Interested in item:#6? Do you like playing combo? Does your playgroup hate combo? Do you want to play a combo deck that is bad enough it won't make everyone at the table want to throw you out of the store, but is good enough to still win???....Well boy do I have the combo deck for you!!

So, what do I mean by a "bad" combo deck? Well, the majority of your combos, unless you have a ton of mana will be seen coming a mile away. We're also not very fast. Most importantly there isn't a ton of counter magic, so sometimes you just have to fire off a combo with no backup. There are a few "out of nowhere" combos but for the most part people will have time to react, which leads to less feel bads at the table.

"Now what are the combos?" you ask.(deep inhale) Ok, so there are the Peregrine Drake based combos, which will be Drake + any Ghostly Flicker effect + any Archaeomancer like creature to gain infinite mana. Once you have "infinite" mana you can then dump it all into a huge Cut / Ribbons or use Ghostly Flicker+Archaeomancer to continuously flicker Sunscorched Desert(note:the desert only works with ghostly flicker). Gross right?

Next up are the Dualcaster Mage/Naru Meha, Master Wizard combos. The instant speed one involves Cackling Counterpart. You just need to have a target for Counterpart and you can instant speed your Dualcaster Mage to copy the counterpart on the stack for infinite Dualcaster Mages! Same idea with Twinflame and Heat Shimmer but at sorcery speed.

How does this all work with a legendary Naru Meha, Master Wizard though? Well we need another piece for that. Since we can only have one Naru we will need cards like Ral, Storm Conduit, Outpost Siege, or Altar of the Brood to finish everyone off.

That is just a sample of the combos, there are a ton of ways to mix and match these cards up in a way that will win the game on the spot.

"Why Kess?" you ask. Well, because she let's us have some resiliency if something gets countered or gets discarded while we're digging, she let's us reuse tutors from the bin, and even makes Increasing Ambition worth playing. Five mana for two cards seems like a pretty good rate to me.

So you can kind of see how this is a "fair" combo deck. This is definitely not a cEDH list. The combos are mostly telegraphed or are pretty mana intensive. We're not really running any fast mana or a massive suite of counterspells. There are just enough gaps in our gameplan to let the table interact with us and I feel that leads to a happier experience versus this deck, than most other combo decks.

sooo...yeah...that's it.....bbbbyyyee.


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90% Casual


Revision 2 See all

(4 years ago)

+1 Temple of Epiphany main
-1 Volcanic Island main
Top Ranked
Date added 5 years
Last updated 8 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

21 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.34
Tokens Copy Clone, Emblem Dack Fayden
Folders EDH, Nin or Kess build
Ignored suggestions
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