

This is the first and only blue deck I've ever made. As well as the only blue deck i will ever make. It is the second EDH deck I've made, and was initially constructed as an "anti-love letter" to the color of blue, which i loathe. In the first few iterations of the deck it was simply an amalgamation of all the things i hated about blue, such as counterspells and absolutely insane card advantage, and only contained a single extra turn spell. Eventually it evolved into what i would almost call "extra-turn tribal", utilizing a bevy of upkeep based draw effects to maintain card advantage and chain extra turns until you can assemble the game ending combo or a stasis lock.
99% of the time Kami of the Crescent Moon will be your first play of the game. The earlier you play him, the better. The symmetrical draw effect is negligible given how reliably we can abuse it, while serving a dual purpose of garnering favor with our opponents by giving them additional fuel in the form of card draw. After you play Kami you will want to establish either as many mana rocks/ ramp such as Mox Amber or Thought Vessel, or additional card draw such as Howling Mine or Horn of Greed. Once you have established around + mana and hopefully a few extra draw effects you can skip right over mid-game and straight into the late game.
This is my personal favorite stage of the deck. The deck contains no "true" infinite turn combos, so in order to reliably close out the game it will require a fairly optimized sequence of plays in order to establish the combos while playing around any interactions your opponents may have up their sleeves. Best case scenario, you'll play an extra turn spell while all your opponents are tapped out. Ideally you'll either have Boseiju, Who Shelters All or a Daze to counter any would-be attempts to stop us. Once you've gotten to this point, you'll want to use any mana in excess of what is needed to cast your extra turn spells to play such more mana excel as Caged Sun or card draw such as Font of Mythos. With sufficient card draw/mana, you'll be able to chain extra turn spells until you can establish the "Key Combo" of Mind Over Matter + Temple Bell + Library of Leng to close out the game
Currently, my mana ramp selection is predominately more casual options. Eventually, I plan on adding all of the premier options such as Mana Crypt

Notable inclusions:

  • Mox Amber: Despite the narrow requirements to active, this is a worthwhile inclusion due to Kami of the Crescent Moon's low mana cost

  • High Tide: Given that this is a mono-blue deck, this is a spectacular ramp option. Synergizes particular well with one of our main combo pieces Mind Over Matter's ability to untap our lands

  • Caged Sun: Fulfills a similar purpose to High Tide given the innate synergy with Mind Over Matter

  • Etherium Sculptor: Considering a large portion of the deck is comprised of artifacts and how early this card can come down it is very efficient. Also very helpful in giving us the ability to play additional artifacts alongside our extra turn spells

  • Sapphire Medallion: Similar effect to Etherium Sculptor in the way it reduces the cost of our spells allowing us to cast more spells per turn in addition to reducing the rather high cost of our extra turn spells

  • Show and Tell: This card is listed under ramp due to it's main inclusion in the deck being that it is intended to sneak Omniscience into play

  • Terrain Generator: Another mono-color all-star. Even better when you consider that you can leave mana open for a counterspell and still play an additional land if no spells warrant countering

The quality that initially drew me to Kami, pun fully intended. Most of this selection is pretty self-explanatory

Notable Inclusions:

  • Howling Mine: The progenitor to Kami himself. No introduction necessary

  • Font of Mythos: Howling mine's older brother. Still waiting for the CMC draw 3

  • Temple Bell: The only draw effect in the deck you won't try to play ASAP. This one you will generally hold until you assemble the combo with Mind Over Matter

  • Scroll Rack: Another card that needs no introduction. In a deck such as this, that draws so many cards, it is invaluable. Use it to dig deep to find that next extra turn spells to continue the chain.

My personal favorite part of playing this deck.

Notable Inclusions:

  • Temporal Mastery: When coupled with effects such as Sensei's Divining Top or Scroll Rack, this card comes as close as you can get to legally playing Time Walk in EDH

  • Beacon of Tomorrows: While on the higher end of the CMC spectrum for the deck, this card shuffles itself back in after use, allowing it to be potential redrawn fairly easily when combined with Scroll Rack

  • Nexus of Fate: As of writing this, the most recently printed extra turn spells. Had quite an impact on standard for a brief stint. Has two stand-out features: 1. Being instant speed 2. The shuffle clause. Being instant speed means being able to hold up mana for interaction during opponents' turns, and then having the potential to start an extra turn chain if the board state seems prime. The shuffle clause is icing on the cake, because not only does it shuffle itself back in whether it gets countered or resolves, it also means you can't be milled out by normal means

  • Time Stretch: The other highest CMC card in the deck, but for good reason. If this resolves you take two extra turns, which will generally give you the time you need to close out the game. Very high synergy with Prosperity and Fascination

  • Walk the Aeons: One of my personal favorites of the extra turn repertoire. Being from the Time spiral set, the art is a reference to the classic Time Walk, which really adds to the appeal for me. In addition to this, it's the only extra turn spell with the potential to go right back to your hand with the buyback cost. Because of this, it synergizes extremely well with Omniscience to let you sacrifice all your unneeded mana to take a bunch of extra turns

  • Temporal Manipulation: I chose to feature this card over Time Warp simply because this version states "take an extra turn" rather than "target player takes an extra turn", which means it has less room to be tampered with by effects such as Misdirection or Imp's Mischief

Notable Exclusions:

  • Temporal Trespass: Currently in the maybe board, simply because i forgot to include it in my list of purchases of couple of times, and at this point i'm not sure what i would cut for it. Definitely in high consideration for it's flexible CMC

  • Capture of Jingzhou: Currently not included due to it's rather high dollar cost and lack of store that carry it

  • Expropriate: Probably one of the more notorious extra turn spells there are. Not a super big fan of this one myself considering it has the potential to give you no extra turns. Undeniably strong, but probably won't ever add it to my list because of personal preference


Clever Impersonator/Phyrexian Metamorph/Sculpting Steel+Howling Mine/Font of Mythos


Clever Impersonator+Dictate of Kruphix
Any of these in combination mean lots of cards for you and your opponents, which is turn means lots of smiles for everyone! Pair any of these combos along side Kami and your opponents will be saying "Wow, i've drawn so many cards!" in no time!



Mind Over Matter + Temple Bell + Library of Leng This is the bread and butter combo of the deck. Fill your opponent's hands to the brim and watch their wide-eyed splendor as they pour over the multitude of cards they have in their deck!


Mind Over Matter + Stasis This handy little interaction can make sure to keep all your opponents safe from the multitude of dangerous creatures and spells they may be tempted to use to hurt each other.



Kami of the Crescent Moon + Empyrial Plate This is the interaction to go to when someone doubts the strength of Kami's chiseled bod, and you need to flex on someone to assert dominance.


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97% Competitive

Date added 7 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

16 - 1 Mythic Rares

39 - 1 Rares

15 - 2 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.22
Tokens Treasure
Folders HOULIGAN'S, Tuned Decks
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