Karador: Evil Friends

Commander / EDH tehswede77


Muzik-MAtt says... #1

Look very similar to mine : Karador for the win !!! Maybe you could remove Viscera Seer for Mirri's Guile ?Debtors' Knell IS a must in a Reanimator :-DLord of Extinction is a powerful creature but I just don't like him xDNice Deck ! +1

June 13, 2013 2:38 a.m.

tehswede77 says... #2

Viscera Seer gives me a much needed free sac outlet, and her ability is occasionally relevant too. Worst case scenario she starts up a Birthing Pod chain. I already have Sylvan Library over Mirri's Guile though.

When I was first putting a list together I was considering Debtors' Knell but I wanted the deck to have as much creature-based abilities as possible to get full abuse out of Karador. In my experience, Reveillark and Karmic Guide have worked much better, and I can dig for them with all of my creature tutors except Fierce Empath .

I love Lord of Extinction ! If you can resolve him with Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord it's generally game over, especially if you get a few Mindslicer activations in first to fill everyone's graveyard up.

Thanks for taking a look at the deck!

June 13, 2013 4:32 p.m.

Aneximines says... #3

Thanks for the great write-up. I came to recommend cards and now I'm considering some (like Puppeteer Clique and Spike Weaver ). Nevertheless, here are some suggestions:

Academy Rector - not recurable, but you'll have no problem triggering her ability, and a tutor that lets you skip the mana cost is nothing to sneeze at.

Dark Prophecy - it's like a second Phyrexian Arena (or more, if you start going crazy with your Skeleton).

Rings of Brighthearth - gets (more) card advantage out of things like Birthing Pod , Fauna Shaman , and Qasali Pridemage . It's overkill, but overkill can be fun.

I'm currently testing Strionic Resonator . I'm enjoying it, but it isn't as powerful as I'd hoped.

August 5, 2013 5:07 p.m.

Aneximines says... #4

Also, consider Hibernation's End . It tends to draw removal, but using it for even a turn or two can set up a nice basis, like a Viscera Seer and Saffi Eriksdotter .

August 5, 2013 5:16 p.m.

AttilatheFun says... #5

I've been working on a karador list for a wile now . I really like this build more than my own. If you have the time would you mind to take a look at mine and let me know what you think I could do to improve it? I don't want to just copy/paste your deck but I would like to steal a few ideas off of you if you don't mind.

August 6, 2013 1:16 a.m.

tehswede77 says... #6


Hibernation's End looks INSANE with my curve, I'm definitely going to give that a try once I can find a cut. Can't believe I never thought of that!

Honestly I think I'd rather put in Enlightened Tutor over Academy Rector simply because it hits artifacts too. Right now I don't really have any enchantments I'd want to go for over Birthing Pod or Skullclamp .

Rings of Brighthearth and Strionic Resonator could be really good, but I agree about it being overkill. I'm not sure I would want to cut threats or removal for them.

August 6, 2013 4:16 a.m.

tehswede77 says... #7


Sure thing, I'll take a look at it tonight.

August 6, 2013 4:21 a.m.

AttilatheFun says... #8

Thank you I very much appreciate it.

August 6, 2013 8:37 a.m.

NinjaNate says... #9

Needs more Survival of the Fittest and Living death!!!

August 13, 2013 5:18 p.m.

tehswede77 says... #10

I actually took Living Death out, was proving to be a dead card in my meta over and over. One of my friends plays Scion and Living Death just enabled him to win so out it went.

Survival of the Fittest is replacing Fauna Shaman when I can get my hands on one.

August 19, 2013 4:47 a.m.

AttilatheFun says... #11

I don't know what to suggest to remove but I would suggest leaving Fauna Shaman in when you add Survival of the Fittest . Since it will give you two of the same effect and that's never a bad thing.

August 20, 2013 4:18 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #12

If you're looking for an alternative rather than cutting Fauna Shaman , it seems like Mindslicer could hinder you just as much, forcing you to discard answers.

Some amount of redundancy is a good thing.

August 20, 2013 4:24 p.m.

tehswede77 says... #13

The reason I would cut Fauna Shaman for Survival of the Fittest is that Fauna Shaman really just doesn't do much for me at the moment. I can't activate it the turn it comes down and it's usually removed before I get any use out of it. I'd rather have Survival, it can be used the turn it comes down, multiple times a turn, and is resilient to board wipes. I know redundancy is good but Shaman just doesn't do much, if anything, for me right now.

I don't think I'll ever cut Mindslicer tbh, it's just too good against control and combo. Nothing brings me more glee than watching a combo player carefully tutor and sculpt their hand and then have it dumped into the graveyard. I don't particularly care if I discard my hand since my graveyard functions like a second hand anyways.

August 23, 2013 4:33 a.m.

NinjaNate says... #14

Having Survival of the Fittest in this deck gives you alot of powerful options. You may want to look at putting Living Death back in if you are going to put it in. I would rather have it than not in a deck based around putting my critters in the yard. Also you should just be putting more powerful stuff in play than scion. Another thing I would tell you to do when putting in Survival is to play one of the shuffle eldrazi. I know alot of people hate eldrazi monsters but I use Kozilek, Butcher of Truth purely for a shuffle effect that can be done at instant speed with survival. My problem with Mindslicer I have really found him to be lackluster but then again my Karador is a little more combo oriented so i am sculpting just as much as they are if not more than they are.

August 23, 2013 7:43 a.m.

NinjaNate says... #15

Other cards I would tell you take a look at considering are Triskelion (is an infi damage combo with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed ), Chord of Calling (search up a specific critter you need), Jarad's Orders (I have been amazed at how efficent this card can be in this deck since it allows you to search a critter to hand and yard), Greater Good (repeatable card draw that allows you to fill your yard at the same time,also another way to use the eldrazi as another instant speed shuffle effect), Volrath's Stronghold (a way to be able to reuse multiple critters along side Karador), Genesis (read Volrath's Stronghold).

August 23, 2013 7:56 a.m.

NinjaNate says... #16

Also Damnation is just plain better than Day of Judgement?!?!?!!.

August 23, 2013 8:53 a.m.

tehswede77 says... #17

I'm not into the whole game-winning infinite combo thing, which is why I don't run Triskelion or Woodfall Primus . My deck is more like a Rock deck, I tend to slowly grind out the wins instead of going off in one turn. Some members of my playgroup are pretty casual and I want the deck to be able to still be "fair" and "fun" for them while still being able to compete and kick ass at more competitive tables, and I feel like it's in a pretty good place for that right now.

I cut Jarad's Orders a while back for Demonic Tutor , haven't really looked back since.

I've never been a huge fan of Genesis since it has to remain in the graveyard to be useful and graveyard exiling happens pretty frequently in my playgroup ever since I started winning reliably with Karador, and it only returns the card to my hand instead of into play. It's overall too expensive for me, to pay 2G in addition to the creature's mana cost to recast it.

I tried Volrath's Stronghold a while ago on Cockatrice, since I wasn't about to spend $20 on a utility land unless I was sure it was worth it. Really unimpressed with that too, it's even slower than Genesis .

Damnation , Chord of Calling , Kozilek, Butcher of Truth , Survival of the Fittest , Pernicious Deed , Vindicate , etc. will eventually be added when I feel like spending another large sum of money on the deck again. It's just a budget thing, I have other decks I want to build.

August 23, 2013 4:57 p.m.

outofnothing0 says... #18

no Dauntless Escort ? i'm a little surprised. he works wonders by himself but with Sun Titan he's devastating!

also i love the deck! i'm in the process of making my own karador deck and i noticed a lot of what i started with is in your variant as well. I've nabbed some ideas so +1 from me.

August 24, 2013 1:11 a.m.

you mentioned one of your weaknesses being exiled cards? Void Maw is your best bet to get around that.

August 28, 2013 3:35 p.m.

granted, it only works for cards exiled with its own effect, but still it should pretty much cover your bases.

August 28, 2013 3:36 p.m.

inspired to make a similar deck love it can't help though that it is missing the ramp of Boundless Realms +1 from me awesome deck still tryign to decide on my deck for next year at massey where meta is EDH

September 4, 2013 4:43 a.m.

Domhnall says... #22

I like this deck, though I'm surprised by the lack of Teneb, the Harvester .

I'm sure you have your reasons, though.

October 12, 2013 5:16 p.m.

Domhnall says... #23

Perhaps since Kokusho, the Evening Star is banned in EDH you could sideboard Teneb in the event that you get whiners regarding Kokusho.

October 12, 2013 5:21 p.m.

outofnothing0 says... #24

Kokusho, the Evening Star is no longer banned for deckbuilding, just as a commander.

October 12, 2013 5:37 p.m.

Domhnall says... #25

Oh that's nice.

October 12, 2013 6:45 p.m.

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