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This home brew deck was created with Thing in the Ice   as its primary win condition. However, if you don't draw into Thing in the Ice early, there are alternative win conditions. Myth Realized can be a secondary win condition and I've also won many games simply with burn spells and Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  's rummage ability and the "flashback" effect on his flip side. While this isn't necessarily a budget deck, I've tried to keep costs low while still keeping it as competitive as I could for the price tag. I play this deck a lot and it's honestly among one of the most enjoyable Magic decks I've ever played. It's enjoyable to play because it's versatile in the way it responds to threats and can win in several ways.

Creatures/Win Conditions

Thing in the Ice   - The Primary win condition of this deck. This deck has the potential flip it into Awoken Horror   on 3, although turn 4 flips are more common. Give it double strike after it flips for 14 damage to close out the game.

Jace, Vryn's Prodigy   - Jace's rummage effect is great for drawing into Thing in the Ice or more control spells, and after he flips I prefer to use his -3 to get more use out of my instant and sorcery spells. This can win you the game through burn alone.

Myth Realizedfoil icon - Because it is not a creature most of the time, it doesn't fall victim to Path, Doomblade, Lightning Bolt, etc as easily and it plays well with the instants and sorceries in this deck.


Spell Pierce - Protecting your board presence from removal.

Lightning Bolt - A classic staple in Modern. for 3 damage is too good to not include.

Lightning Helix - Deals 3 damage to a creature or player and gives you 3 life. This can help replenish the life lost from paying for shock lands and Phyrexian mana.

Path to Exile - One of the most broken control cards ever printed. For you can exile your opponent's win condition at instant speed.

Magma Jet - Decent removal/burn, but more importantly sets up your top draw because of the scry 2, which is amazing in a three color deck.

Boros Charm - Offers versatility; can save Awoken Horror from certain annihilation at the hands of Go For the Throat or Doom Blade by making it indestructible until end of turn. It can also give it double strike or deal 4 damage to your opponent to help finish them off.

Serum Visionsfoil icon - Gives card advantage and can help you get to Thing in the Ice or more burn spells more quickly.

Mana Leak - Countering any removal or win conditions.

Electrolyze - Versatile damage and refunds itself.

The Sideboard

Anger of the Gods - For the aggro match-up, stops goblins, slivers, etc.

Dispel - For the mirror match (or against other control heavy match-ups). Can stop Path, Surgical Extraction, Go For the Throat, Doom Blade, etc.

Monastery Swiftspear - Switch in for Myth Realized and this deck plays similarly to burn.

Spell Queller - Used in the control match up. It's the only way to get around Abrupt Decay or Supreme Verdict in this deck. Can also stop combo pieces.

Wear / Tear - For Tron and Affinity.

Example Play Order

Turn 1: Myth Realizedfoil icon

Turn 2: Play Thing in the Ice   .

Turn 3: Start casting instants and sorceries to remove ice counters from Thing in the Ice   and place lore counters on Myth Realizedfoil icon. Flip Thing in the Ice on either turn 3 or turn 4 and then make Myth Realized into a creature and attack with both. If possible, try casting Boros Charm as the last spell that you need to flip Thing and giving it double strike, which gives you 14 damage. I've done this as early as turn 3 in some games. You can probably get your opponent's life the rest of the way to 0 with burn spells such as Magma Jet, Boros Charm, or Lightning Bolt.


Turn 1: Monastery Swiftspear

Turn 2: Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  

Turn 3+: Play the burn game with Magma Jet , Electrolyze, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Helix, and Boros Charm with Jace, Telepath Unbound  's -3 for "flashback" and abuse Monastery Swiftspear's prowess ability for the win.

If you choose to build this deck, it's really up to you what you want to run with Thing in the Ice. As I said before, it's a flexible enough deck to provide consistency and the ability to respond to various threats. Thank you for viewing. Any advice is appreciated and upvotes are always nice for exposure, as well.


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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #13 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 5 Rares

21 - 7 Uncommons

6 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.61
Tokens Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
Folders Modern Deck Ideas, Deck Ideas, Favorites, Modern, Stuff, decks i want, Mordern Ideas, Decks, Modern - Thing Variants, Modern
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