Hello guys,this is a pure Anti-creature deck,i'm testing it on MTGO and in all the match that i've played i lose only two time because of poor land draw and exceptional aggro combo of the opponent.This deck is inconsistent against blue control deck,but it's a lot of fun to play against all the creature deck. You clear constantly the board ,put on the board your underworld connection and Sanguine Bond at the right moment, draw cards and wait for your finisher.
Cards and combo
Sanguine Bond +
Crypt Incursion
= Win. You kill 7-8 opponent creature? ok,it's time to put on the board your sanguine bond and clear his graveyard :P
Sanguine Bond + Debt to the Deathless = Win. Debt to the deathless is a key card even if you don't have sangiune bond,but with a sanguine bound on the board is a terrific card and with all the removal in the deck,you have the time to grow your mana.
Grave Betrayal -
Nothing to say. You kill creature and they will work for you next turn. Wonderful.
Rise of the Dark Realms - Remember all the creature that i killed so far? I hope so...because they're coming back!
Merciless Eviction - This is an emergency card in case something goes wrong.Is useful to remove undestructible creature,planeswalker when you miss Hero's Downfall or against enchantment or artifact based deck.
Selesnya Charm - This is a wonderful card to use against Erebos,Purphoros,etc,you can remove all of them,so try to preserve it for the right moment
SIDEBOARD - Is thinked to solve the Hexproof deck problem or against deck with too much undestructible creature.