You Just Activated My Trap Card!
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 241 | 43 COMMENTS | 17597 VIEWS | IN 63 FOLDERS
king-saproling says... #2
Ha nice formatting. Really good build too. Thoughts on these? Centaur Omenreader, Tangleroot, Glen Elendra Pranksters, Faerie Tauntings, Glimpse of Nature, Thought Harvester, Opposition
December 31, 2020 1:39 p.m.
Thank you! I just love the Yu-Gi-Oh! theme here. Haha. The deck has only gotten better since I first built it, and it plays really well even if the bounce combo requires a lot of pieces and seems convoluted.
These are all interesting suggestions. Here are my thoughts on them:
Centaur Omenreader Not as good as our other cost reducers, I think, only because it has to be tapped. With Earthcraft it’s fine and a cheaper Ugin although the latter can also function as removal or card advantage which I think is worth the two additional mana. I think it could work if you play with more ways to tap creatures.
Tangleroot I like this one. It could help with storming off especially if we’re chaining creatures and digging through the library. Also infinite mana with our free bounce combo, but that’s win-more. Good card but not sure how I’d slot it in. Currently I don’t feel like I’m missing it, but it could definitely do work.
Glen Elendra Pranksters Faerie Tauntings While it’s true that we ideally want to play under Prophet of Kruphix, that doesn’t always happen. I feel these would be dead draws otherwise. I love the idea of having either out in magical Christmas land, though.
Glimpse of Nature Cheaper than Beast Whisperer and Guardian Project but only a sorcery. I’m not really feeling it only for the lack of reusability outside pulling it from the yard. That being said I can see this being a good play. This has the potential for some explosive draws for 1 mana which is nothing to turn your nose up at. In the right situations it could dig pretty hard. Personally I think I’d still prefer the permanents so I can continue digging on future turns including my opponents’.
Thought Harvester Basically this could be another finisher. I wouldn’t replace Aetherflux Reservoir or Words of Wind with it, but it could be an alternate to Altar of the Brood which I just replaced. They essentially function the same except this exiles the cards rather than milling them which is just better. Not for me, I think, but this easily a good card to have if someone wants to go that route.
Opposition This is not a bad idea. Could be another way to stall opponents or lock them out completely with enough morphs and Seedborn Muse. Slots have gotten really tight in this deck lately, but this is one I’d heavily consider.
All relevant suggestions and none I’d really consider before. Thanks for the added perspective!
January 5, 2021 11:29 a.m.
Fantastic deck and love the background.
What do you think about Thassa's Oracle as another win-con for your deck given the amount of times you'll be drawing? Especially if you run into a situation where you're unable to bounce one of your draw engines (ie Guardian Project - If there are no 2CMC or less enchantment you could cast to bounce with Cloudstone Curio.
January 7, 2021 11:57 a.m.
Thank you very much!
I actually had considered Laboratory Maniac for a win con before Oracle was printed but decided not to since outside of finishing the game it does nothing. Oracle basically has the same problem. All my other win cons function as value outside of the win.
I actually never bounce Guardian Project. When I need to stop drawing cards, Kadena and Beast Whisperer bounce with no problem, but then I just destroy Project with Nantuko Vigilante. It’s the simplest way to get rid of it.
Either way I think the situation is niche enough to not need a contingency for it in the form of a wincon especially if it does nothing when I’m setting up. Besides it’s not like I’m running Demonic Consultation where I’d want Oracle as my primary win.
January 7, 2021 6:21 p.m.
Any updates with the new foretell cards? Seems like a natural fit.
January 19, 2021 3:19 p.m.
I have a few thoughts about the Foretell mechanic. First please pardon my venting here, but everyone is comparing it to trap cards when morph was already a thing. It has begun to rub me the wrong way. Lol
I'd also say that morph is more like trap cards for these reasons:
- Both morph and foretell are face down, but only morph actually enter the battlefield. Trap cards aren't activated from a "removed from the game" state.
- Because morphs exist on the battlefield, they actually flip face-up like trap cards. Foretell is like playing it from your hand since you actually cast it for its foretell cost.
- Only instants can be cast at any time from exile. All other foretell cards must obey casting timing rules. Morphs can be flipped up any time you could cast an instant. Most foretell cards won't behave like trap cards.
That being said, I doubt I'll add any foretell cards to the list since slots have already become rather tight. None of the foretell cards will provide a card draw cantrip like morphs will. I think they'd be a better fit in their own deck.
January 24, 2021 7:20 p.m.
What do you usually tutor with Shared Summons? I imagine a pickle lock most of the time? If so, how do you find people react after you reveal the cards? Do people recognize the combo and try to shut it down, or does it usually work?
January 30, 2021 11:50 p.m.
While I could get the pickles lock with Shared Summons, my primary targets are usually Seedborn Muse and Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir. By playing it just before my turn, it allows me to drop Seedborn and then flash in Teferi on the next person’s turn to set up Prophet of Kruphix. I can’t stress enough how much this deck outvalues the table with that set up.
January 31, 2021 12:24 a.m.
Hey my guy! What do you think of Treefolk Harbinger with the new Yedora, Grave Gardener . I was thinking it's a nice Yedora tutor, or turn one mana ramp. Thoughts?
May 18, 2021 8:51 p.m.
Whats about Volo? I think he will put out massiv Token but didnt draw a second card each morph ????
September 28, 2021 2:31 a.m.
Sorry I haven't kept up with this deck lately. Better late than never I guess.
It could find Yedora, but so can any of our tutors. I'm also not a fan of ramp that just fixes the next draw.
Awakening invites interaction, and I usually like to snuff that out when I can. It has the same problem Intruder Alarm does.
Unfortunately Volo, Guide to Monsters only draws cards if Kadena is already out. It's why I don't run Teferi's Ageless Insight. The token also can't flip, so we still only get one copy of a morph effect. Grazilaxx, Illithid Scholar will provide much more card draw than Volo.
December 16, 2021 3:44 p.m.
attilasweg says... #15
only recommendation is change the basics to yugioh field spells
March 18, 2022 9:56 a.m.
Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter seems like a good option
December 28, 2022 7:27 a.m.
Love it! Recently built Kadena myself! Curious about your thoughts on cards like Ebonblade Reaper in there. Going to swing with it as a morph will negate us losing life, but flipping it over if the opponent doesn’t block it will take half of theirs!
KorvoldMizzet says... #1
WOW! I love the idea! I won't be playing this deck for myself, but kudos to you with the formatting, looks fantastic, great job, that's an upvote from me
December 7, 2020 1:15 p.m.