[Khans/BFZ]Gruul Dragon Ramp Combo

Standard* Spynnr


big_kahuna333 says... #1

Satyr Hedonist is a really good creature for getting mana fast, I would sideboard it for the voyaging satyrs

April 24, 2015 10:12 p.m.

Spynnr says... #2

big_kahuna333 I thought about that, but having Voyaging Satyr in there lets me play the taplands right away or double store on the Crucible of the Spirit Dragon

April 25, 2015 10:44 p.m.

I think this is an amazing deck so +1! I think that Atarka's Command would fit in very well!

April 27, 2015 8:21 a.m.

Spynnr says... #4

poopiepoopiepants1 I have actually thought about throwing my pair of foil Atarka's Command in in place of the last 2 mainboard Setessan Tactics, which fit a lot better in the previous version of the deck which was based around fight cards and Foe-Razer Regent.

April 27, 2015 6:34 p.m.

VaeVictisMTG says... #5

Ummm you have no black sources to cast kolaghan's command here otherwise the deck is okay

December 26, 2015 2:08 p.m.

Spynnr says... #6

I've stopped working on this deck. It lost too much ramp with the rotation. I play my Dune Goggles on standard now.

December 26, 2015 3:40 p.m.

VaeVictisMTG says... #7

Aww :(

December 27, 2015 2:11 a.m.

Spynnr says... #8

I easily have the land to cover the spells and creatures in this version but my problem is the only ramp in game now is either slow or only works for creatures and I can't run creature only ramp when the main combo is based on Crater's Claws which I used to pop for close to 20 with pre-rotation ramp.

December 27, 2015 2:23 a.m.

DaftVader says... #9

Really worth the black for 2 copies of a card?

Also, well done for Savage Ventmaw, I love that card. Was so much better with M15 though (Elvish Mystic and Generator Servant meant two ventmaws on turn 3)

March 1, 2016 3:42 a.m.

Spynnr says... #10

DaftVader I'm still making a few tweaks. I like Kommand and was thinking of throwing in Murderous Cut in place of one of the Ugins like my burn deck has. I need to tweak the sideboard a bit too.

I liked it better with M15 too. I like the Land better with BFZ though. So really I'd like the Extended format back.

March 1, 2016 4 a.m.

DaftVader says... #11

You could go white instead for Dromoka's Command, which would also let you use Secure the Wastes with Savage Ventmaw.

March 1, 2016 8:27 a.m.

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