still having an out to a milled eldrazi. Not to mention that you lose no tempo when casting it.

Also Shelldock Isle . It WILL give you the win a turn faster once you start using it in practice. Also helps against decks that abuse black discard.

August 20, 2014 7:59 a.m.

IRtoTiiLi says... #3

Tron, Merfolk, BG Rock and UWR are quite difficult matchups for this deck 'cause no controlspells. I tried to run full-mill focused deck in a pair of tournaments and ended up losing all the matches. Game 1 is quite strong, with this plan but game 2 and 3 are more difficult.

August 21, 2014 4:58 p.m.

asaxgod says... #4

I had tormods crypt in that slot before and decided rest in peace was better for a reason I can't think of now. Right now im seeing crypt is exponentially better and I dont know why I went with R.I.P. As for shellsock isle I have playtested it and wasn't happy with it simply because it comes into play tapped. But thanks for the help!

August 25, 2014 10:05 p.m.

WildWestWIld says... #5

Love it

August 27, 2014 5:29 p.m.

asaxgod says... #6

Thanks :) any suggestions?

August 27, 2014 7:15 p.m.

GeminiSpartanX says... #7

@ IRtoTiiLi- If you're having trouble with the Merfolk matchup, Ensnaring Bridge is the answer. They just can't get rid of it unless they're running some sort of Boomerang -type card. Tron is the toughest matchup, but I've never had a problem with UWR decks or B/G rock decks. Rock can be a little more problematic, but if you extract the correct threats they have a tough time closing out the game. Saving your Ghost Quarter s for their manlands is key too. Also remember to side out Archive Trap against mono-colored decks.

asaxgod- Since you have Trapmaker's Snare in the MD, why not use Ravenous Trap as your gravehate card in the SB? It'd trigger for free after any mill spell aside from Thought Scour . I only use Tormod's because I can't fit in Trapmaker's Snare in my list.

August 28, 2014 7:46 a.m.

The_Last_Laugh says... #8

I like your deck, but why Hurkyl's Recall ?

September 7, 2014 6:47 p.m.

asaxgod says... #9

Against affinity. Been thinking about replacing it with Kataki, War's Wage .

September 7, 2014 8:43 p.m.

wwhitegoldd says... #10

Lol +1

September 20, 2014 10:41 p.m.

Wallace says... #11

Curious if running Flooded Strand hurts at all?

September 29, 2014 1:10 a.m.

asaxgod says... #12

I would love to run more fetches for fueling crab but then we run into the main issue of mill. The problem is with a mill deck, you don't do much in terms of pressuring your opponent on board/life total so they are nearly free to hit you. And they will, a lot. So with mill you want to have the mana base be as painless as possible while still being effective. That's why I only run 4 fetches.

September 29, 2014 9:26 a.m.

celestite4 says... #13

I think Mesmeric Orb deserves a spot in here. I see it in so few mill decks, but since it mills for every permanent (including lands), it can mill for quite a lot. Also, the self mill shouldn't be a problem, since you're going to mill the opponent faster than you're going to mill yourself. Also, the self mill adds to Snapcaster Mage's toolbox in the graveyard.

November 11, 2014 8:33 p.m.

Wallace says... #14

I side in Rest in Peace for Snapcaster. It's keeps mindslaver lock and gift decks that recycle tossed choices locked out. Less people sideboard enchantment hate then artifact hate, it's a more permanent answer to goyfs also. But that's a meta thing in my opinion

November 19, 2014 11:25 p.m.

Wallace says... #15

So, asaxgod how would you deal with Chalice of the Void or Leyline of Sanctity? They drop void x being 2 and half the deck becomes useless.

December 3, 2014 1:07 p.m.

spentbullets says... #16

glad to see the mill's alive and well. since the fetch reprint I've been able to secure enough mana fixing to upgrade my old UB turbo mill deck into a 3-color version for Path.

the list I threw together is very similar to yours, but I'm only running 3 Breaking and I took out the Visions of Beyond. in their place I'm main decking 2 Mesmeric Orb and 2 Dig Through Time (I'd like another pair of Digs for the sideboard).

don't get me wrong, Visions is unparalled when it's online but I've suffered too many games where I've either a) been forced to cast Visions with just under 20 cards in my opponent's library, or b) drawn into 3 straight lands, much to my chagrin (and usually my defeat as well). I think Dig Through Time has potential as a replacement for Visions of Beyond--at the expense of a reduced return on investment, you gain the advantage of digging 7 deep for those last 2 mill spells you need to close out the game. the Mesmeric Orbs can help feed the yard to power Dig's delve cost, as well as chip away at your opponent's library.


December 11, 2014 12:38 a.m.

IRtoTiiLi says... #17

I used to run 4x remand in my UB Mill in modern. It's quite good in any match up exept burn and with snapcasters quite good too. I would run Rest in Piece x3 in sideboard cause nowadays meta and power of digs ant cruises and other bad things. Thou in that build quite many interactions with grave, so should consider deck other way if RIPs included so not straight included in this deck, it's quite powerful thou and cause white Stony Silence also sideboard option. I think mill in quite undoable nowadays cause cruises and digs thou.

January 10, 2015 7:34 p.m.

Wallace says... #18

Running this at FNM tonight. No Mesmeric Orb or tho way to slow imo. Main board 2 Spellskite because Spellskite. Siding a new card that's redic. 4 Jace's Phantasm game two they board out removal and get reckless with their life you slam that puppy down and it's a 3-4 turn clock on a mission.

February 27, 2015 7:16 p.m.

asaxgod says... #19

I like the suprize phantasm. Howd fnm go Wallace

March 2, 2015 10:21 p.m.

Wallace says... #20

It straight wrecks house its so wonderful I couldn't ask for any more value

April 9, 2015 12:20 a.m.

trixster87 says... #21

I'd suggest Detention Sphere instead of the o-ring. It does the same thing but can get all copies of the target creature instead of one.

June 29, 2015 5:37 p.m.

trixster87 says... #22

Also our decks are pretty similar. If you want check mine out:

I regularly play against twin, tron, merfolk, abzan, and dredge. The matches are always close (<10 cards left).

June 29, 2015 5:39 p.m.

Frostbane says... #23

This is perhaps my favorite deck, but it can sadly not be played all that often. Its extremely easy to hate. If I bring it to our weekly modern event two weeks in a row, suddenly everyone has an Emrakul in the sideboard. Have not played it since May. Wondering how it fits into the "new meta" with Jund, Amulet and Infect. I can imagine that an infect-player with a decent hand doesn't really need to draw. A well placed path will fix everything tho'

Like postboard Phantasm.

September 27, 2015 4:03 p.m.

Wallace says... #24

Because of Surgical Extraction's wording, and the way Emurkal is worded its ability goes on the stack once it's in the graveyard, so you can extract it and continue on, it's annoying but doesn't fully shut us down. Running the Trap that exiles their yard, or Tormod's Crypt in side handles it crazy good.

September 27, 2015 6:32 p.m.

Frostbane says... #25

I did know how Surgical Extraction worked, but its a good point that you can exile their graveyard before Emrakuls ability does its nasty deed.

So you mill Emrakul to GY. Emrakuls ability trigger and goes on stack, in response to the trigger you you activate Tormod's Crypt. Right? That way you exile all of the cards in the graveyard including Emrakul.

October 1, 2015 4:28 a.m.

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