DIE, DIE, DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go 4-0 or 3-1 @ FNM!
shepherdofire says... #2
I haven't personally played it yet but i watched kenji nakamura play it on mtgo. He runs Grasp of Darkness and Wasteland Strangler in side for spot removal. But you are right it is alot of discard. This deck is supposed to be aggressive with my creatures and attack my opponents hand to pressure top decking earlier in the game, or slow them assuming they have draw power. Warping Wail is main board due to the large abundance of 1/x's and x/1's in my opponents decks. I side them in 3/4 games at fnm with my green deck.
He ran 3 Hangarback Walker which i subbed with Eldrazi Mimic and Endless One. Murderous Cut is good and can work. Id need to test it, more over find my copies.
February 25, 2016 9:37 a.m.
RovkirHexus says... #3
Why are Caves of Koilos and Llanowar Wastes in here? From what I can see, they're just a painful Swamp.
February 29, 2016 8:14 a.m.
shepherdofire says... #4
They produce colorless as well as temporarily fix for black mana if need be.
February 29, 2016 8:19 a.m.
RovkirHexus says... #5
I could just be sounding like an idiot, but why not just run Swamps and Wastes then?
February 29, 2016 8:22 a.m.
shepherdofire says... #6
You're not an idiot when you are smart enough to ask the question.I use the pain lands in place of basics because if im in a pinch i can fix my mana, other wise could be drawing the wrong colors, more black when i needed colorless and visa versa. It is the same idea with using a Sunken Hollow in a blue black deck.
February 29, 2016 8:45 a.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #7
...Now I want to make a competitive deck that uses Ulamog and Ojutai together.
March 3, 2016 8:26 p.m.
Izu_Korasu says... #8
nice i see you committed to the discard route .. what decks would you bring Flaying Tendrils or Languish in against? (they both wipe out the majority of your creature heavy deck)
Infinite Obliteration could be fun here (1-2x sideboard?)
is Ruinous Path mostly there to hit planeswalkers? Foul Renewal might be more useful (removal/combat trick + recovery)
either way, looks like a threatening combo.
March 3, 2016 10:29 p.m.
Izu_Korasu says... #9
112.6. Abilities of an instant or sorcery spell usually function only while that object is on the stack. Abilities of all other objects usually function only while that object is on the battlefield.
also an opponent can counter a Reality Smasher without discarding.
March 3, 2016 10:35 p.m.
shepherdofire says... #10
I learned that last week i rarely go wide with creatures. And id use Flaying Tendrils on token and bw strategies and Languish on mirrors and prowess deck's, gw counters. I love Foul Renewal and have been thinking of adding it. What should i take out for renewal kurt? Path is in here because the other decks were running it.
March 3, 2016 10:47 p.m.
shepherdofire says... #11
And really? So it has to be targeted after it resolves for its ability to work?
March 3, 2016 10:49 p.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #12
If you are going to run boardwipes with a focus on hand disruption, I would suggest Remorseless Punishment as an alternative finisher. After your discard/disruption and a boardwipe like Languish, it's just about guaranteed as 5 mana: 10 damage.
March 3, 2016 10:54 p.m.
Izu_Korasu says... #13
depending on how important Ruinous Path is to the deck, Foul Renewal could take its spot. (being instant speed and helping you trade against larger threats/remove deathtouch or flip walkers)
While Reality Smasher is on the stack, or a Card in a Graveyard, it can be targeted just fine. And, the ability will not trigger.
exceptions to the rule are cards like Kaervek's Torch all mention the stack or "cannot be countered" (you could think of counter spells targeting the mana for the spell, not the card if it helps)
i wonder how well this deck will fair post rotation, with the shadows of "madness" returning (Fiery Temper reprint etc)
March 4, 2016 1:50 p.m.
shepherdofire says... #14
Thats right, madness. well. That sounds like a problem if I help them by making them discard. Maybe mill will be the better alternative.
March 9, 2016 9:56 a.m.
metalevolence says... #18
I'm jumping on something because i've been seeing it a lot lately: improper use of the word "outlet"
It means something that gives YOU a way to do the thing, ideally repeatedly, cheaply and with great ease. When you say "discard outlet," that would mean something like Putrid Imp.
Duress isn't a discard "outlet" unless you point it at yourself. And even then it's not really a good use of the word.
You kids keep using "outlet" like it's synonymous with "effect." No. If you mean "discard effect," you can just say that. Or "hand disruption." Or "discard."
April 5, 2016 10:32 a.m.
shepherdofire says... #19
I have a tendency for mixing up words. You are correct my friend.
April 5, 2016 12:19 p.m.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #20
I think this is a definite start. I would however suggest utilizing To the Slaughter, at least a 1 of, in the main, you don't want to be Stone dead to Dragonlord Ojutai or Ormendahl. I know you have the Bearer, but that instant speed can be so crucial. I don't know if you are open to straying from mono colored, but I feel the White/Black eldrazi control shell has a little more game right now because of the power level of white in the format. So that's a route I would suggest. Declaration in Stone is a very good card. Also, Silkwrap is great against Mono-white Humans and Bant Company. Yes they have Dromoka's Command, but you would also play maybe 2 Stasis Snare. Now this makes your Wasteland Stranglers better. Also, Gideon, Ally of Zendikar can just end games. I would also suggest Endless One because it's good at any and all stages of the game.
April 30, 2016 1:09 a.m.
twerkteammiley says... #21
+1 for sure! I'm about to start running a deck very similar to yours. It's nice to see this kind of deck can be competitive and yet fun. If you get a chance can you check out my list Mono Black Eldrazi (HELP PLEASE!!) and let me know if I missed something or if I should add something to make this deck better.
May 8, 2016 12:29 p.m.
I went 5-0 with a B/W eldrazi midrange. You get the benefit of having Declaration in Stone, Archangel Avacyn Flip, and Sorin, Grim Nemesis with the eldrazi package. Declaration in Stone is way better than Ruinous Path. Also Infinite Obliteration is a must have for SB because it gives you an 80% higher win percentage vs ramp. And white gives you Tragic Arrogance which is super good for the mirror and everything else you would use Languish for (I use 2 of each).
May 8, 2016 2:11 p.m.
shepherdofire says... #23
Yeah bw is good but i like mono decks. Always have and always will. A friend of mine is making a deck very similar to yours mack10k.
May 8, 2016 2:17 p.m.
shepherdofire says... #24
Also i am on the look out for obliterations, need to grab them. And paths are mainly for the heavy walker meta at my lgs.
May 8, 2016 2:18 p.m.
Drakemagic15 says... #25
I have been running this deck and although a wild ride it needs a little help, this is just a suggestion Eldrazi Mimic -3 is not doing too much for you in the grand scheme whereas Thraben Gargoyle Flip is a flyer that blocks early is cheap and helps against pesky boon decks...all in all a good deck though
Izu_Korasu says... #1
i think mono-black works better for the deck in standard, though that is 4x extra slots devoted to conditional discard then Barry Woerner and Andre Ziebold are running but, its good to tweak decks toward what you see in your meta. (still feels like alot of discard)
Grasp of Darkness is probably more useful then Warping Wail mainboard. (maybe move it sideboard for 2x grasp and a Murderous Cut? saving it for those decks that have an abundance of sorcery/jace)
i played a U/B eldrazi deck last week (he got mana screwed hard both games out of <> mana) mono black or W/B seems like a reliable alternative ... have you played/play tested it yet?
February 24, 2016 11:49 p.m.