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Ken Super Art IV: Sorceryuu Reppa

Commander / EDH Bracket 2 Exile RW (Boros) Spellslinger


Prowess with complimentary free sorcery casts? Time to rev up the Boros Spellslinger engines, we're gonna do our best to use Ken, Burning Brawler to smack down the competition and cast flashy free spells off his Shoryuken ability! Card draw's tight in these colors, and ramp, and... Well we're short on a lot running white-red in commander. Still, with Ken's combat tricks, a mix of cheap pre-combat casts to beef him up before swinging, and Voltron pieces to strengthen him further, we should be able to find an edge both in combat and board presence. If the battlefield gets crowded, all-but-one board wipes will keep the fray clear for one-on-one attacks, better yet, Deflecting Palm and similar defensive instants help withstand the heaviest hitters and recreate the Third Strike EVO parries of your wildest dreams.

This list is a stew of an old Jeskai Street Fighter mish-mash list that wasn't very good, and an Urabrask mono-red burn deck that also wasn't very good, retooled from a Quintorius, Loremaster Spellslinger decklist that I decided Quint was just a little too slow to take the helm on. In a lot of ways it revisits my very first EDH deck, Oketra’s Invincible Army, but with the benefit of better card pool knowledge to make this a flexible but aggressive one man army strategy. Even if Ken should face too many knock outs, a supporting cast of complementing warriors are ready to take his place and finish the fight.


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Date added 11 months
Last updated 14 hours

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

39 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.19
Tokens Elephant 3-3 G, Radiation, Treasure
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