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Justice League - Witch-Maw EDH

Commander / EDH Superfriends




Creature (1)

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Where does the Multiverses most powerful beings go when he needs help? What does the Architect of Thought do when his mind has been shattered? Who has the Lord of Innistrad's back when hes facing extinction-level events?

Greater than the sum of their awe-inspiring parts, the Justice League handles threats too massive for any single hero. Made up of the Multiverses greatest Planeswalkers, their membership inflates and contracts around each new threat, but the core line-up is known as the Big Seven: Karn Liberated, the powerful first -- and, so far as is known, only -- artificial Planeswalker; Sorin Markov, able to drain the lifeforce of other beings, place curses on enemies, and even possess the minds of others; Garruk Wildspeaker, natures greatest hunter and warrior; Elspeth Tirel, the White Magic user who bolsters and protects, but is not afraid to purify a bitch; The Mentor of Heroes Ajani Goldmane; Kiora, the Crashing Wave, Queen of the Spreading Seas; and Jace Beleren master of mind reading, illusionism and memory modification.

An A-team of crusaders with a superpowered bench deep enough to handle any would-be foe, these heroes are all still very human at heart, plagued with the flaws that haunt any of us.

This deck is still in prototype and needs recommendations.


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