Running hall is a decent idea due to it costing 1 less than paragon, however shrapnel blast would be pointless to run with only having 2 artifacts in the deck.
August 4, 2014 noon
No Goblin Kaboomist ? and sivarias, Ogre Battledriver gives haste.
August 9, 2014 10:32 a.m.
HipsterPumpkin says... #4
I don't think that Generator Servant is really doing a ton in here. There's only 3 creatures it can hit, so it really isn't getting a ton of use. Also, with 16 mountains, you're never going to make it to 4 mana in a timely matter, so I would suggest taking out Ogre Battledriver or going up to at least 19 mountains. You are headed in the right direction though, so +1 from me.
August 9, 2014 10:34 a.m.
Battledriver turn three with a Generator Servant . Also casting two creatures with the servant can be funny. The reason i can run 16 lands is due to the potential mana i get off of the two drop servant. Allowing me to drop Goblin Rabblemaster and swing with him turn three and then still have one mana left to Shock or Coordinated Assault or any other one mana spell
sivarias says... #1
I don't see any haste, maybe put in a [Hammer of Purphoros] for haste, I would also run [Hall of Triumph] over [Paragon of Fierce Defiance]. Then I would swap out burn for [Shrapnel Blast]
August 4, 2014 11:34 a.m.