Kambal, Syndicate Soul Sucker

Commander / EDH SquaredT


chirz2792 says... #1

September 19, 2016 9:44 p.m.

SquaredT says... #2

We considered both, but it really came down to what we wanted the deck to do, which is abuse life gain and slowly tax our opponents life. To help use Kambal, Consul of Allocation most effectively, we decided that we want our opponents to cast spells easily so we avoided things that mess with their lands and added Helm of Awakening to help them cast more spells.

September 19, 2016 10:52 p.m.

xxd_kxx says... #3

If your gaining a fair bit of life why not put Sanguine Bond

September 20, 2016 9:29 a.m.

xxd_kxx says... #4

actually disregard my last comment just realised

September 20, 2016 9:30 a.m.

hamiam says... #5

Awesome +1

September 23, 2016 midnight

DrkNinja says... #6

Honestly man I don't know what your play group is like but I'd I showed up with this I'd be dead. First you are running two exile spells, what about swords to plowshares, path to exile, or my personal favorite (and a must in all orzhov decks) merciless eviction. Second I don't care what you are trying to do if you don't play sanguine bond+ exquisite blood, you aren't playing to win. All this pillow forty is good but it should be followed up with aggressive win cons, otherwise your stalling the game to what kill them with aetherflux? Kambal doesn't do enough on his own so not running debt or exsanguinate is like saying "hi, my name is annoying player I'm not trying to win, so wipe my board and move on because I'm not a threat". You are almost treating this deck like it's group hug and it's not.

Also some notable omissions; soul sisters, blood artist, suture priest, vizkopa guildmage

September 26, 2016 4:37 p.m. Edited.

Wooshadoodle says... #7

DrkNinja: First off, why would we care about your playgroup? I could care less if you think our deck sucks. We enjoy it. Why make such a shitty, edgy comment that says nothing constructive and just makes you look like a prick. Grow up mate. If you want to comment, at the very least make it look like constructive criticism and not bring your massive ego into it. Have a nice day mate.

September 30, 2016 4:38 p.m.

DrkNinja says... #8

Bro first it wasn't edgy you just clearly looked to deep into it. All I meant is my play plays indestructible, non targeting,eldrazi bullshit. That's all I meant by all of what I said.

October 1, 2016 2:11 a.m.

DrkNinja says... #9

I just had a friend read my comment I apologize. A lot of what I say comes out wrong, I didn't mean to come off so much of a dick.

I meant that the way the deck is now it will struggle to kill people and you'll make players frustrated and they'll target you and you won't be able to defend yourself because you don't really have good board state as in bodies to defend.

October 1, 2016 2:31 a.m.

Wooshadoodle says... #10

DrkNinja: Now that is much better and I will agree with you. We've been playing it each week we play and we usually have enough life that we can take some punishment before we stabilize the board in some way. I'm usually only scared of commander damage, as all they need is 21 of it to make our life total irrelevant. I do see your point though. Apology accepted sir.

October 1, 2016 noon

I have to ask, since it doesn't make too much sense to me. Why don't you want to be more consistent than your deck already is?

November 28, 2016 11:44 p.m.

Wooshadoodle says... #12

@Pinkie_Satanas: To be completely honest, it doesn't make much since. Our first intention was to make the deck not as aggravating to play against. Our play group consists of long time magic players such as myself and SquaredT; it also has a few new players to the game who don't have as many powerful cards as the two of us do. We did our best to dumb the deck down to make it less of a headache for some of the new guys in our playgroup. They are however, starting to acquire powerful commander staples of their own. We plan on updating the deck in the near future with some cards that were previously left out. It basically boils down to us intentionally gimping the deck so our opponents don't get discouraged when playing against it. Hope this gives a bit of clarity to our madness. =)

November 29, 2016 12:06 p.m.

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