Karador, the Returned Prince

Commander / EDH Blackerlotus13


Blackerlotus13 says... #1

Rargh, Sometimes i just feel 99 cards isnt enough room. Selecting cards that can be used as "flex slots" are getting harder and harder, especially when you fall in love with certain cards or some that become "too good to take out". Playing the deck out i need at least 1 more solid 4 drop for Birthing Pod and its up between Solemn Simulacrum and Mindslicer, I havent really gotten to fully test Sepulchral Primordial yet so Im not sure if i like it, i might just change it to Magister of Worth, but that will require a little more time.

Mirari's Wake is a great card but on odd occasions it can become superfluous. I am also trying to figure out a way to increase the ratio of creatures without removing too much utility from the spells pool.

September 29, 2016 11:20 a.m.

k1llampt says... #2

Blackerlotus13 I would take out one of the green elves that taps for green mana and put spore frog or kami of false hope in because you will have a recurring fog that will stop damage from flying and unblockable. I would say both solemn and mindslicer are good. Solemn gets you pure card advantage where as mindslicer makes everyone discard. I could see playing sad robot and having mindslicer in the sideboard to swap if other people aren't playing graveyard decks as well. Finally Magister of worth is too good not to play.. either option helps this deck whether we wipe the board, or get all of our dudes back its good.

September 29, 2016 5:37 p.m.

Blackerlotus13 says... #3

@ k1llampt thank you for the insight. I already took out Elves of Deep Shadow I don't really want to lose more early game plays, but Magister of Worth will be going in soon. I havent gotten enough multiplayer testing to see if i want to keep Sepulchral Primordial yet so some of these changes might take some time.

If i wanted to go a different route I could put in cards like Hornet Queen, Avenger of Zendikar, and Craterhoof Behemoth and go bonkers with an all out attack. All these options is what i believe makes Karador one of the better commanders out there. you can make practically an infinite number of builds depending on what floats your boat that particular day. Spore Frog might crack the list if i play against a lot of decks with attack/win strategies. As of now, Bane of Progress is looking like more of a priority.

September 29, 2016 6:04 p.m.

ejarmy151 says... #4

I really like this deck build a lot! if you're considering Bane of Progress, maybe go for Aura Shards? It is recurrable with Sun Titan and can be constantly used with the amount of creatures you can put out. And maybe add a board wipe so you can clear the field if their board states get out of hand. Definitely a +1 from me man!

September 29, 2016 6:19 p.m.

Blackerlotus13 says... #5

Thanks ejarmy151. That actually makes sense. Because it would be taking out an enchantment, it creates a further synergy with Sun Titan and the Animate Dead Enchantments. The only thing I don't like about Bane of Progress is that it kills my Survival of the Fittest, Mirari's Wake, Birthing Pod and such, but there are times where you are playing against decks like Zur the Enchanter and have to keep annoying crap off the board at all times. Which is why it is on the horizon instead of the main deck. At least with Aura Shards the removal is controlled by me.

September 29, 2016 6:33 p.m.

k1llampt says... #6

Blackerlotus13 I second putting in Aura Shards I run it in my karador deck and it is insanely good.

September 29, 2016 9:42 p.m.

Zhugo12 says... #7

So, you asked me to look at your deck, and I'm glad to say that I want to help!!

My concerns for the deck boil down to five categories: Mana, Draw, Removal, Recursion, and Pot Pourri Tips and Tricks.

Let's talk mana first. You're a heavy advocate for mana dorks, and I can tell both by the discourse on this thread, and your comment on my deck ( Karadorable ). Here's my thought on it: I love the concept that they keep Karador's cost low if they are in the graveyard, while providing the mana to play him when theyre on the field, but of your Mana Dorks, all but 2 of them produce Green mana. This is rather problematic. Mana rocks like Golgari Signet, Orzhov Signet, and Selesnya Signet simultaneously filter mana (you can pay black into a Selesnya Signet and get the other two colors) and net gain it (1 mana in, 2 mana out). Additionally, Mana Rocks stay on the field much longer than Creatures. If a white, red, or black deck just sneezes in the vicinity of a 1/1 or 2/2 Mana Dork, they'll keel over and croak ( Spore Frog joke tbh, *see the last paragraph for explanation). Artifacts are more stable than creatures because most white, black, and red field wipes focus on creatures. Artifact removal is only held by 3 colors, and even then, in a multi-player game, your Mana-Rock wont be the target of removal (for the most part, they wont be collateral damage either). Also I like most of your lands, but the temples bother me. Temple of Plenty and Temple of Malady are slow af. I dislike lands that enter tapped, and if they do, they better give me something better than Scry 1. Thats my personal opinion on the matter, many players disagree. Also, if you are running Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth you might want to be running Cabal Coffers as well. Your mana curve is not smooth, which can be problematic because when you curve out so high, the cards that cost more than four take up a whole turn and things get messy. You are running lots of 5, 6 and 7 cost creatures. Its not easy to keep tempo with a jagged curve like what you have. Your ramp could use some diversification too. Its not a good idea to put all your ramp-eggs in one basket (creatures #ManaDorks)

Now lets talk draw. Draw is very powerful, because no one wants to be Top-Decking in order to win. Draw gives you choices, choices give you power. You have six or seven tutor abilities, and those tend to be very strong (although I dont like Diabolic Tutor as it costs 4) but some regular old draw abilities are very strong. I see that you have a Skullclamp which is very good, but perhaps Sylvan Library and Phyrexian Arena would benefit the deck. They are consistent, and harder to remove than a creature is. Having consistent, hard to remove draw (because enchantments are only removable by green and white) is incredibly powerful. Draw Power gives your engine gas. I like your discourse regarding Smothering Abomination and I see that you include Harvester of Souls. My contention with these two is twofold. First: they cost too much to play you want to draw by second, third, and fourth turn. Second, they require your deck to already have a decent board state to get going (you need creatures to be on your field and dying in order of them to trigger). You need card draw most when your board state is bleak, so in my opinion, cards that draw are best when you can use them on their own (IE the ones I recommended). As far as One-shot creature draws, I use Wall of Omens and Wall of Blossoms. I was a skeptic of these cards at first, but early game, their draw power is strong, and any creature with an Enters the Battlefield effect, can be reused and abused by Karador when you do what my friends call Graveyard Blinking (Kill the creature, return the creature). Overall, this deck would benefit from some good draw cards.Onto the topic of removal. I was disappointed to see that this deck is sorely lacking spot and mass removal. There are ZERO field wipes in this deck. I have a friend who plays Karador like this, and it makes me feel bad. There needs to be some field wipes. White has all the good wipes man!!! Wrath of God, Day of Judgment, Merciless Eviction, Toxic Deluge etc. I dont use as many as I should in my deck, because I run only 3, but I run a lot of spot removal. I typically advise 4 or 5 field wipes as a minimum. You have one pseudo-field-wipe in the maybeboard, Massacre Wurm is super deadly against some decks, 10/10 would recommend. Especially since you love creatures (obviously youre running a 36 creature deck). Magister of Worth is aptly named. I love the card, and am still trying to find room for it in my deck. It is WORTH #Value!! I would advise adding a few wrath effects for certain. NOW LETS DISCUSS SPOT REMOVAL. First of all I noticed you have no white one cost instants. DUDE. Where are your Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares?!?! Two best white cards in the game man!! I like your Aura Shards, its always a dank card. Someone in this thread also mentioned Anguished Unmaking, and I agree. Non-specific removal is the ish. It just makes so much sense. Three cost card that just makes your life easier. I understand your motivation to not make the deck overpowered, but removal makes decks political, playable, and fun; not overpowered. Get a Vindicate now that they cost less than ten dollars. Get a Putrefy or Mortify, both are also very versatile and fun spot removal cards. I compliment your Acidic Slime and Sheoldred, Whispering One for being good, but 5 and greater cost removal (and non-targeting removal) is slow, and not at instant speed (if I can solve the problem my opponent makes during the turn they make the problem, it frees up my turn to do my own board-construction). Against decks that play one permanent per turn (many green decks) low cost removal spells function similar to inexpensive extra turns, in that it invalidates the board construction that your opponent is attempting.Graveyard Recursion!!! Its time to put on our necromancer hats, and get jiggy with the dead! Im a huge fan of recursion, and at one point, had 3 different styles of graveyard decks. Here is how you classify graveyard cards: Gas Pump, Pedal, and Car. The Gas Pumps put creatures in the graveyard, making your life easier (why recur it after it dies, when you can play it out of your graveyard for cheaper?). Fuel is the actual Return from Graveyard card. The Cars, are the creatures you intend to actually get back from the graveyard. Your deck is lacking in Gas Pumps. You have Mesmeric Orb which randomly might toss things in the grave (random=not as good in this case). You have Buried Alive and Entomb which are perfect cards, One dollar (mana) per gallon (creature in grave) of gas? Sign me tf up!! They should never be taken out. Grisly Salvage does this a little bit, but its a gamble of whether or not you will find creatures on the top (again random=bad). Jarad's Orders are good, but it only puts one creature in the graveyard, and it costs four. Four dollars for a gallon of gas is too much. Survival of the Fittest is fantastic, because again, it is one dollar per gallon of gas, and it also tutors (there is a good reason for its price). Deadbridge Chant is too high cost, and too random. You noticed that you have a hard time putting creatures into your grave, let me resolve that issue with three cards: Putrid Imp, Lotleth Troll and Fauna Shaman. Choose what you want to discard, and do it under two mana, and for the first two: AT INSTANT SPEED!!! (useful when someone might make you exile your hand, or perhaps play cards from it). Now lets talk about your Pedal. You run A LOT of recursion cards. Id argue, too many. Defining Recursion as anything that can reach into a graveyard and put a creature on the field of course. You run 3 enchantment forms of recursion, and 3 sorcery forms, 6 creature forms. In general, the sorcery ones are better because then your opponent cant use enchantment removal spells to destroy your big creature. Here is my problem with your flood of recursion: it is overly redundant. Your general does it, and does it well. I have very little need to use one-shot recursion spells when I can use my general once a turn, and if I use my creatures that return creatures ( Karmic Guide, Reveillark, and Sun Titan are the three I run ) then I can return more than the prescribed amount per turn. I would oust Sepulchral Primordial. It costs too much and doesnt recur from your own graveyard (which is usually the strongest graveyard to recur from). You have Dread Return in your maybeboard. That is one of the 2 one-shot recursion spells I run (not counting Living Death and Twilight's Call ). It is strong because it provides two recursions for four mana and three creatures. Its a sac-outlet that sits in your graveyard and blindsides opponents. Theyll never see it coming. Overall, you have too many recursion spells for not enough Gas Pumps and Cars. Onto the subject of Cars. Youre pretty well set as far as Cars go, but imam share my favorites. Iona, Shield of Emeria is a card that on its own can wreck mono-colored decks. Avacyn, Angel of Hope is brutal. Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger is simultaneously spot removal, mill, and a beater. Gotta love it. Final favorite: Woodfall Primus. Its spot removal, its a beater, its persist. ITs LOVELY.Okay, last topic: Random tips and tricks I like to use:-Sacrifice Karador after you use his ability for the turn, so that you can play him again if your graveyard is particularly full, and you just need another recursion for the turn (be careful not to get too greedy and over-extend).- Use Spore Frog every turn in a two player game. Its a tactic called Turbo Fog accomplished with a Frog So Turbo Frog. Ribbit.- Solemn Simulacrum Is simultaneously some seriously smart draw power and mana ramp. Get one. - Get some fast pants!!! Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots are both excellent ways to get haste on a baddy that you get into a graveyard then onto the field. Essentially, pump your gas, get your Pedal, and then get your car moving all in the same turn. - Sadistic Hypnotist is currently chilling in your maybeboard, but dude, it costs nothing to sacrifice a creature (yay more sac-outlets!!) and its hand disruption!
September 30, 2016 1:32 a.m.

Zhugo12 says... #8

I don't know why it did that. made it hard to read, I'm going to re-post it in several comments to make it legible.

September 30, 2016 1:34 a.m.

Zhugo12 says... #9

So, you asked me to look at your deck, and I'm glad to say that I want to help!! My concerns for the deck boil down to five categories: Mana, Draw, Removal, Recursion, and Pot Pourri Tips and Tricks. Let's talk mana first. You're a heavy advocate for mana dorks, and I can tell both by the discourse on this thread, and your comment on my deck ( Karadorable ). Here's my thought on it: I love the concept that they keep Karador's cost low if they are in the graveyard, while providing the mana to play him when theyre on the field, but of your Mana Dorks, all but 2 of them produce Green mana. This is rather problematic. Mana rocks like Golgari Signet, Orzhov Signet, and Selesnya Signet simultaneously filter mana (you can pay black into a Selesnya Signet and get the other two colors) and net gain it (1 mana in, 2 mana out). Additionally, Mana Rocks stay on the field much longer than Creatures. If a white, red, or black deck just sneezes in the vicinity of a 1/1 or 2/2 Mana Dork, they'll keel over and croak ( Spore Frog joke tbh, *see the last paragraph for explanation). Artifacts are more stable than creatures because most white, black, and red field wipes focus on creatures. Artifact removal is only held by 3 colors, and even then, in a multi-player game, your Mana-Rock wont be the target of removal (for the most part, they wont be collateral damage either). Also I like most of your lands, but the temples bother me. Temple of Plenty and Temple of Malady are slow af. I dislike lands that enter tapped, and if they do, they better give me something better than Scry 1. Thats my personal opinion on the matter, many players disagree. Also, if you are running Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth you might want to be running Cabal Coffers as well. Your mana curve is not smooth, which can be problematic because when you curve out so high, the cards that cost more than four take up a whole turn and things get messy. You are running lots of 5, 6 and 7 cost creatures. Its not easy to keep tempo with a jagged curve like what you have. Your ramp could use some diversification too. Its not a good idea to put all your ramp-eggs in one basket (creatures #ManaDorks)

September 30, 2016 1:34 a.m.

Zhugo12 says... #10

Now lets talk draw. Draw is very powerful, because no one wants to be Top-Decking in order to win. Draw gives you choices, choices give you power. You have six or seven tutor abilities, and those tend to be very strong (although I dont like Diabolic Tutor as it costs 4) but some regular old draw abilities are very strong. I see that you have a Skullclamp which is very good, but perhaps Sylvan Library and Phyrexian Arena would benefit the deck. They are consistent, and harder to remove than a creature is. Having consistent, hard to remove draw (because enchantments are only removable by green and white) is incredibly powerful. Draw Power gives your engine gas. I like your discourse regarding Smothering Abomination and I see that you include Harvester of Souls. My contention with these two is twofold. First: they cost too much to play you want to draw by second, third, and fourth turn. Second, they require your deck to already have a decent board state to get going (you need creatures to be on your field and dying in order of them to trigger). You need card draw most when your board state is bleak, so in my opinion, cards that draw are best when you can use them on their own (IE the ones I recommended). As far as One-shot creature draws, I use Wall of Omens and Wall of Blossoms. I was a skeptic of these cards at first, but early game, their draw power is strong, and any creature with an Enters the Battlefield effect, can be reused and abused by Karador when you do what my friends call Graveyard Blinking (Kill the creature, return the creature). Overall, this deck would benefit from some good draw cards.

September 30, 2016 1:35 a.m.

Zhugo12 says... #11

Onto the topic of removal. I was disappointed to see that this deck is sorely lacking spot and mass removal. There are ZERO field wipes in this deck. I have a friend who plays Karador like this, and it makes me feel bad. There needs to be some field wipes. White has all the good wipes man!!! Wrath of God, Day of Judgment, Merciless Eviction, Toxic Deluge etc. I dont use as many as I should in my deck, because I run only 3, but I run a lot of spot removal. I typically advise 4 or 5 field wipes as a minimum. You have one pseudo-field-wipe in the maybeboard, Massacre Wurm is super deadly against some decks, 10/10 would recommend. Especially since you love creatures (obviously youre running a 36 creature deck). Magister of Worth is aptly named. I love the card, and am still trying to find room for it in my deck. It is WORTH #Value!! I would advise adding a few wrath effects for certain. NOW LETS DISCUSS SPOT REMOVAL. First of all I noticed you have no white one cost instants. DUDE. Where are your Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares?!?! Two best white cards in the game man!! I like your Aura Shards, its always a dank card. Someone in this thread also mentioned Anguished Unmaking, and I agree. Non-specific removal is the ish. It just makes so much sense. Three cost card that just makes your life easier. I understand your motivation to not make the deck overpowered, but removal makes decks political, playable, and fun; not overpowered. Get a Vindicate now that they cost less than ten dollars. Get a Putrefy or Mortify, both are also very versatile and fun spot removal cards. I compliment your Acidic Slime and Sheoldred, Whispering One for being good, but 5 and greater cost removal (and non-targeting removal) is slow, and not at instant speed (if I can solve the problem my opponent makes during the turn they make the problem, it frees up my turn to do my own board-construction). Against decks that play one permanent per turn (many green decks) low cost removal spells function similar to inexpensive extra turns, in that it invalidates the board construction that your opponent is attempting.

September 30, 2016 1:36 a.m.

Zhugo12 says... #12

Graveyard Recursion!!! Its time to put on our necromancer hats, and get jiggy with the dead! Im a huge fan of recursion, and at one point, had 3 different styles of graveyard decks. Here is how you classify graveyard cards: Gas Pump, Pedal, and Car. The Gas Pumps put creatures in the graveyard, making your life easier (why recur it after it dies, when you can play it out of your graveyard for cheaper?). Fuel is the actual Return from Graveyard card. The Cars, are the creatures you intend to actually get back from the graveyard. Your deck is lacking in Gas Pumps. You have Mesmeric Orb which randomly might toss things in the grave (random=not as good in this case). You have Buried Alive and Entomb which are perfect cards, One dollar (mana) per gallon (creature in grave) of gas? Sign me tf up!! They should never be taken out. Grisly Salvage does this a little bit, but its a gamble of whether or not you will find creatures on the top (again random=bad). Jarad's Orders are good, but it only puts one creature in the graveyard, and it costs four. Four dollars for a gallon of gas is too much. Survival of the Fittest is fantastic, because again, it is one dollar per gallon of gas, and it also tutors (there is a good reason for its price). Deadbridge Chant is too high cost, and too random. You noticed that you have a hard time putting creatures into your grave, let me resolve that issue with three cards: Putrid Imp, Lotleth Troll and Fauna Shaman. Choose what you want to discard, and do it under two mana, and for the first two: AT INSTANT SPEED!!! (useful when someone might make you exile your hand, or perhaps play cards from it). Now lets talk about your Pedal. You run A LOT of recursion cards. Id argue, too many. Defining Recursion as anything that can reach into a graveyard and put a creature on the field of course. You run 3 enchantment forms of recursion, and 3 sorcery forms, 6 creature forms. In general, the sorcery ones are better because then your opponent cant use enchantment removal spells to destroy your big creature. Here is my problem with your flood of recursion: it is overly redundant. Your general does it, and does it well. I have very little need to use one-shot recursion spells when I can use my general once a turn, and if I use my creatures that return creatures ( Karmic Guide, Reveillark, and Sun Titan are the three I run ) then I can return more than the prescribed amount per turn. I would oust Sepulchral Primordial. It costs too much and doesnt recur from your own graveyard (which is usually the strongest graveyard to recur from). You have Dread Return in your maybeboard. That is one of the 2 one-shot recursion spells I run (not counting Living Death and Twilight's Call ). It is strong because it provides two recursions for four mana and three creatures. Its a sac-outlet that sits in your graveyard and blindsides opponents. Theyll never see it coming. Overall, you have too many recursion spells for not enough Gas Pumps and Cars. Onto the subject of Cars. Youre pretty well set as far as Cars go, but imam share my favorites. Iona, Shield of Emeria is a card that on its own can wreck mono-colored decks. Avacyn, Angel of Hope is brutal. Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger is simultaneously spot removal, mill, and a beater. Gotta love it. Final favorite: Woodfall Primus. Its spot removal, its a beater, its persist. ITs LOVELY.

September 30, 2016 1:37 a.m.

Zhugo12 says... #13

Graveyard Recursion!!! Its time to put on our necromancer hats, and get jiggy with the dead! Im a huge fan of recursion, and at one point, had 3 different styles of graveyard decks. Here is how you classify graveyard cards: Gas Pump, Pedal, and Car. The Gas Pumps put creatures in the graveyard, making your life easier (why recur it after it dies, when you can play it out of your graveyard for cheaper?). Fuel is the actual Return from Graveyard card. The Cars, are the creatures you intend to actually get back from the graveyard. Your deck is lacking in Gas Pumps. You have Mesmeric Orb which randomly might toss things in the grave (random=not as good in this case). You have Buried Alive and Entomb which are perfect cards, One dollar (mana) per gallon (creature in grave) of gas? Sign me tf up!! They should never be taken out. Grisly Salvage does this a little bit, but its a gamble of whether or not you will find creatures on the top (again random=bad). Jarad's Orders are good, but it only puts one creature in the graveyard, and it costs four. Four dollars for a gallon of gas is too much. Survival of the Fittest is fantastic, because again, it is one dollar per gallon of gas, and it also tutors (there is a good reason for its price). Deadbridge Chant is too high cost, and too random. You noticed that you have a hard time putting creatures into your grave, let me resolve that issue with three cards: Putrid Imp, Lotleth Troll and Fauna Shaman. Choose what you want to discard, and do it under two mana, and for the first two: AT INSTANT SPEED!!! (useful when someone might make you exile your hand, or perhaps play cards from it). Now lets talk about your Pedal. You run A LOT of recursion cards. Id argue, too many. Defining Recursion as anything that can reach into a graveyard and put a creature on the field of course. You run 3 enchantment forms of recursion, and 3 sorcery forms, 6 creature forms. In general, the sorcery ones are better because then your opponent cant use enchantment removal spells to destroy your big creature. Here is my problem with your flood of recursion: it is overly redundant. Your general does it, and does it well. I have very little need to use one-shot recursion spells when I can use my general once a turn, and if I use my creatures that return creatures ( Karmic Guide, Reveillark, and Sun Titan are the three I run ) then I can return more than the prescribed amount per turn. I would oust Sepulchral Primordial. It costs too much and doesnt recur from your own graveyard (which is usually the strongest graveyard to recur from). You have Dread Return in your maybeboard. That is one of the 2 one-shot recursion spells I run (not counting Living Death and Twilight's Call ). It is strong because it provides two recursions for four mana and three creatures. Its a sac-outlet that sits in your graveyard and blindsides opponents. Theyll never see it coming. Overall, you have too many recursion spells for not enough Gas Pumps and Cars. Onto the subject of Cars. Youre pretty well set as far as Cars go, but imam share my favorites. Iona, Shield of Emeria is a card that on its own can wreck mono-colored decks. Avacyn, Angel of Hope is brutal. Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger is simultaneously spot removal, mill, and a beater. Gotta love it. Final favorite: Woodfall Primus. Its spot removal, its a beater, its persist. ITs LOVELY.

September 30, 2016 1:37 a.m.

Zhugo12 says... #14

Okay, last topic: Random tips and tricks I like to use: -Sacrifice Karador after you use his ability for the turn, so that you can play him again if your graveyard is particularly full, and you just need another recursion for the turn (be careful not to get too greedy and over-extend). - Use Spore Frog every turn in a two player game. Its a tactic called Turbo Fog accomplished with a Frog So Turbo Frog. Ribbit. - Solemn Simulacrum Is simultaneously some seriously smart draw power and mana ramp. Get one. - Get some fast pants!!! Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots are both excellent ways to get haste on a baddy that you get into a graveyard then onto the field. Essentially, pump your gas, get your Pedal, and then get your car moving all in the same turn. - Sadistic Hypnotist is currently chilling in your maybeboard, but dude, it costs nothing to sacrifice a creature (yay more sac-outlets!!) and its hand disruption!!

September 30, 2016 1:38 a.m.

Zhugo12 says... #15

Okay, last topic: Random tips and tricks I like to use: -Sacrifice Karador after you use his ability for the turn, so that you can play him again if your graveyard is particularly full, and you just need another recursion for the turn (be careful not to get too greedy and over-extend). - Use Spore Frog every turn in a two player game. Its a tactic called Turbo Fog accomplished with a Frog So Turbo Frog. Ribbit. - Solemn Simulacrum Is simultaneously some seriously smart draw power and mana ramp. Get one. - Get some fast pants!!! Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots are both excellent ways to get haste on a baddy that you get into a graveyard then onto the field. Essentially, pump your gas, get your Pedal, and then get your car moving all in the same turn. - Sadistic Hypnotist is currently chilling in your maybeboard, but dude, it costs nothing to sacrifice a creature (yay more sac-outlets!!) and its hand disruption!!

September 30, 2016 1:38 a.m.

Thank you for your extensive Analysis there. Its obvious you put a lot of thought and theory into this. I appreciate all thoughts on the subject. While there are a few things I would change in the deck, I actually like for the most part how it runs and could not bear to make 30+ changes that would turn it into something that isn't my deck at all. for some reason I actually prefer the mana dorks over the rocks because they die easily, they're food for Karador, and Skullclamp. Lastly With a lot of fetch lands I have little trouble getting out my colors within the first 2 turns. I am currently trying to obtain a Bayou, and a Scrubland but it might take about a month.

The reason why so many good cards are sitting in the Maybe board right now is because I am trying to fit some of them in the deck. the problem is that sometimes im trying not to be a butthole with the deck ALL of the time, so while my deck might be riddled with 5,6,7 drops, I have little to no trouble getting them onto the battlefield for the price of 1,2,3 mana. I am a huge Timmy at heart, and like to get as many big mommas onto the field as possible, and I absolutely adore reanimator as I used to play Recurring Survival about 10+ years ago in vintage. Also Im not trying to put infinite combos in the deck if at all possible, just playing out utility every turn is good enough for me.

Sadistic Hypnotist, Solemn Simulacrum, are already trying to get back into the deck, im thinking about changing Farhaven Elf into Yavimaya Granger as she puts herself back in the yard. Lotleth Troll, and Fauna Shaman, are cards I will do some looking in to as I do see their value.

Wall of Blossoms, and Wall of Omens are good to have in a deck like this but not my version, if I took out my Dredge engine i could 100% see myself running more card draw, but the fact is im trying to get as my cards into the grave as fast as possible even if it is by random means. I have Life from the Loam to get land cards back, and as you stated I might have a few "too many recursion outlets" those are all there by design. Sun Titan abuses the enchantment recursion that gets milled, with my current set up, i have very few needs to draw cards all of the time, as putting cards in the yard is sometimes better than drawing, which in turn gets me my removal, also Hermit Druid is a hell of a drug.

Having board sweepers, or single shot spells in my opinion takes away from the flow of the deck which is why Magister of Worth will be going in as a reusable outlet. Not too many times will you see a table willing to allow you to barf your graveyard onto the field.

As a final note. Decks like these are always difficult to pigeonhole because everyone will play it differently. The arguments you make for the cards you advocate are all valid points, as for me I prefer to spin the wheel with the mills and see what winds up in the yard, and have cards like Survival of the Fittest, Buried Alive, and Entomb to pinpoint the bombs. The Dredge engine, the Mesmeric Orb, the Deadbridge Chant are all part of it. The mana dorks paired with the land fetching creatures seem to do the job pretty well, whereas you have to be lucky enough to draw your mana rocks.

Gotta love Karador debates. Your Move Kaiba :P

September 30, 2016 7:35 a.m.

eeriekiller says... #17

Totally behind you on the mana dorks > rocks. Unpopular opinion, but I think carador just likes them more.

September 30, 2016 7:42 a.m.

Zhugo12 says... #18

The real issue with Mana Dorks is that they are inferior to the creatures that fetch lands when they enter. Land fetch upon entry is permanent ramp, while mana dorks only work when they sit on the field. That's the real concern tbh.

As far as your disagreements with draw: drawing powers the dredge engine. Any time that you could draw, you can instead dredge. If you power up your draw capabilities, you reinforce dredge.

I disagree about your stance on spot removal and board wipes. In general, they don't "take away the flow" they enable you to keep the tempo at your own pace, rather than the opponent's pace. And, with sufficient draw power, solutions don't gum up the works, but rather make your life easier.

September 30, 2016 4:05 p.m.

@Zhugo12 if everyone agreed with everything I was doing, everyone's deck would look exactly like mine, which is why I'm glad there are people that disagree with my logic. That being said:

I might take out one of the dorks for a Solemn Simulacrum, I understand completely that permanent ramp is superior to the mana creatures but they also do serve a dual purpose. Solemn is one of those creatures that can help in a similar fashion. now I also am keeping my basic land count low on purpose for Hermit Druid which is a beast by himself.

Right now i am fighting to get Solemn Simulacrum, Fauna Shaman, Nostalgic Dreams, and Mindslicer into the deck. Lotleth Troll is on the outside looking in at the moment although I do see a value in that kind of creatue, shaman is just superior at the moment although its just once per turn.

October 1, 2016 1:53 p.m.

Next round of changes are in. The deck is ever so getting close to the sweet spot. Just got finished with a 4 player duel that went down to the last few cards of the deck [because everything else got exiled]. All 3 players were just not having any part of me having a graveyard, but somehow every time exiles happened I was able to stabilize. Magister of Worth is .... worth its weight in gold after what I went through, dealing with Bojuka Bog's, 2 Rakdos Charm's Ulamog exiling cards [many of them]. I mean, I think I had nearly 60 cards exiled. It was a really tough match the whole way, especially when everyone is trying to make sure you cant win. I ended up not winning the game due to the last player left finishing me off with a chandra emblem and Mogis. It was an absolute amazing match.

This deck flat out has options, and a lot of nasty tricks. I have gained a lot more experience in trying to make things happen when resources are limited. you end up learning an awful lot as you watch your deck get exiled piece by piece, you constantly ask yourself what you can still do. and apparently even with under 15 cards left in the deck, it still fought valiantly until the end.

October 2, 2016 5:30 a.m.

Testing out More changes, was finally able to get my Bayou, Scrubland, and Marsh Flats.

Took out Elvish Mystic, Nostalgic Dreams, and Diabolic Tutor

Put in Sidisi, Undead Vizier, Archon of Justice, and Sadistic Hypnotist

Trying to make the deck a little more creature heavy bit by bit, testing new pieces. Will be putting in Mindslicer when it comes in. and Mana Confluence will replace City of Brass

October 12, 2016 11:37 a.m.

ejarmy151 says... #22

do you think Murmuring Bosk is good in here? its a forest so you can fetch it up with wood elves or a fetch land and may be a better replacements for Mana Confluence

October 17, 2016 12:29 a.m.

Thank you for the feedback. I have considered Bosk, but with 6 Dual Lands and 9 Basics I have only ran out of searchable lands once in a game, and that was because of abusing the crap out of a Wood Elves. Even tho Murmuring Bosk is searchable, I do run a few double white spells which are vital. Also trying to keep the come into play tapped lands at a minimum.

October 17, 2016 7:22 a.m.

k1llampt says... #24

Blackerlotus13 I would second Murmuring Bosk. I run it in my deck as well. Having a source that can tap for all three colors is awesome.

October 17, 2016 5:48 p.m.

Thank you everyone for your suggestions and comments. Everything does get taken into consideration when building a deck with so many variables.

Maybe board. Keeps growing, but I'm almost at a good balance between utility, win-cons, and gas. The deck already gets a lot of aggro just from being Karador, so you want to try to be able to build something that can stand up to that. Bane of Progress needs to get in the deck post-haste. Also I updated the cards to the editions that are in my actual deck.

I will see what I can do about getting myself a bosk. I dont necessarily want to lower my basic land count at this point due to Sakura-Tribe Elder, Yavimaya Granger, Solemn Simulacrum, and Wood Elves.

October 20, 2016 12:11 p.m.

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