Kadeen's Prevailing Crusaders

Modern* kingboo3000


graft says... #1

I like it! You might consider Accorder PaladinMTG Card: Accorder Paladin and/or Hero of BladeholdMTG Card: Hero of Bladehold. They're humans, and battle cry is pretty great when you also have first strike. Of course you have to worry about your artifact count, so if it's running low, maybe Porcelain LegionnaireMTG Card: Porcelain Legionnaire would be good.

February 20, 2012 9:50 a.m.

kingboo3000 says... #2

Gaaah!! Oh course!! How could I forget my favorite card from New Phyrexia?!? I LOVE Porcelain LegionnaireMTG Card: Porcelain Legionnaire! But I think I need to choose my focus for this deck. As always, I've overextended myself with two separate deck types.I could go with:

Option A: Humans, and lots of them, and leave in Viridian ClawMTG Card: Viridian Claw to give them first strike.

Or Option B: Take out Viridian ClawMTG Card: Viridian Claw and just use the legionnaire and other first striking artifact creatures to keep the artifact count up.

Basically, human-equipment or artifacts and stuff.

What do you think?

February 20, 2012 12:14 p.m.

kingboo3000 says... #3

Gaaah!! Oh course!! How could I forget my favorite card from New Phyrexia?!? I LOVE Porcelain LegionnaireMTG Card: Porcelain Legionnaire! But I think I need to choose my focus for this deck. As always, I've overextended myself with two separate deck types.I could go with:

Option A: Humans, and lots of them, and leave in Viridian ClawMTG Card: Viridian Claw to give them first strike.

Or Option B: Take out Viridian ClawMTG Card: Viridian Claw and just use the legionnaire and other first striking artifact creatures to keep the artifact count up.

Basically, human-equipment or artifacts and first/double strikers.

What do you think?

February 20, 2012 12:15 p.m.

kingboo3000 says... #4

Gaaah!! Oh course!! How could I forget my favorite card from New Phyrexia?!? I LOVE Porcelain LegionnaireMTG Card: Porcelain Legionnaire! But I think I need to choose my focus for this deck. As always, I've overextended myself with two separate deck types.I could go with:

Option A: Humans, and lots of them, and leave in Viridian ClawMTG Card: Viridian Claw to give them first strike.

Or Option B: Take out Viridian ClawMTG Card: Viridian Claw and just use the legionnaire and other first striking artifact creatures to keep the artifact count up.

Basically, human-equipment or artifacts and stuff.

What do you think?

February 20, 2012 12:28 p.m.

kingboo3000 says... #5

Wow, triple post, awhoops. Anyway, I think I'll make two separate decklists and compare them. I'll link to the other one in a comment.

February 20, 2012 12:30 p.m.

kingboo3000 says... #6

....................Wow I talk too much. Anyway, I tried building the other deck, but it just turned into a Tempered SteelMTG Card: Tempered Steel Variant. Bleagh. So I'm going with equipment.

February 20, 2012 12:39 p.m.

kingboo3000 says... #7

Ideal play order:

T1: Drop a Silver-Inlaid DaggerMTG Card: Silver-Inlaid Dagger, MemniteMTG Card: Memnite, and a Mox OpalMTG Card: Mox Opal. Use the opal to cast another dagger.

T2: Mirran Crusader (With Mox OpalMTG Card: Mox Opal)

T3: Equip both daggers to the crusader, and BOOM, 16 damage!

There are many other ways to do this, but the crusader + Signal PestMTG Card: Signal Pests and daggers makes for an insanely fast win.

February 20, 2012 2:54 p.m.

graft says... #8

I like the way this turned out. Here are some 2-drops that could work well:

Puresteel PaladinMTG Card: Puresteel PaladinShrine of Loyal Legions MTG Card: Shrine of Loyal Legions - has interesting synergy with Jor Kadeen, the PrevailerMTG Card: Jor Kadeen, the PrevailerCurse of Stalked PreyMTG Card: Curse of Stalked Prey - works well with early creatures like MemniteMTG Card: Memnite and Signal PestMTG Card: Signal Pest

February 21, 2012 9:41 a.m.

kingboo3000 says... #9

Wow, thanks for the suggestions.

@, and Curse of Stalked PreyMTG Card: Curse of Stalked Prey are all underwhelming to me.

Puresteel PaladinMTG Card: Puresteel Paladin WAS in the original deck, but I took him and the Viridian ClawMTG Card: Viridian Claws out. This was a tough decision, but one that I deemed nescessary. The paladin wasn't amazing in combat, and if I took him and the claws out (which weren't that helpful without him in the deck), I had room enough to stabalize this deck's consistancy.

Lastly, Shrine of Loyal Legions MTG Card: Shrine of Loyal Legions intriques me, but I don't think I have enough white spells to justify it. Only 8/37 spells are actually white, so I'd rather go with the edgewright.

Thanks again, and one more thing:I was having a heck of a time trying to choose between Galvanic BlastMTG Card: Galvanic Blast and DispatchMTG Card: Dispatch. Which do you like better? I think obviously that DispatchMTG Card: Dispatch is better creature control, but having at least 2, and usually 4 damage to sling around is no joke, espescially when my crusaders can deal exactly 16 damage sometimes...

February 21, 2012 10:33 a.m.

kingboo3000 says... #10

Also, does anyone have any ideas foa a better name for this deck...?

February 21, 2012 10:37 a.m.

sparkman says... #11

Another excellent two drop is Elite InquisitorMTG Card: Elite Inquisitor. Been thinking I will make a tempered steel - metalcraft deck soon. I like this deck. +1ed. I also like the name as it is currently.

February 21, 2012 1:28 p.m.

kingboo3000 says... #12

Thx for the +1, sparkman. I'm not a huge fan of the Elite InquisitorMTG Card: Elite Inquisitor, but I get that he's good. What do you think of the DispatchMTG Card: Dispatch vs. Galvanic BlastMTG Card: Galvanic Blast problem?

February 21, 2012 2:38 p.m.

graft says... #13

I prefer before you have metalcraft. Galvanic BlastMTG Card: Galvanic Blast easily outperforms DispatchMTG Card: Dispatch in those odd cases when you don't have metalcraft.

However, with the advent of the undying mechanic, I think DispatchMTG Card: Dispatch is getting a lot better. Something to consider in your meta.

February 21, 2012 2:53 p.m.

kingboo3000 says... #14

Yeah, I agree. I love DispatchMTG Card: Dispatch, but the blast much more versatile. I tried out the deck without much red mana for awhile, and it was nice, but I'd like to add a bit more back in. So we'll see where this goes.

February 21, 2012 3:06 p.m.

Taksorer says... #15

I have very similiar Jor Kadeen, the PrevailerMTG Card: Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer deck. I play a few Sword of Feast and FamineMTG Card: Sword of Feast and Famines and Vault SkirgeMTG Card: Vault Skirges. I also like to play more DispatchMTG Card: Dispatch and a playset of Galvanic BlastMTG Card: Galvanic Blast. I don't find Silver-Inlaid DaggerMTG Card: Silver-Inlaid Dagger any good to be honest. Of course the ideal synergy is quite interesting and effective :)!

February 21, 2012 4:06 p.m.

kingboo3000 says... #16

What do you feel Sword of Feast and FamineMTG Card: Sword of Feast and Famine does for you?

Well, yeah, I'd like to have four, or at least three of each, but I'm having trouble balancing the numbers. And I pretty much want to be assured of metalcraft.

Really..? I think Silver-Inlaid DaggerMTG Card: Silver-Inlaid Dagger works rather well in this deck. So well, in fact, that I made it a 4x. It boosts the power on any of my evasive guys, or gives my double strikers basically 6 extra damage a turn for 3 mana. It also helps me get metalcraft on turn 1 or 2.

I'll consider Vault SkirgeMTG Card: Vault Skirge, that might be another nice one drop. I like the lifelink. :P

February 21, 2012 5:23 p.m.

kingboo3000 says... #17

Check the most recent update before you comment, plz!

February 22, 2012 12:12 p.m.

Deck looks pretty solid, not much I think you should change.

Thanks for the tips on my deck, I will test it out. also +1

February 22, 2012 12:16 p.m.

MtaRidley says... #19

+1. Very nice, though I'd put in a few more red mana sources, even if you just swap out two Inkmoth NexusMTG Card: Inkmoth Nexus for MountainMTG Card: Mountains. And what exactly is Kemba, Kha RegentMTG Card: Kemba, Kha Regent doing in the sideboard?

February 22, 2012 10:18 p.m.

kingboo3000 says... #20

Hrrrmmm.... I could, but I don't like drawing mountains at all. Admitedly, colorless mana is no better than red mana when it comes to dropping a turn 2 Auriok EdgewrightMTG Card: Auriok Edgewright. I'll consider it, espescially since it'll make it way easier to build this deck in physical cards. (Because believe it or not, I do not own 2+ Sword of War and PeaceMTG Card: Sword of War and Peace...)

As for Kemba, weeeellll... You see, I had more equipment before, and she was in there for the control matchups. But I don't think she'd really be all that amazing now. Maybe Shrine of Loyal Legions MTG Card: Shrine of Loyal Legions instead? That'll give me an army of 4/1s if I have Mr. Kadeen on the battlefield.

February 22, 2012 10:41 p.m.

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