Kaalia's War Council! [RTR]-[THS] STD
SCORE: 110 | 144 COMMENTS | 25923 VIEWS | IN 44 FOLDERS
Viral_Assassin says... #2
Thank you very much for your suggestion! It is greatly appreciated! For me it is finding what to take out. I wanted 4 Desecration Demon in the mainboard and I had taken out some of the Boros Reckoner . I do agree that I do not have much in the way of early game. I almost feel like I'm trying to accomplish to many things all at the same time with this deck. Once I have more free time I will rebuild it with less stuff going on in the deck. Again thank you very much for your suggestion!
November 23, 2013 7:39 p.m.
HorrorAvengers says... #3
If you're concerned about the early game, precinct captain is great when it backs up a duress, as is Fiendslayer Paladin. Fiendslayer more so though, just because it matches up vs RDW so well. Shock? Lolnope.
November 24, 2013 12:27 a.m.
Viral_Assassin says... #4
My only concern with Precinct Captain and Fiendslayer Paladin is their Mana cost. White is only a splash in here, really, since I have both Purphoros, God of the Forge and Erebos, God of the Dead in here and they need Devotion to their colour.After I have more time I will rebuild this deck and try and make it more fluid and I might try Precinct Captain . I would try Fiendslayer Paladin but I just traded 3 of them on FNM for 3 Hero's Downfall :). Thanks for your suggestion! I greatly appreciate it :D!
November 24, 2013 7:32 a.m.
HorrorAvengers says... #5
As you're running more red than white, a good alternative to precinct is Ash Zealot, as it matches up favorably with burning tree and fanatic
November 24, 2013 8:20 p.m.
Viral_Assassin says... #6
I had forgotten about Ash Zealot thanks for reminding about her :D!
November 24, 2013 9:43 p.m.
Viral_Assassin says... #8
Thanks :D much appreciated!! If I was to run Anger of the Gods I would still keep in Boros Reckoner and that way it can work as a final burn If they have blockers and I can't swing in :).
December 12, 2013 7:45 a.m.
Spinalripper says... #9
Thanks for the comment on my deck and I have been HEAVILY considering throwing in my Stormbreath Dragon s into this deck, if nothing else to trade with another one. Seems when I see an opposing Stormbreath swing in at me the game goes sour for me. I run into a LOT of a heavy aggro decks so I have to mainboard heavy on the removal and Anger of the Gods which makes it hard to put in the dragons. I'm thinking I might agree with you on the Rakdos's Return putting into pure side, sometimes that card wins me game1 or sometimes is a dead card. I'm going to update it pretty hard here in the next few days so if you want to check it out I may leech a few ideas from ya and see how it goes. +1
December 21, 2013 9:59 p.m.
Spinalripper says... #10
Also if you don't already have them Lifebane Zombie and Sin Collector will win some games single handedly out of sideboard along with Whip of Erebos ing them back out again with Thoughtseize /Rakdos's Return already being borded make some mean hand control games when you need them.
December 21, 2013 10:06 p.m.
Really cool deck! Seems well put together.
Just a heads up, if your opponent plays an Arbor Colossus, kill it as early as possible. I saw a guy get a Blood Baron of Vizkopa get killed by an Arbor Colossus monstrous ability right before he could swing for the win!
December 24, 2013 10:48 a.m.
Viral_Assassin says... #12
Yeah I know right! Arbor Colossus is very underrated! I should have enough kill to get rid of it some how ;). Thanks for the compliment and the advice! Greatly appreciated :D! I traded away all of my Lifebane Zombie , I was not too impressed with him. Sin Collector on the other hand I had forgotten all about! I will try to find a place in the sideboard for him!
December 24, 2013 11:54 a.m.
I have to say this deck would be super fun, and horrible, to play against. I'm a green ramp devotion guy, and I just feel sick thinking of fighting threat after threat like this. Boros Reckoner, then Desecration Demon, then Stormbreath or Blood Baron, than freakin' Aurelia for anything I didn't kill to hand you the win. This deck appeals to the Green stompy-killy in my by doing a damn fine job of doing that. Arbor is my only practical defense against those, although Sylvan Primordial comes in later to help.
Basically, I'd totally love to battle this deck with mine because it's awesome, and I think the games would be fun and involve tons of smashing.
December 24, 2013 12:57 p.m.
Viral_Assassin says... #14
These are by far my favorite colors to use! My love for Angels hits all of these colors.
December 24, 2013 1:13 p.m.
Spinalripper says... #15
Lifebane Zombie is a hit or miss card really, I've had good or terrible luck with it. Usually grabbing opposing Blood Baron of Vizkopa on t3 is worth it after a t1-2 Thoughtseize . I'm tempted to try your Aurelia, the Warleader play though Elspeth, Sun's Champion has proven some serious game lockout late game. Oddly use her minus almost as much as her plus just to clear the board of crap lol.
December 25, 2013 2:04 a.m.
Spinalripper says... #16
And get Anger of the Gods ASAP! They're the best sweepers! Dealing with Sylvan Caryatid along with a bunch of aggro decks, sometimes it's just t3 clear your board and win. Best use alongside Boros Reckoner , 6damage to a creature is amazing.
December 25, 2013 2:08 a.m.
Viral_Assassin says... #17
I am waiting for them in the mail D:. They should be here any day now! If I can afford it I would like to get 1-2 Elspeth, Sun's Champion to play test for this deck just I do not know what to take out for her xD.
December 25, 2013 8:32 a.m.
crybabyduckling says... #18
The deck is called Kaalia Reborn, yet no Kaalia? I mean she's not really necessary for this deck, I'm just confused by the name.
December 30, 2013 6:49 p.m.
Viral_Assassin says... #19
Kaalia of the Vast is my all time favourite card by far. It just happens the deck colour combination of Dega are also the same as her colours. I'd like to think that is Kaalia of the Vast was a Planeswalker then this is the spells she would sling in battle. The name is just because I think it sounds cool, matches her colours and is slightly inspired by her. I am sorry it confused you. It is also a standard deck so Kaalia of the Vast unfortunately can't go in :(.
December 31, 2013 11:56 a.m.
crybabyduckling says... #20
Lolk. Kaalia is super cool, I wanna make an EDH around her. Anyways, it's a cool deck.
Keep'em coming :)
January 1, 2014 2:57 a.m.
Viral_Assassin says... #21
She is very fun to use as an EDH General :D! Thanks, I will have more decks once I am able to have more free time I am sure :).
January 1, 2014 12:33 p.m.
Serrarch287 says... #22
Indestructibility could help save some of your 4 toughness creatures from Mizzium Mortars . Plus that gives you the infinite life gain BS with Boros Reckoner
January 1, 2014 8:16 p.m.
Carlos_Solskin says... #23
Nice deck. Have you thought about adding Chained to the Rocks ?
January 2, 2014 5:42 a.m.
Viral_Assassin says... #24
@Serrarch287. Yeah it would save my creatures from the spells that can deal with them but there is still some stuff that gets around it. Not only can I not save Blood Baron of Vizkopa with it but there is a good amount of stuff that makes you sacrifice instead of straight up destroying things. I feel like I do nor have enough room left to have something in the deck I feel is not all that strong. Great suggestion just my meta is whack lol :)!
@Carlos_Solskin. I have thought about Chained to the Rocks in the early stages of this deck. It did prove to work well and is cheap, I just much rather have a more permanent removal. I know things can still be reanimated from the graveyard, but with the amount of enchantment hate out now its easy to take care of Chained to the Rocks . I will give it another go around and see how it works, thanks for the great suggestion :)!
January 2, 2014 8:56 a.m.
ThebesBivan says... #25
I know you probably don't think so, mainly because you don't seem worried about the Devotion mechanic, but Gray Merchant of Asphodel is an amazing card. Even if you only run one or two, it falls out side Anger of the Gods , so you have a decent blocker late game, and you gain life from its ETB effect. If you ever go free-for-all with this deck, Gray Merchant of Asphodel is highly recommended because you can hit everyone!
tmloyd says... #1
Definitely include the Reckoners if you can. I think the main issue with the deck is that you don't seem to be doing much until turn 4, barring a Connections. You might consider the early game and how to take advantage of it, or at least defend during it.
November 23, 2013 7:27 a.m.