Bloodstone Circle

Commander / EDH* GhostChieftain


Ryanh12 says... #1

You could always add Survival of the Fittest ... I know it isn't less than $20, but it'd be excellent in this deck.

April 11, 2019 5:33 p.m.

GhostChieftain says... #2

That is actually in my wishlist on my phone. My game plan is to find one in some bulk at a garage sale or buy one that is in god awful condition for real real cheap lol

April 11, 2019 6:25 p.m.

WhatevWorks says... #3

I skimmed the primer, you might have already answered these questions. Sorry if that's the case. But what are the purposes of Lotleth Troll and Farseek ? It feels like those cards don't offer much. Also, I feel like zoning in more on the elf package could be interesting. Priest of Titania and Elvish Archdruid are good with outlets like Umbral Mantle and Staff of Domination .

And, welcome to the format! You can leave your soul by the door.

April 16, 2019 10:23 a.m.

GhostChieftain says... #4

WhatevWorks I felt like I was too often having the start of my combo and a reanimation spell in hand, so I put in lotleth as a discard outlet. Ideally I would change it for Survival of the Fittest but if my wife hears I spent $80 on a single piece of cardboard I wont hear the end of it lol. Any ideas for a more budget option?

And as far as Farseek vs elves, I totally agree with you. I will swap that out after our tournament is ended tomorrow as we are supposed to use the exact same deck both weeks.

April 16, 2019 10:53 a.m.

WhatevWorks says... #5

GhostChieftain- if you want to discard your reanimation targets, I'd recommend One with Nothing as a more budget option to do so. One mana at instant speed to discard all the reanimation targets in your hand seems pretty good.

Kidding. You've already got Fauna Shaman, so that makes this difficult. This is iffy, but how does Necromancer's Stockpile sound as a discard outlet? It replaces the card, which is a plus.

April 16, 2019 11:25 a.m.

GhostChieftain says... #6

I had it in for a while actually and felt like it wasn't impactful enough as an enchantment just drawing the 1 card and I would rather have a sacccable idiot like Lotleth Troll to put Pattern of Rebirth on so I can combo off. As it stands right now, all of my enchantments can be used as a part of a game winning combo.

April 16, 2019 11:43 a.m.

Free_Iona says... #7

I love shameless plugs, and this looks very cool!! :) pretty cool way to play Karador - i have a friend who is purely reanimation, and its tricky as hell to beat. This must be super fun to pilot +1

June 6, 2019 5:05 p.m.

GhostChieftain says... #8

Thanks Chhris! Some strong reanimation targets are never amiss with ol pony boy at the helm.

June 6, 2019 5:29 p.m.

Feltrix says... #9

Upvote for Night Vale. I actually haven't looked at the deck yet, but whatever.

June 9, 2019 12:16 a.m.

FaiberJC says... #10

Congratulations on the deck. I have some doubts:

  • Do you have this list on paper?
  • How does she behave against top decks?
  • 30 lands for 3 colors, would not it be little?
  • Would you have any suggestion to replace Collector Ouphe, Ethersworn Canonist and Natural Order.

Thank you for your attention.

June 24, 2019 6:04 p.m.

FaiberJC Yes I do have this in paper.

It performs well against many top decks, it will never be as fast as any hulk list that has blue (i.e. flash) but that opens up more room for hatebears which gives us a good matchup vs storm and spellslinger style decks. It is a tough matchup vs some other stax decks and Grafdigger's Cage really stops me from doing any combo until I find removal, and it stops me from part of my methods to get my removal to hand.

At first I thought 30 lands was way too few, but with much playtesting and at the suggestion of my playgroup I went down to 30 and I will never look back. It could really use the original duals and more fetches so it can grab green a bit easier, but it is doable without.

Collector Ouphe and Ethersworn Canonist should not be removed. They have both prevented other players from winning so many times that they will both permanently be in here. If you were to drop them, I would say to find any other hatebear you can get (other than gaddock teeg) and be aware that it is a strict downgrade. As far as natural order goes, it is very good for getting your combo and it can also be used to find ouphe or removal or eternal witness so it is very good. If you were to get rid of it, I would say Finale of Devastation . I may end up finding a spot for finale anyway because combat is a viable (albeit much slower and weaker than the combo) secondary win con with this deck.

June 24, 2019 11:28 p.m.

TheCorelton says... #12

What do you think about scrapping the Boonweaver plan all together and running the new Hulk line? Melira, Lesser Masticore, Disciple of the Vault, Viscera Seer.

August 4, 2019 4:10 p.m.

TheCorelton The new hulk line leaves more room to put in more interaction, but I feel like it is more fragile to drawing a combo piece when I pull off my combo directly from my library. I like the redundancy boonweaver gives still, but I am not certain yet that it is the right choice. I do like the new hulk line though.

August 4, 2019 7:06 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #14

Yo GhostChieftain~

Sweet deck, I used to pilot Karador as well as another one akin to my Teneb, albeit I went more dredge based route and used Hermit Druid as an enabler. I feel this resonance as your story is similar to my background story haha. Kindred Abzan souls yeeeeeeeeet boi.

Some recommendations that you may want to try out as they have been useful to me are:

Those would be some cards I would suggest to try out.

All in all feel free to chat and discuss deck strats and what not!~ Happy Magicking!

August 6, 2019 11:19 p.m.

hkhssweiss Yeeeeeeeeeeeee boiiii! Thanks! I love most of those suggestions and have thought about trying all of them except pull. Not that I think pull is bad, but I have the redundant boonweaver line. That could be the wrong move, but I really like the resiliency I get from having the extra interchangeable combo pieces. I likely should just try paring down to just the main hulk pile and put in some more interaction.

One thing I am actually considering doing also is trying craterhoof and finale of devastation so if I have issues with graveyard hate from one player, between those cards and elesh I should be able to knock out problematic decks.

August 6, 2019 11:47 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #16

I highly recommend Finale of Devastation I am trying to find in a slot to test it out in Teneb, Craterhoof is aight, I don't know your meta but usually I find hoof a bit too slow in the faster pods. I really like Pull from Eternity as it is super resilient, but also because there are certain tricks you can do with it. Like for example Ad Nauseam you can discard and exile hulk, use PFE and Necromancy to instant speed win and sac it. Or for Chrome Mox Shenanigans.

August 7, 2019 7:01 a.m.

The thought behind choof is that i have a lot of ways to get it directly from deck rather than pay full mana cost as a way to win outside of the graveyard and I have a ton of low to the ground creatures for it to buff. My deck legitimately slows down my opponents through bears also, so I honestly think it could work.

I am super dubious of ad naus for my deck. I have some higher cmc reanimation targets and I feel like I would just constantly wreck myself. I am at some point going to try and rework the whole thing and take out this hulk package for the new abzan hulk combo and no hatebears to just make it as fast as I can. That one will def have naus and pull.

August 7, 2019 7:53 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #18

No worries, I wasn't recommending Ad Naus, in Karador it would definitely be a big ouphe. However I do see how hoof can work in your type of style of deck as it is an outright kill. Plus with all the card tutors and ways to bring it out, yeah definitely go for it!~

August 7, 2019 7:58 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #19

Also if ya have the chance to obtain it, Gaea's Cradle is a hell of a card for Karador and creature based decks!

August 7, 2019 7:59 a.m.

I would love a gaea's cradle, but as I will soon be buying a cradle for the non mtg parts of my life I should probably avoid spending nearly $400 on a card. My wife would kill me lol

August 7, 2019 8:47 a.m.

Gakros says... #21

Hi fellow Chieftain player,
i am looking at your deck for some inspiration.
First of all i noticed you don't run Mindslicer . He is an amazing stax piece i can't stress how many games i have won in a 75% from him.
Second i am curious if you are missing Sun Titan i do also find him hard to cast many times too. I also run Renegade Rallier .You can:
1.Hulk > Renegade Rallier + Saffi Eriksdotter + Viscera Seer
2. Renegade Rallier + Animate Dead / Dance of the Dead + Sun Titan .
3.Lastly do you think a Ravos + Partner would be more viable ? i am trying to stay true to the Chieftain but its hard nowdays.

September 27, 2019 10:29 a.m.

Gakros In my meta, mindslicer hasn't really worked that well. At 4 mana I want to either stop something immediately or be able to use it to get hulk or boonweaver.

Sun Titan was the hardest cut for me to make in this deck. I had him in from my very first iteration 7 years ago and cut him 4-5 months ago. He is just too low impact at 6 mana even though he can be a win con... crazy, right?!?! I found him sitting in my hand with not enough mana and no combo piece for it way too often and he became a liability.

I have considered rallier, but overall I decided I prefer just what I have here because my hulk lines just straight up win and rallier doesn't without blood artist effects on board.

Ravos is a weaker choice for sure. However Tymna/Sidar is 100% better than karador if you want to stay abzan and thrasios/tymna is 1000% better than that if you are willing to add blue. I am staying with pony boi at least until I can win a season of my league with him. I have made finals each season so far, but haven't quite gotten there in the end even though I have played and beaten some of the other decks.

September 27, 2019 11:36 a.m.

Sanguinolency says... #23

I saw you look to cheat in Pattern of Rebirth with Boonweaver Giant . What do you think about Defense of the Heart for help with getting combo out as well? It could also help slow down other decks from keeping opponents off of creatures.

December 20, 2019 9:51 p.m.

Defense feels too telegraphed imo. I don't have counterspells to protect it for a full turn cycle til my upkeep. All of my other ways to cheat it in are at the very least sorcery speed on the turn I play it. Thanks for the input though!

December 21, 2019 12:31 a.m.

Gakros says... #25

Hi again fellow Karador Player,
you NEED to try Wake the Dead . IT IS AMAZING!!!
Turn 1:Land + Entomb >> Hulk
Turn 2:Land
Turn 3:Land + Wake the Dead targeting Hulk. GG!

January 5, 2020 4:13 p.m.

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