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Karador the Ghost that keeps Haunting you ! 0_o

Commander / EDH BGW (Abzan, Junk) Budget Combo Dredge Multiplayer



This is a deck for the people who play multiplayer on a budget. I reduced the cost of the good land card's so I can put in things that make more difference. (Lands are good, but you'll get that fast enough.)

It's all about the reanimate, and Stacking your graveyard that acts as a second hand.

This deck has many features to lock an opponent down and controlling the size of their board.

Dredge/ mill :Stinkweed Imp ,Golgari Thug, Golgari Grave-Troll, Life From The Loam, Hermit Druid.Use the dradge to get your graveyard bigger and karador cheaper, use life from the loam and hermit druid to filter out land. All of the creatures can be used by the reanimate card's.

Reanimate: Sheoldred, Whispering One, Karador, Ghost Chieftain, Coffin Queen,Vigor Mortis, Reveillark & Sun Titan.

Try to use the Enter the Battlefield effects as much as possible by reanimating the creatures put ther by dredge (or by death) think about a sun titan to get another permanent back ( phyrexian arena, hermit , glissa, stinkweed ( if against flaying). Get Yosei back and back and back to let the opponent skip their untap steps. Get the creatures you want back on the battlefield in the grave with the sacrifice outlet.

Sacrifice outlet :Doomgape, Disciple of Bolas, Birthing Pod( also tutor), Living Death, Stronghold Assassin, Slum Reaper, Fleshbag Marauder, Sadistic Hypnotist, Phyrexian Plaguelord & Skullclamp.

The sacrifice outlet has some nice bonuses , letting opponent discard cards , tutor your own creatures (and increasing your grave to reanimate it again & again) , and reducing everyone's board size with Fleshbag and Slum Reaper. Use the plaguelord to get specific target's down. And last but not least get some life along the way with, diciple of bolas ,doomgape and savra.

Control(For creatures): Slum Reaper,Vengeful Pharaoh,Yosei, the Morning Star, Luminate Primordial, Avatar of Woe,Savra, Queen of the Golgari(+ life gain), Fleshbag Marauder, Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite &Braids,Cabal Minion.Divine Reckoning (even usefull if dredged')Merciless Eviction

Control (Artifact & enchantment): Acidic Slime Qasali Pridemage, Sylvan Primordial, Oblivion Ring, Putrefy, Merciless Eviction.

Vengeful Pharaoh keeps the scary stuff away ( and works as a bluff)try to get it in with dredge or sacrifice it.

Yosei, the Morning Star : keeps the opponent "tapped out" try to reanimate it each turn and saccing it again.

Get your Mana together with : Life from the Loam,Yavimaya Elder,Far Wanderings, Kodama's Reach,Chromatic Lantern, Coalition Relic, Gilded Lotus, Sol Ring, Wood Elves, Solemn Simulacrum, Hermit Druid, Krosan Wayfarer, Deathrite Shaman, Boundless realms.

Tutor you cards with :Birthing Pod, Diabolic Tutor, Wirewood Herald ( for Jarad, savra,or glissa, wood elves, deathrite.)

How to win ? 1. Get your graveyard big , 10-30 creatures drop a Living Death the creutures on your field have alot of interaction to wipe an opponent's board clean.

  1. Control and overrun. Keep the enemy down with sacrifice engine's ETB effect's, or things like Elesh Norn, Sheoldred. Overrun with big hitter's ( and keep Brawn in your grave ;)).

  2. Be sneaky and drop Luhrgoys, mortivore or Lord of extinction with lighting greaves/ Rogue's passage. In a multiplayer it's (most of the time) enough to kill an opponent.

  3. Be even more sneaky , make sure Jarad(or Necrotic Ooze to cover it up )/ and or lord of extinction is in the grave, and get them back on the field at once ( with Living death , or Reivelark + karador ability , birthing pod + a cast from grave or hand , Sheoldred + karador.) You see wher I'm going to sacrifice lord of extinction and kill all your opponent's at once ( they'll hate ya. )

  4. Saccrifice engine + yosei and reanimate (free or paid) is getting down 1 opponent atleast, and you can still focus on the rest.

This deck contains some cards where there is a more expensive improvement available, I chose not to put these in because of my budget. Some cards are more expensive in her but I've drawn them from boosters (lucky me).

Have fun with testing this one , and DO NOT FORGET the grave is your second hand don't be afraid to let things die.

Greettzzz Sias


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Date added 12 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

29 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 3.85
Folders Commander, EDH, EDH Ideas
Ignored suggestions
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