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DIE, DIE, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go 4-0 or 3-1 @ FNM!

Historic* Competitive Control Eldrazi FNM Midrange WB (Orzhov)




Planeswalker (1)

Sorcery (1)

This deck is a mid range deck with an agressive curve but for the first half of the game it will play like a mono black control deck. Turns 2-5 are kill spells and discard spells controling my opponents hand and board, or setting up my cheap creatures. Mid game is when i start dropping my big creatures like Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet , Reality Smasher , Thought-Knot Seer , alternative cost Bearer of Silence ,and Sorin, Grim Nemesis . And from turn 6 and onward I use my sac lands to copy Reality Smasher and my Blighted Fen to clear a board after a hefty attack.

I have been playing this deck since March and have made a lot of progress, though I am still encountering new challenges along the way with the advent of new brews. My deck is strong but has problems with mill, control, and other janky homebrews like Starfield of Nyx enchantment midrange.

Taking keys to their combos or just blatant and obvious threats.

Distended Mindbender : taking 2 cards and getting a 5/5!!!!! MUST BE MUH BIRTHDAY! and it actually works on turn 4 or 5 with a Matter Reshaper or a Thought-Knot Seer , sure they are up a card but we may take it!!!

Thought-Knot Seer : Keeping up with the hand hate. If I have a good curve I usually have my opponent down to 4 or 3 cards by turn 5. And on a bad curve I just lose.

Reality Smasher : An indirect outlet. If they want to remove it they have to discard. I won against an esper deck because I got him to top deck by turn 5.

The order goes pillage, then burn. Take what you can from their hand and kill anything that makes it to the board.

Sorin, Grim Nemesis : his -X is strong against legal targets, kills walkers, gains me life.

Grasp of Darkness : Kills most things, but it bricks on anything bigger than 4 toughness other than being an instant nerf, suppressing the overall amount of damage. Its still better than Spatial Contortion .

Languish : for a busy board or trying to stunt an ormendahl deck. Its not good with Seers but they are acceptable losses if my opponent over extends their board.

Ruinous Path : sorcery spot removal for creatures bigger than my conditionals. In late game I can awaken with it if need be. Also with a lot of decks using planeswalkers more often than not I added a third to this deck to make sure I can kill a threat when I need to.

Murder : its a better Ultimate Price with out the limits. Sure it may take and extra to cast but more coverage is awesome.

Bearer of Silence : for those people who play ulamog and ormendahl, not in the same deck mind you.

Blighted Fen : Same as bearer.

Thought-Knot Seer : 4/4 for 4. sure if it dies my opponent draws a card but I can just remove it with my discard spells. And if I played my deck correctly I should have taken care of their hand pretty good.

Reality Smasher : Pay 5 and swing. and repeat step two each turn. It trades very well, if not taking two or more creatures with it. This is the win con of the deck, with a clear board these guys pull off some major work and pair well with Mirrorpool for a board that can swing for 10 on turn six. Trample helps too.

Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet : Kill creatures. get tokens. Feed the vamp. swing and gain life. or keep the tokens as blockers, declare block, sac. boom. Also he has some great interactions with green black aristocrats. Its funny when you see the look on their face as you get x tokens where x is the number of creatures they sacked. Lol gg. My favorite play with him is to leave 3 mana up with kalitas and a zombie, both are untapped, declare kalitas and the zombie as blockers then sac the zombie to kalitas to get 2 +1/+1 counters, most likely killing the attacking creature and gaining 5 life instead of 3. Plus getting another zombro in the process.

Bearer of Silence : 2/1 flyer. cant block. it serves no other pupose other than attacking each turn.

Eldrazi Mimic : This is the sleeper agent of the group. early game its cute and not threatening at all and then turn 5 comes around and boom, it becomes a 5/5. Lols

Sorin, Grim Nemesis : So with the added higher cost cards sorins +1 can deal some real damage.

Read the Bones : filtering, drawing 2 cards for 2 life that I can easily get back, sure.

Sorin, Grim Nemesis : +1 hurt my opponent get a card. Its good, I love it.

Matter Reshaper : pseudo card draw or it goes on the field after death. Sometimes literally replacing itself with itself.

Swamp : 12 fits nicely into the deck with all the costed cards.

Llanowar Wastes / Caves of Koilos : they provide fixing for but they mainly are in the deck to give me

Mirrorpool : they are my 3 extra reality smashers in disguise. A great turn one play. This wins me more games than not. Also it can copy my kill spells, Read the Bones , and even Remorseless Punishment . I am debating on whether I should make it a playset.

Blighted Fen : great sac land. Helps get a blocker out of the way for my alpha strikes and for when my opponent clears their board for their bomb, or for a single ormanedhal.

Distended Mindbender : to get aggressive discard into your opponents vocabulary.

Duress : add in against ramp, Abbey, or control. liliana.....

Infinite Obliteration : get their key creatures like lieutenants, cutthroats, smashers, and avacyns.

Virulent Plague : from watching the pro tour there is little to stop Liliana, the Last Hope emblem, but this while its still in standard is terribly strong.

Ruinous Path : add in against walkers and multicolor/colorless.

Thought-Knot Seer : against control and ramp

Transgress the Mind : board in against coco and ramp, avacyns, allies, black green aristocrats.

Ultimate Price : kill control, add in against mono colored creatures that are threats.


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0-2 drop. My deck didnt cooperate with me today. Im going to take a look at it tonight and seriously think about what each cards job is and is it the right fit. Im very disappointed in last nights fnm and todays games.

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Revision 47 See all

(3 years ago)

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #2 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Historic legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

29 - 7 Rares

6 - 4 Uncommons

5 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.61
Tokens Copy Clone, Vampire Knight 1/1 B, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Other Decks, Maybe, Mono-black, Ideas.., 2016, to build, analyze, 2, std, FNM DECK
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