

Sorcery (1)

A Grixis control deck in progress. Thus far, I've tested it a few time with my circle of friends, and that's why the sideboard is the way it is (lots of token players!), so don't really mind that.

I've loved Keranos, God of Storms since the day it came out, and loved how he fit into this shell. Most other cards are just the usual suspects from a control deck; they work to stall so we can finally kill the opponent either with Keranos' burn or Cruel Ultimatum.

Noteworthy: no Cryptic Commands: it always felt clunky with the mana base, and honestly we don't need it. Another thing is I prefer Telling Time over other draw spells. It's just very good in this deck for me, but any suggestions are welcome.

I'm just constantly tweaking this deck, so any suggestions are extremely welcome, especially for making my mana base more effective! Thank you!


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 4 Mythic Rares

32 - 4 Rares

16 - 7 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.37
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