Karador, Ghost Chieftain: The Primer!
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 124 | 86 COMMENTS | 49033 VIEWS | IN 69 FOLDERS
I already have Buried Alive, Green Sun, Survival, Pod, Sidisi, Entomb, Chord of Calling, Tooth and Nail, and Knight for lands. I'm not sure at what point tutors are going to make the deck weaker by lessening the amount of creatures I have access to.
Also, one change I've made is: -Gray Merchant of Asphodel +Smothering Abomination
Merchant is only good for big Living Death/Gen Wave plays, and the deck has been needing more card draw.
June 26, 2016 1:20 p.m.
EchoSi3rra says... #3
If you want this to be competitive you probably want as many tutors as you can possibly fit in the deck.
I disagree with removing Gray Merchant of Asphodel, it's not really hard to make him hit for a significant amount and he can buy you a turn or two with the life gain. The real power is when you get the Karmic Guide Reveillark combo assembled as he will provide an instant win if you have either Reveillark+Karmic Guide+sac outlet+gary or Reveillark+Saffi Eriksdotter+sac outlet+gary.
You seem to be missing the Boonweaver Giant combo which is probably the strongest version of competitive Karador.
I don't think you really need Austere Command here, there are tons of creatures that deal with artifacts/enchantments, I generally find myself lacking creature removal far more than noncreature removal, I would suggest swapping to Wrath of God/Damnation. Magus of the Disk is also a solid boardwipe on a creature.
August 10, 2016 3:07 p.m.
One of the problems the deck seemed to be having was that it was drawing up extremely poor opening hands. Having things like Gray Merchant of Asphodel that do almost nothing by themselves or a lot of seven drops that aren't castable early was the main culprit, and after removing those it seems to function better.
I have considered the Boonweaver Giant combo, but honestly it just doesn't seem like something that I would enjoy playing with. I'm not super interested in winning the same way every game. This deck is certainly on the competitive side of EDH, but I don't want to take it into the combo direction.
One addition i was considering over Austere Command or Decree of Pain was Angel of Serenity, which seems very versatile to me. It can permanently exile creature threats or regrow a few creatures for me. Running Damnation over Austere Command seems a little silly to me, since Command can still wipe all creatures, with lots of added versatility for two more generic mana.
August 10, 2016 3:45 p.m.
Oops, forgot to touch on tutors!
Diabolic Intent is the tutor I'm considering most, followed by Demonic Tutor and either Eladamri's Call or Vampiric Tutor. Past that, nothing looks extremely appealing. Suggestions for cuts?
August 10, 2016 3:52 p.m.
EchoSi3rra says... #6
Yeah, I was having that problem too after they got rid of partial mulligans, I lowered my curve as well. Although I still think Gary is worth it, you're right he's not great in your opening hand.
I feel the same way about Boonweaver so I understand this choice.
Angel of Serenity is pretty versatile but I think it's too expensive for what it does. As for Austere Command, yes it's more versatile but with 8 creatures that can repeatedly remove artifacts/enchantments do you really need that versatility? Sometimes against aggressive decks you NEED a boardwipe by turn 4 and that 2 more generic mana will lose you the game. I would also recommend Toxic Deluge instead of Decree of Pain. I've done a lot of testing with my deck and I found that I tend to have plenty of artifact/enchantment removal and not enough creature removal so I only run boardwipes that hit creatures and I even cut Bane of Progress.
Cuts are tricky here, there are no bad cards in this list, everything fits the theme and is useful. It's just a matter of playtesting the deck a ton and figuring out what the weakest links are. If it were up to me I would cut some of these: Duplicant, Knight of the Reliquary, Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim, Elvish Visionary, Sadistic Hypnotist, Satyr Wayfinder, Smothering Abomination or Golgari Grave-Troll.
August 10, 2016 4:44 p.m.
First off, I just want to mention that I really appreciate the in-depth responses! Your Karador deck looks very strong as well :D
I'm going to be testing Toxic Deluge, Angel of Serenity, and paying extra close attention to Austere Command. I could very easily see Decree coming out for Deluge, Decree is kind of a pet card of mine and is a little win-more; also, its eight mana.
Just a side note, if you find yourself low on creature removal, I'd strongly recommend Shadowborn Demon, Duplicant, and Shriekmaw, they do a good job of just killing almost anything as well as putting creatures into the yard.
I've had this deck together for years and I still love playtesting with it and finding new tech, so I'll be working on finding the new worst card and turning it into Diabolic Intent, which if I remember correctly was actually in the deck like two years ago. Circle of life (or death?), I suppose.
August 11, 2016 11:54 a.m.
EchoSi3rra says... #8
No problem, Karador is my favorite deck so I've been playing and tweaking it for a long time now and I love discussing options for it.
I did have Shriekmaw in my deck from the beginning but I recently removed it to make room for something else, I don't even remember what, I think the "nonartifact, nonblack" clause bit me in the ass one too many times. Shadowborn Demon and Duplicant have been on my radar for a long time but I just never found room for them. I guess I'm just patiently waiting for another boardwipe on a stick creature.
The problem with Karador is that there are far more value creatures in BGW than there are slots in the deck.
August 11, 2016 12:24 p.m.
Yeah I know, it's a pretty awesome problem to have honestly. Karador is easily my favorite general. I have other EDH decks, but nothing brings me more joy than grinding out wins with Karador.
I think you could afford to take out Pelakka Wurm for some more removal, since you also have Gray Merchant in your list for life gain. Unless it's a pet card that is(Elvish Visionary fills my pet card slot). For me, I think Duplicant might be the best of the three I had mentioned once you get to six mana, because exiling is so important to have somewhere in your 99 and Reveillark is best friends with him.
Spore Frog is one of my favorite recent additions, the ratio of ridiculous art to miserable effect on that card is just perfect, and being able to Green Sun's Zenith or Woodland Bellower for it is bonkers.
The only other "sweeper" effect I've seen on a creature is Sunblast Angel, I tried it out a while back, but it produced inconsistent results.
August 11, 2016 3:40 p.m.
Brutalizer Exarch is a tutor on a creature that can also deal with certain problem cards. Also Yawgmoth's Will is a really strong card.
September 19, 2016 9:34 p.m.
Brutalizer Exarch seems a little expensive for what it does, and it's too low on the list of tutor creatures I would play, and too low on the list of removal creatures I would play. Not having access to the creature I tutor right away would lead to problems as well.
As for Yawgmoth's Will, it seemed insane, but in a few months of testing with it, it was surprisingly underwhelming. It's not a card you can play in the early game much at all, and I never really had the mana to reanimate more than six mana worth of creatures, and even then it was hard to justify playing because Karador just does the same thing and doesn't add the downside of exiling my things for the turn. I'm definitely not doubting the power of the card, I just don't think this deck generates enough mana to "go crazy" with it.
September 22, 2016 4:57 p.m.
Blackerlotus13 says... #12
Seems like this deck needs a little more balance. while its nice to have many many creatures that do wonderful things, you need a way of getting to that point. Ramp, grave dump, reanimates, deck search, card draw etc...
Love the deck - I just started playing Karador is a commander perhaps you can take a look at mine and see whats up over there - i would greatly appreciate it. I used to play recurring survival in the early 2000's in vintage, and this deck seems to play the most similar in the EDH format. Im so glad i chose this over meren
September 23, 2016 11:15 a.m.
First off, thanks for taking the time to comment, nothing beats Karador deck discussion lol.
I think the deck has enough cheap spells/dudes that ramp it, with those being Dawntreader Elk, Solemn Simulacrum, Sakura-Tribe Elder, Viridian Emissary, Sol Ring, Knight of the Reliquary, Wood Elves, Farhaven Elf, and Yavimaya Granger, plus the lands that tap for two mana if you want to count those as ramp. It probably seems weird that I have so many creatures but honestly, it just works. Like if you play so many, they'll happen to die one way or another and that's what fills up your graveyard most of the time.
In terms of tutoring, I was considering throwing in a Diabolic Intent, but I'm currently just considering what to take out for something like that, and I agree with you in that the deck is possibly a little light on card draw, even though Karador decks can usually get away with playing a few less card draw spells since your commander basically lets you draw 1-2 cards every turn (one being the creature and the other being the effect you get right away). The only cards that draw multiple cards straight up are Smothering Abomination, Disciple of Bolas, Greater Good, and Grim Haruspex, but generally I find myself not wanting for many more cards than I have, although it does come up occasionally.
I'll definitely check your deck out and comment on it as soon as I get the time, I love seeing different takes on the deck!
September 23, 2016 2:59 p.m.
Blackerlotus13 says... #14
So the big question i have right now is, how does Magister of Worth usually work out for you? it seems like a decent card but it can also backfire. its something that looks fun but I cant tell if its totally .......... worth it :P
September 24, 2016 12:38 p.m.
EchoSi3rra says... #15
Magister of Worth has never once backfired on me. Sure sometimes you don't get the optimal choice but 90% of the time it's a boardwipe that leaves you with a 4/4 flier. When you do get to reanimate all you will get the most value 90% of the time.
September 24, 2016 4:43 p.m.
Magister of Worth works 95% of the time, its phenominal, in a four player game you only need one person to agree with you to sweep the board, and usually for you reanimating is better than sweeping because it will ALSO deal with the threats. So if someone decides to reanimate because they think they have a good graveyard, you basically just win the game, or at least become the favorite to win. It's definitely "worth" it!
September 27, 2016 12:56 a.m.
Advisorofdark says... #17
Wake the Dead and Victimize would probably be good with your come into play effects.
October 6, 2016 3:16 a.m.
Victimize was in the first version of this deck I made years ago, and it stayed in for a while, but eventually I cut it because I just wanted such a high concentration of creatures in the deck. Wake the Dead is pretty interesting, it reminds me of Living Death with how much nonsensical value I can get out of it. I'll try testing it out to see if it's good enough, although I have my doubts since it's bad in the opener and doesn't offer a sweeper effect like Living Death does, but we'll see!
In other news, I finally got my hands on a Recruiter of the Guard (sadly not a foil one) which is awesome, because this card is completely bonkers. I'm going to take out Acidic Slime for it, for a few reasons. I have five other creatures in the deck capable of destroying artifacts or enchantments: Harmonic Sliver, Necrotic Sliver (even hits lands), Qasali Pridemage, Reclamation Sage, and Bane of Progress. Recruiter is capable of tutoring all five of these creatures anyway and has a whopping 28 targets overall, and I've been meaning to put a Strip Mine in this deck, thus making Slime even more redundant. So overall, a very positive change!
October 6, 2016 6:48 p.m.
Advisorofdark says... #19
If you want another Spore Frog in your deck, you can add a Kami of False Hope which is basically a white version of frog. Another protective one cmc creature I use is Benevolent Bodyguard, probably a bad idea but it comes in handy against clones and exile cards.
October 8, 2016 11:11 a.m.
I think since I have tons of ways to tutor up the Fog Frog, I'm all set on the fogging front, although I have to admit that the Kami's art is amazing and I would want to see it in foil. If your meta is super aggressive I could see playing the Bodyguard. If your deck has a lot of one drops like that, Ranger of Eos would be an all-star. It's something I would probably play myself if I had, like, two more stellar one drops.
October 8, 2016 3:31 p.m.
A recent update to the deck:
-1 Smothering Abomination -1 Phyrexian Delver -1 Austere Command -1 Homeward Path -1 Plains
+1 Perpetual Timepiece +1 Animate Dead +1 Renegade Rallier +1 Strip Mine +1 Wooded Foothills
I have been wanting to lower the curve of this deck for a while, and I think this will certainly help. I'm quite a huge fan of Perpetual Timepiece, and it has been really great in testing with such a unique effect. Renegade Rallier is an insane upgrade for the deck, and I like him better than Phyrexian Delver since he is Green Sun fetchable, costs less, and can bring back lands or Animate Dead, as well as a fallen Sol Ring or Survival of the Fittest. Animate Dead comes in to make Rallier even better, and it has been on the cusp of coming in before this. I'll see how it performs and if it deserves a permanent spot in the deck. Austere Command may not be necessary, so I'm seeing how the deck does without it for now.
January 24, 2017 12:59 a.m.
Winterblast says... #22
I would include at least a few removals that are not implemented on creature cards. It's pretty much impossible to get rid of Humility if all removals are creatures.
June 25, 2017 2:37 p.m.
That's true, thanks for the reply! I used to have Austere Command in the list but found it to be too expensive. Something like World Breaker would be good at stopping Humility both from the grave and when I cast it. Krosan Grip is another possible inclusion too I suppose, but seems worse.
June 26, 2017 1:18 a.m.
Winterblast says... #24
I like to play Nature's Claim because it's so cheap. Fragmentize and Vindicate are also cool.
June 26, 2017 7:04 a.m.
Woodland Bellower is probably the card to take out, I've been looking at it for a while now since the deck's curve has been getting lower and lower, and as much as I love the card, it hasn't really proven itself to be worth a slot. I WAS saving cutting it for when I eventually acquire a Mana Crypt masterpiece, but adding a Nature's Claim makes a lot of sense. I might want to also add something like Diabolic Intent in the future as well.
mack10k says... #1
Demonic Tutor, Vampiric Tutor, Cruel Tutor, Diabolic Tutor, Grim Tutor, Worldly Tutor, and Sylvan Tutor.
June 25, 2016 1:19 p.m.