Karador, Chieftain of the Selfless | V-ZNR
Commander / EDH
I've been updating this deck quite a bit since I've posted it here. This are some of the mutations:
- -Barter in Blood +Tragic Arrogance. BiB always felt a lot smaller in impact for a sac spell compared to Cataclysm. TA has bigger impact potential, so I will try that out for now.
- -Foster +Grim Haruspex. More efficient, is a creature, and synergizes with Sigarda and mentor of the meek.
- -Shriekmaw +Bone Shredder, realized BS has better synergy in this deck: you can attach things to it or block a flyer before it dies and it synergyzes with Mentor of the meek and Reveillark
- -Enlightened Tutor +Diabolic Intent & Sidisi. Figured these tutors fit the theme of the deck better and offer more flexibility.
Also made room for these cards (not real replacements): Sigarda, Heron's Grace, Aegis of the Gods, Loyal Retainers, Heart Warden, Reveillark and Agent of Erebos. I will add Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet and Selfless Spirit once I have those. Will probably cut Tilling Treefolk and Moriok Replica.
Beebles says... #1
Now I'll probably have to put the newly spoiled Selfless Spirit into the deck, as it is just too fitting both because of its ability and because of its name.
July 4, 2016 5:06 p.m.