You Just Activated My Trap Card!
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 241 | 43 COMMENTS | 17817 VIEWS | IN 63 FOLDERS
You need more ramp, Kaiba-boy! —Jan. 8, 2022
This deck is very mana hungry, so I'm making some swaps to up the ramp package.
Sanctum Weaver will more often than not net us at least two mana with how many enchantments we run. This alongside Utopia Sprawl and Wild Growth as enchantment based ramp will help accelerate us and pay for more morphs that aren't free. The latter two also have the added synergy with Earthcraft.
Out for these are Ghastly Conscription which hasn't performed as well as it should consistently. It's not like we need it since our draw engine is already so good, and we have other options if we need to dig into our graveyard. Words of Wind is out after I find myself wanting the draw over paying for its ability, so it really only does something when I'm already winning. We have other win cons, so we shouldn't miss it. The final cut is Burgeoning which was added alongside Exploration to dump lands that we draw from our engine. However Burgeoning relies on opponents hitting land drops, and while it can make for a fast turn 1, it underperforms mid to late game.
A few of the minor changes have been overdue, so here are the swaps:
Scroll of Fate was a nice cantrip that could set a morph we need or even draw off of setting a land, but Grazilaxx's potential is far better. At best he draws us a card for each morph we send at an opponent, and if they block we get to reset our morphs and draw anyway. Augur of Autumn is one mana cheaper than Vizier and allows us to top deck lands. While it's true we need to meet its requirements to play creatures from the top, it won't be hard for the deck to meet said requirements. Augur will provide more value for less.
It's not often that new cards get printed with morph support, so I will rejoice when it happens. Say hello to the newest tech in the deck:
Yedora, Grave Gardener
Now Yedora serves several purposes: board protection, combo, resetting our morphs, and to a lesser degree ramp. Now you may be thinking "Hold on a minute, Abzkaban. Yedora can't reset morphs. They become a forest land that has no abilities, so they can't morph." So? Morphs become 2/2 colorless creatures with no abilities when they are set facedown, yet they can still morph. Why should this be any different. It isn't, and the reason is because of how layers work.
Characteristics of morphs are determined in layer 1b as follows:
- 613.2b: Layer 1b: Face-down spells and permanents have their characteristics modified as defined in rule 707.2.
- 707.2: Face-down spells and face-down permanents have no characteristics other than those listed by the ability or rules that allowed the spell or permanent to be face down. Any listed characteristics are the copiable values of that object’s characteristics. (See rule 613, “Interaction of Continuous Effects,” and rule 706, “Copying Objects.”)
This means when a morph is set face-down, it retains its characteristics and is able to be flipped face up any time you have priority. Now if someone played a Song of the Dryads on a face-down morph, it would become a forest land with no abilities and would be unable to morph since Song changes the characteristics of the card in layer 4:
- 613.1d Layer 4: Type-changing effects are applied. These include effects that change an object’s card type, subtype, and/or supertype.
Because it is in a later layer, it overrides the characteristics of the morph card and no longer sees that it has a morph ability while face-down. Now Yedora changes the characteristics in layer 1b as described in rule 707.2. It is Yedora's ability that allows it to be face-down which means even though it's a forest land that has no other abilities, we can still flip it face-up with its morph cost.
Yedora ensures us that our morphs are safe from boardwipes and single target removal that's not exile and ramps us in the process. He also provides us with another way to reset our morphs. Granted this would be even better with a sac outlet, but this build is more bounce house than aristocrats. The best part is Yedora creates an infinite damage combo with two cards we already run in the deck: Heartless Summoning and Ruthless Ripper. To do this we'll need a black card in our hand to morph Ripper. When we do it drains and opponent for 2 and dies as a state based action due to having 0 toughness from Heartless Summoning. When it dies, Yedora brings it back as a forest, and we can loop it over and over again which drains the table. This also technically gives us infinite green mana, but that's moot since the combo just wins us the game.
I've created a discord server for anyone who wants to talk about Kadena. The link is at the bottom of the deck description beneath my trap card.
Another tune up in the works. Here's the damage this time.
- Aphetto Runecaster ----> Worldly Tutor
- Ixidor, Reality Sculptor ----> Noxious Revival
- Primordial Mist ----> Crop Rotation
- Altar of the Brood ----> Ruthless Ripper
- Defense of the Heart ----> Shared Summons
- Dream Chisel ----> Vivien, Champion of the Wilds
After obtaining the Commander Collection: Green set, I slotted in the new art of Seedborn Muse into this deck as well as found a slot for Worldly Tutor. As we know, tutoring to the top of the deck can be a good thing in this deck because we can either draw the card immediately or play it from the top of our deck. Aphetto Runecaster has been cut for it since it does nothing for 4 mana, and we have to flip our morphs to make use of it.
Unfortunately Ixidor, Reality Sculptor only reduces the cost of 4 morph cards, and the +1/+1 wasn't really needed. Yes, he could flip over our non-morphs after an Ixidron, but we could just bounce those to hand if we didn't want some of them face-down. At 5 mana he was a dead card more often than not and would be better in a build that used more morphs that had a high morph cost. He was cut for Noxious Revival which will give us more accessibility to the graveyard and therefore more flexibility if our pieces get removed.
I found that I really wanted to be able to get a flash land out in certain situations, so Crop Rotation has found a home mostly to grab Alchemit's Refuge. However it can also be used to grab another utility land if needed. Primordial Mist was cut for it. It was a fun card to play with, but mostly it only ever was a 5 mana "draw a card at the end of turn" machine.
It was brought to my attention that Ruthless Ripper could be used as a finisher in the infinite bounce combo. At first I was hesitant since the deck doesn't run many black spells, but we usually want to bounce Kadena to avoid decking ourselves anyway which means we'd have a black card we could use to morph it. I'm going to try it in place of Altar of the Brood. Ripper gives us a card draw cantrip even if it does nothing until we win. Altar for the most part didn't do much until we reached that win threshold either. Sure, there's a possibility we could mill some answers away from our opponents with it, but I want to see how the deck runs with that additional morph creature. We'll see how it goes.
Defense of the Heart is being replaced with Shared Summons. The main reason for Defense of the Heart was to get Seedborn Muse and Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir on the field so we could play under Prophet of Kruphix. The problem with Defense is that it sits on the board until our upkeep which gives opponents a chance to remove it unless we flash it in with Alchemist's Refuge which is a 7 mana play. With Shared Summons, we can grab our two creatures at the end of our opponent's turn before ours then play Seedborn and flash in Teferi on the next opponent's turn. It's a safer way to get our engine online. It's also good for grabbing any other combination of morph creatures we'd want to have on the board.
So far the deck has run a total of 4 flash sources: Leyline of Anticipation, Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir, Alchemist's Refuge, and Winding Canyons. The reason I don't want to run too many flash sources is because once we have flash out, the other non-land sources become dead draws. It's why I don't run Vedalken Orrery. However we want enough in the deck that we can reliably land a flash source every game since playing with flash ups the deck's value tremendously. Adding Crop Rotation makes getting one of the lands more consistent, but I still felt like I wanted one more. Enter Vivien, Champion of the Wilds which many Kadena lists run and for good reason. At 3 mana it is our cheapest flash source, and her -2 can come in handy. At this point each flash source brings something else to the table to mitigate the redundancy. Leyline is all spells, not just creatures, and can begin on the board if it's in the starting hand. Teferi prevents opponents from playing at instant speed, and Vivien provides another source of utility. Finding a cut for her was difficult, but I settled on Dream Chisel. This one hurts a bit since the card is taylored to the deck, but here's my reasoning: I was running 4 sources of cost reduction for morph spells. Any combination of two of them would make each morph free except for Dream Chisel + Obscuring Aether. Dream Chisel got the ax being 1 cmc more expensive than its cousin for the same effect. Three cost reducers should still be enough, and any combination of the two will make morphs free.
Made some cuts to make the deck more efficient and give it better tools.
- Deathmist Raptor ----> Eternal Witness
- Somberwald Sage ----> Bloom Tender
- Whisperwood Elemental ----> Heroic Intervention
- Island #5 ----> Riptide Laboratory
- Trail of Mystery ----> Fierce Guardianship
- Talisman of Resilience ----> Burgeoning
- Talisman of Curiosity ----> Nature's Lore
- Talisman of Dominance ----> Exploration
Deathmist Raptor did not provide enough value without pairing him with Temur War Shaman who really doesn't do enough without the raptor and so never earned a spot in the deck in the first place. Eternal Witness will provide some graveyard recursion alongside Den Protector, and we can bounce it for more value.
Somberwald Sage was replaced with Bloom Tender because it is 1 cmc cheaper, and the mana provided is all colors that can be used for anything rather than one color that can only be spent on creatures.
I was unhappy with Whisperwood Elemental's performance. As far as manifest goes, Primordial Mist does it way better, and Whisperwood's ability only works for face-up creatures which was really limiting. It was cut for Heroic Intervention which will provide better board protection.
Riptide Laboratory was added as a utility land that hits a surprising number of our morph creatures as well as Kadena herself. This will let us reset our wizard morphs--many of which are counterspells in some way--and protect Kadena, saving us from commander tax. An island was cut to make room.
The ramp package has received the biggest upgrade from this update. Trail of Mystery was a fun card, but Exploration and Burgeoning will do a much better job at getting our lands onto the field. We draw so much in this deck that we may find our hand cluttered with lands. Rather than adding more lands to our hand, we are getting them out to ramp faster. I cut all the talismans in favor of these and Nature's Lore for more land based ramp which is usually the safer option as far as removal goes. Fierce Guardianship is the last addition which can be a trap card on its own when we counter something while tapped out.
That seems like a good way to cheat in big creatures like Thieving Amalgam , but I don't like that it's sorcery speed. Would I be able to use this to cast morphs for free? Would they remain face down without a mask counter placed on them?
November 21, 2019 5:01 p.m.
Ender666666 says... #3
Sorry for the late response. With Illusionary Mask, what you get to do is cheat in morph effects without paying for them. It's just decent synergy, and utilizes an oldschool-cool card
February 23, 2020 6:23 p.m.
That sounds like it could be really useful. I'm not exactly sure where I'd make a cut for it, though.
February 23, 2020 6:31 p.m.
Nice design, great name of the deck! +1 :-)
BTW Do you have enough removal cards / abilities?
March 31, 2020 9:09 a.m.
It has functioned pretty well so far. Most of the control and removal package is in the morph creatures rather than instants or sorceries, so it can seem pretty bare at first glance. I have been considering Temur War Shaman to synergize with Deathmist Raptor, but I don’t know if he’s worth the slot for the possible repeatable creature removal since he doesn’t really help the rest of the deck.
March 31, 2020 12:02 p.m.
FaygoChugginFreek says... #9
Is kadena an alter or proxy? Who made it because it looks bad ass!
April 1, 2020 1:42 p.m.
It’s a proxy made by PurePazaak. You can find it in the alters list on TappedOut.
April 1, 2020 1:54 p.m.
shwanerz88 says... #11
Excellent use of the theme here!! +1 just for that. looking to thew future the new Vivien from Ikoria will give you some additional top deck capabilities and if combined with Vivien, Champion of the Wilds it'll give you lots of tricks. I would also say Farseek could be a good addition if you need any more ramp.
April 3, 2020 9:18 p.m.
I just realized I hadn't replied! Oops!
Thank you! I had a lot of fun putting the deck and page together.
My only problem with the new Vivien is she cost 5 mana, and I'm not sure if that's worth the top deck utility she provides. At least I would have to find something to cut for her. Vivien, Champion of the Wilds was in a draft of this list but was ultimately cut for a few reasons. First off, once I have a flash effect (that's not a land) in play, any more flash effects become dead draws. I went with Leyline of Anticipation for the fact that enchantments are harder to get rid of than creatures or planeswalkers and can be set from my hand for free if I get it in my opening hand. I also went with Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir because he stops opponents from playing at instant speed and can be tutored. A successful Defense of the Heart means I can get a Prophet of Kruphix effect if I'm not going for a lock. Still, there is something to be said about her -2 which provides some decent utility. Maybe she can find a slot again, but at this point I'm not sure if it would be worth cutting anything I'm already running for her.
The deck has no problem ramping, so I don't see any need for Farseek. Even still I would probably prefer Nature's Lore for the fact that the land enters untapped. If I really need another color then I can just grab the appropriate shock.
Thank you for your suggestions, and I'm glad you like the deck! I'll seriously hear out any arguments for either Vivien if you think something is worth cutting for them.
April 21, 2020 3:52 p.m.
m_to_the_three says... #13
have you considered Mindbreak Trap. A pretty solid counterspell but it also fits in the trap theme of the deck.
April 22, 2020 7:10 p.m.
Ooh yeah...that is a good idea. Do you have any suggestions on a cut for it, though?
April 23, 2020 3 p.m.
Sanguinolency says... #16
I think, even though the CMC is a bit high, the card Booby Trap is on flavor here. The ability isn't the best, unless you can catch someone top decking at instant speed. Also, along with the trap cards, Summoning Trap is pretty good if you are in a pod that has a lot of blue.
April 23, 2020 3:02 p.m.
Sanguinolency says... #17
Maybe cut Guardian Project as the casting cost ins't the best and the deck seems to have plenty of card draw.
April 23, 2020 3:04 p.m.
Yeah I'm not feeling Booby Trap. It just doesn't do enough to help the deck. I like the flavor, though.
Summoning Trap could be good, but I feel it's too situational. I do have some blue in my pod, but I don't find my creatures getting countered often when I play this deck.
April 23, 2020 3:07 p.m.
Guardian Project is actually easier to cast than Beast Whisperer. Same cmc but slightly less reliant on green. I'm actually hesitant to take out any card draw in the deck since the options I'm running can be really clutch if Kadena is removed. I also just love the fact that it works with morph creatures because they have no name.
April 23, 2020 3:10 p.m.
m_to_the_three says... #20
It is your call, just any card that seems to be under performing or just doesnt synergize well. Im usually not a fan of Defense of the Heart just because it a very slow tutor, cause even if you meet the requirements when you play it you still got to wait a whole turn and that can easily get destroyed by single target removal or boardwipe. Gift of Doom also seems a bit meh to me but that's just because I don't see indestructible being that strong. It is your call at the end cause you been playing and testing this deck out so if both these cards turned out to be really powerful and synergize well then keep em.
If ya want more trap cards, Summoning Trap and Cobra Trap seem to synergize with your deck.
BTW if ya need more tutors Natural Order and Tooth and Nail are pretty amazing green creature tutors. Also if ya dont mind sacing your stuff Diabolic Intent is pretty much demonic tutor but you got to sac something first.
April 23, 2020 3:32 p.m.
so Bontu's Monument can work with the combo too, and a +1 for the egyptian theme.
I'm not sure about this but how good can be Burgeoning ? I mean, drawing a lot of cards means a lot of lands waiting every round to be played. But with Burgeoning they can drop pretty fast, and with it more mana to activate our trap cards.
July 28, 2020 2:10 a.m.
Nice! Congratulations! And thank you!
September 17, 2020 10:37 a.m.
what about Ruthless Ripper? if you bounce free you can kill everyone with the flip ability.
November 28, 2020 11:31 a.m.
My only problem with that one is that there’s a total of 9 black cards in the entire deck, so there’s not a good chance of being able to morph it consistently. Not to mention the card itself doesn’t do enough until I’ve already hit that win threshold. The other win cons at least provide value in some form outside of the win. I could see it possibly replacing Altar of the Brood because it’s another card draw cantrip. I might have to test it to see how it plays.
Ender666666 says... #1
What about adding Illusionary Mask ?
November 21, 2019 4:29 p.m.