dbregman8585, I've thought about Avenger over some not-so-great cards, probably over Linvala, Keeper of Silence .
May 2, 2014 12:56 a.m.
I absolutely love this list! I have been wanting to play her for awhile now but didn't know how to make her effective without infinite's.
December 6, 2015 4:28 p.m.
@Sqwurl - That's actually the point. I love playing combo decks, but it's no fun for anyone else. I'd rather play a fair midrange deck that wins quickly in a fair way - I cast creatures that dealt damage and made your life total 0! Woo! It's my favorite deck by far.
dbregman8585 says... #1
Avenger of Zendikar could be pretty awesome here. Really fun deck btw, +1!
May 1, 2014 11:59 p.m.