An U/R combo deck that utilizes blue dig spells to conjure up one or more Pyromancer Ascensions. These will come online by the cheap blue spells, and then, with a Time Warp and a couple of Call to Minds (or spells that can dig for them), infinite turns are unlocked.
With these infinite turns, you can slowly burn down your opponent, using the same tools to regain Lightning Bolt.
I've gained some win-con inspiration from this decklist, though I feel that they are adequately different, that this is "my own" deck.
The sideboard is geared towards anti-deck-hate (Slaughtergames, etc.), as that is quite possibly the most dangerous thing to the deck.
Different copies of burn spells ensure that I, post sideboard, do not lose to a Memoricide naming Lightning Bolt, whilst I'm sitting on 3 online Pyromancer Ascensions.
Also against fast aggro decks is the Rest for the Weary for that important lifegain, plus
as a cheap boardwipe, as well as an alternate win-con.