This is my budget cEDH Doomsday/Consultation Kess.

Kess has access to Grixis colors, which gives us dig, tutors, and removal. She provides us with card advantage and also helps us win with Demonic Consultation.
Ad Nauseam can draw a crazy amount of cards and will win the game most times it resolves.

Mystic Remora also draws tons of cards.

Notion Thief helps shut off a lot of combos and also draws a ton of cards.

Narset, Parter of Veils also helps with the combos and Impulses.

Windfall kills your opponents hands with Narset or Notion Thief.

Gush is mostly for winning off Doomsday.

Brainstorm, Frantic Search, Impulse, Opt, Faithless Looting, Gitaxian Probe, Ponder, Preordain, Serum Visions, and Sleight of Hand are just standard dig cards, nothing fancy.

Arcane Denial can also counter your own spells and get you 3 cards.

Counterspell is the classic counterspell and arguably the best one.

Delay is functionally a Counterspell in most cases.

Mental Misstep is our only free counter.

Muddle the Mixture and Perplex can also be tutors.

Narset's Reversal can be used to save our own spell from a counter, or turn our opponent’s spell against them.

Swan Song hits a lot of stuff for just one mana.

Trickbind is really good at shutting off combos.

Red Elemental Blast and Pyroblast are our red counters.

Dispel, Miscast, Negate, Spell Pierce are nice, cheap, counters that are easy on the budget.

The free removal: Snuff Out—Free!!!

The 1 mana removal: Dismember-hits almost anything

Lightning Bolt- also hits almost anything, including planeswalkers.


Rapid Hybridization-Frogs!!!

Pyroblast-mostly for the counter effect, but can kill blue stuff like Narset or Stasis

Red Elemental Blast-see above

The 2 mana removal: Go for the Throat-hits almost anything

Reality Shift-exile removal

Terminate-hits all creatures

Pyroclasm-wipes pesky dorks and hatebears

Artifact removal: By Force-Hits signets and Birthing Pod and other annoying artifacts

Notion Thief and Narset, Parter of Veils to stop draws

Ashiok, Dream Render to stop tutors and for grave hate.

Cabal Ritual and Dark Ritual for black

Rite of Flame and Simian Spirit Guide for red

Pentad Prism for whatever you need.

I’d like to get Lotus Petal but it’s $10

We don’t get dorks since we aren’t in green, so we have to use rocks. Charcoal Diamond, Sky Diamond, and Sphere of the Suns are cheap rocks that I use because allied talismans are expensive.

Arcane Signet, Izzet Signet, Dimir Signet, Rakdos Signet, Sol Ring and Talisman of Creativity are good rocks that I actually want to play.

Mission Briefing lets you replay a spell. It’s got a good synergy with Demonic Consultation and can replace Kess in the win with consultation.

Underworld Breach can also do that and also gets permanents.

Unearth is mainly so you can use Frantic Search or Faithless Looting in your Doomsday pile and pitch oracle.

The transmute tutors: Muddle the Mixture and Perplex are counterspells.

Shred Memory is grave hate.

Dimir Machinations is pretty much useless if you don’t transmute it, but it can exile cards if your opponent tutors to the top of their library.

Dizzy Spell might be able to stop a Tymna the Weaver trigger if you were really desperate.

1 cmc transmute cards usually get Demonic Consultation

2 cmc transmute cards usually get Thassa's Oracle

3 cmc transmute cards usually get Doomsday, but can get Narset, Parter of Veils and Windfall to be mean.

Other tutors: Dark Petition has a good synergy with Doomsday, making just enough mana to cast it.

Lim-Dul's Vault is like a worse Vampiric Tutor and can stack more than one card.

deck:Wishclaw talisman should not be activated unless you can win on the same turn.

You need six cards—-Dark Ritual, Simian Spirit Guide, Pentad Prism, Thassa's Oracle, Demonic Consultation, and a land that taps for black that enters untapped.

Play the land and the ritual to add 3 black mana, exile the spirit guide for a red, spend a red and a black on Pentad Prism, take off 2 counters to add 2 blue, play consultation naming Iron Bully, and play Thassa's Oracle and win.

Demonic Consultation to exile the library and win with either Thassa's Oracle, Laboratory Maniac, or Jace, Wielder of Mysteries If you have Kess out, you can use consultation to find an oracle and play consultation again from your graveyard to win.

To win with Doomsday, you need at least 1 red mana and 2 blue mana and mana for a cantrip and a cantrip and another card in hand. Assuming you have only this, order the pile, top to bottom, Faithless Looting, protection, Thassa's Oracle, anything, anything. Play the cantrip, the Faithless Looting, then the oracle and you win. There are any number of combinations you can use, and remember that Gush, Gitaxian Probe, and Frantic Search are conditionally free.


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99% Competitive

Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 0 Rares

30 - 0 Uncommons

28 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.01
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Bird 2/2 U, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Manifest 2/2 C
Folders Cedh
Ignored suggestions
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