
Commander / EDH alwaysgw


Gazwsx says... #1

April 1, 2013 12:43 a.m.

If your play group has nothing against infect Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon is great and Adarkar Valkyrie for more recursion is nice. oh and Moonveil Dragon should be a must all creatures breathe fire

April 1, 2013 12:50 a.m.

alwaysgw says... #3

Moat will find a place. I feel Skittles is a bit weak compared to other threats. Adarkar Valkyrie will find a place. Moonveil Dragon was a fence card for me. Do either of you have recommendations for what to take out in these cards' stead? Additionally, I'd like to use some more hand shred such as Despise , Inquisition of Kozilek etc.

April 1, 2013 1:09 a.m.

warofgnomes4 says... #4

Belbe's Portal is almost another Quicksilver Amulet and maybe Angelic Arbiter . You need Aurelia, the Warleader because she is awesome and Sigarda, Host of Herons is very good with Avacyn, Angel of Hope , oh Reya Dawnbringer is a bomb and you could run it instead of Unburial Rites . Angelic Curator is nice defense against artifacts also you should run Terminus instead of Hallowed Burial . Sorry its all angels I collect them and they are all of those creature types I know.

April 1, 2013 1:19 a.m.

if you don't mind paying 6 mana Warstorm Surge gets job done quickly and discard has Hymn to Tourach and Mind Twist

April 1, 2013 1:43 a.m.

alwaysgw says... #6

Sigarda = greenHymn to Tourach goes in. Rakdos's Return is my Mind Twist .

April 1, 2013 2:12 a.m.

Replace Rakdos the Defiler with Rakdos, Lord of Riots . His casting condition doesn't apply if Kaalia cheats him in, he makes your creatures cheaper, and you don't have to sacrifice your stuff. Also add Angelic Skirmisher , Frontline Medic , and because Kaalia is an easy target, Dolmen Gate , No Mercy , and/or Martyr's Bond .

April 1, 2013 2:32 a.m.

alwaysgw says... #8

If I cheat Rakdos the Defiler in, I do not have to sacrifice (not a declared attacker) but his second effect will most definitely go off when he slams into my opponent. Rakdos, Lord of Riots 's ability is only good if I want to be casting my creatures, which I really don't care about doing. I want my mana to be going towards wiping their hand, removing their targets, or setting up my artifacts and enchanments. If Angelic Skirmisher is cheated in, her ability will not be applicable until the following turn when she will actually be in play for the "beginning of combat". Same rules for the medic. I want things with "enters the battlefield" effects, "deals combat damage" effects, and applicable activated abilities and state-based-effects to go along with ridiculous beatsticks like Spirit of the Night and Akroma, Angel of Wrath .

April 1, 2013 3:36 a.m.

If you're playing a multiplayer game, you will get more millage with a card like Unnerve than with Hymn, and you're in the colors to play Skull Rend , which is like Hymn to Tourach for each opponent with damage on top. Also, for some good Dragons/Demons/Angels etc, Bogardan Hellkite , Pestilence Demon , Desolation Angel . You can't cheat the Angel in with Kaalia, but in my playgroup the Kaalia player never lost a game after she resolved Desolation Angel with the Kicker. That being said, it's Armageddon the creature. Your friends might frown on it.

April 1, 2013 4:54 a.m.

Odentay says... #10

to put my advice simply. Needs more tutors, any kaalia deck that's not running at least four, if not more, is doing way less then it could be. Planar Portal Increasing Ambition Diabolic Tutor . you have Aggravated Assault in there but no Sword of Feast and Famine for infinite combat rounds.

I'd also remove Snuff Out for Wrecking Ball while the not cost is great, greater versatility is better.

April 1, 2013 2:01 p.m.

zorsmobile says... #11

If you're trying to make it competitive, then all the mana accelerators should seriously go in. Anything to get Kaalia out and active a turn faster is a must, so stuff like Mana Crypt , Mox Diamond , Chrome Mox , the Signets, etc.

April 1, 2013 4:03 p.m.

alwaysgw says... #12

Are there other good tutors in White than Enlightened Tutor ? What about Red? Yes to Diabolic Tutor , SoFaF, and I have enough graveyard recursion to justify Demonic Collusion instead of Increasing Ambition or Planar Portal .

April 1, 2013 4:08 p.m.

DaGabester says... #13

Y am i seeing pokemon

April 1, 2013 5:44 p.m.

Odentay says... #14

look at the date

April 1, 2013 6:25 p.m.

DaGabester says... #15

... Son of a...

April 1, 2013 7:58 p.m.

You seem to be short one card and have a Flooded Strand Polluted Delta Scalding Tarn Verdant Catacombs Windswept Heath and a Wooded Foothills in your lands. You can check out my Kaalia deck for ideas on replacement lands and creatures.

April 12, 2013 8:13 a.m.

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