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☼ Keral Keep, Est. 7428 ☼

Standard Aggro Burn Tempo UR (Izzet)




' ...[The Izzet League] defies such tedious concepts as "good enough" and "laboratory safety"... '

Izzet Prowess!

This, as you probably already know, is an izzet prowess deck. It utilises cheap creatures (with Prowess!) and cheap spells to deal a lot of damage while gaining card advantage from the spells that draw you cards, eg. Expedite.

Unlike a lot of decks, it doesn't have much of a backup plan. This deck doesn't revolve around one key card, which means that Infinite Obliteration is fairly useless against it, and due to the low CMC, (about 1.9) you will be able to easily replace creatures that your opponents kill.

Due to obvious budget reasons, Jace, Vryn's Prodigy   has been banned from this deck...

In an ideal world I would have some jaces in it though...

Because Niv-Mizzet.Niv-Mizzet

Also, Prowess is really strong at the moment.

Although we lost Monastery Swiftspear, we got some ideal cards in Oath of the Gatewatch. Expedite, Slip Through Space are all great, as well as a load of fairly versatile sideboard cards.

There are some amazing Prowess cards from the other sets as well, Abbot of Keral Keep for example. Play that on T3, exile an Expedite, and you have drawn a card, and now have a 3/2 with haste and prowess for . Not Bad.

Lands are good as well, we have Shivan Reef , and Wandering Fumarole . On the note of Wandering Fumarole , the lack of one-drop creatures allow me to play that on turn one.

Abbot of Keral Keep :

This is a great card. I mentioned this earlier, but i'll repeat it: Play it on T3, exile an Expedite (Hopefully!), and you have drawn a card, and now have a 3/2 with haste and prowess for .

Reckless Bushwhacker

This can also be extremely powerful. It should be easy to surge it due to the amount of one-drops. It's haste is not that relevant but the +1 until end of turn can be devastating

Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh  

Although it's not related to prowess or izzet, this works well in this deck. We have around 20 instants and sorceries, most of which are red, and we have red creatures etc. This makes it very easy to flip it, into Chandra, Roaring Flame   . This is a good planeswalker, providing both removal, and a crushing ultimate. And you get 3 damage just from flipping it!

Stormchaser Mage

Not a huge amount to say about this, but it's not a bad card! A 1/3 with flying and haste and prowess for just ?

Village Messenger  

R.I.P. Monastery Swiftspear

Titan's Strength

To me, this looks like an obvious include. With prowess, it basically gives a creature +4/+2 until end of turn, while allowing you to scry for only .

Slip Through Space

Pretty self-explanatory. Activates prowess as well as drawing you a card.


Same as Slip Through Space. Also goes really well if you exile it with Abbot of Keral Keep .

Exquisite Firecraft

Great removal. It will almost always be able to use 'Spell Mastery', and it can also be used to finish off your opponent.

Fiery Impulse

Same as above...

Island + Mountain

Given that this deck is only two colours, we rarely have a problem with getting the right mana. So using some basics is fine.

Wandering Fumarole

The lack of one-drop creatures allows us to play this on Turn 1, then providing either colour T2.

Shivan Reef

The Painlands are great. You can pay generic costs normally with the first abillity, or you can pay just one life to have either colour, without it entering tapped.

This deck works well against slower decks, in which your opponent has limited creatures to block with. For example, some of the worse control decks, or some ally decks.Generally, it works best when your opponent doesn't have any one/two/three drops, although sadly most decks do. That's when our Exquisite Firecraft + Fiery Impulse comes in!

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So, turns out they are suited! They work extremely well, surging off one drops to draw cards from the cantrip and pump/haste all my creatures...

And once again, comments cleared

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Revision 32 See all

(8 years ago)

-1 Rush of Adrenaline maybe
+1 Thing in the Ice  Flip maybe
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #4 position overall 9 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years
Key combos

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

16 - 3 Rares

7 - 8 Uncommons

19 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.76
Tokens Emblem Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh
Folders Decks I want to build, Cool decks, Deck Wishlist, Casual ideas, Potential Fun Decks, Bookmarks, aaa, 5. Inspirations, Check out, Standard
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