Kill It With Water

Standard NippDip


SharkyBigJaws says... #1

Think you need atleast one River's Rebuke so you can actually guarantee getting in for damage at one point. also your only answer to Fumigate and Bontu's Last Reckoning is spell pierce, it might be worth putting in a two of Heroic Intervention. Finally maybe think about using vehicles as another way to win the game, they count as non creature spells.. Im toying with a few simic builds, the two I think look the best are How About Some Tempo Merfolk? and Simic good stuff? its been rough trying to find a home for Deeproot Champion and Im annoyed because I bought 2 foils of it lmao other than that you have a nice package

September 29, 2017 4:25 p.m.

NippDip says... #2


Here are my thoughts on your suggestions:

-River's Rebuke: While this is a good idea and would fit quite nicely in as a finisher, my deck is hoping to win the game around turn five or six, and before then River's Rebuke is stranded in my hand. Also, at the times when I'm looking for one thing to win, it is usually a creature and not a big spell.

-Heroic Intervention: This card has been on my maybe list for some time. It's either playing that or Dive Down in the sideboard, and I think I will probably lean towards Dive Down at the moment, but Heroic Intervention stays in the testing zone.

-Vehicles: Vehicles would provide a nice way of getting in sneaky damage, however, they require creatures to crew, and do nothing on their own. This deck usually only has one to two creatures out, so vehicles wouldn't be very powerful.

Thanks for your suggestions and best of luck with your decks!

September 29, 2017 6 p.m.

Ornge says... #3

pretty good. noticing you're not running anything that will give you 11/11 trample, lifelink, flying, menace,unblockable etc. I would add a few Crash the Ramparts and maybe a River Sneak for early game hits. also: Herald of Secret Streams

October 1, 2017 2:41 p.m.

NippDip says... #4


Crash the Ramparts: This card would be very good in a slightly different kind of deck. My style is not giving my big Deeproot Champion evasion or lifelink, but instead just returning all of my opponent's blockers to their hand.

River Sneak: The problem I see with this card is that I only have 12 other creatures, and I'm usually playing a one drop on turn one. This means the biggest I will ever get my River Sneak to is 3/3, if I'm lucky.

Herald of Secret Streams: This card is much too slow for a deck looking to win on turn four or five or six.

October 2, 2017 7:24 a.m.

backinajiffy says... #5

Just throwing this out there, one cast of River Heralds' Boon is legit 3 counters on your Deeproot Champion at INSTANT speed for TWO mana. If anything, this card should be in your sideboard at the very least.

Other than that the idea is very solid. Keep him alive with everything and eventually swing in. Only issue is if the enemy gets out big guys faster than you can grow him. because of that I'd say either mainboard or sideboard in two copies of Essence Scatter to make sure your opponant doesn't have that opportunity.

October 6, 2017 10:15 a.m.

NippDip says... #6


River Heralds' Boon is a very potent card to have in the sideboard and I will certainly consider it. What do you recommend I cut for it, and what matchup does it come in for?

Essence Scatter: This is just not the deck to leave up mana on turn two. If my opponent makes a very big creature, I can just Unsummon it. Thanks for the suggestions.

October 7, 2017 12:17 p.m.

Inverno93 says... #7

Hey dude great deck

Just a question, i want to play a version with Nissa in it instead in the sideboard, what you suggest to remore?

October 9, 2017 11:02 a.m.

NippDip says... #8


If you want to play Nissa, Steward of Elements in the main deck, I'd advise swapping 3 copies of her in for the 3 Perilous Voyages and putting two Perilous Voyages in the sideboard.

October 9, 2017 12:16 p.m.

Ornge says... #9

Crash the Ramparts might not work, but Larger Than Life might be good

October 11, 2017 4:28 p.m.

Ornge says... #10

as for the rejection of herald, it could be the card that wins you the game on turn 4 - 5. i might not entirely get the idea of the deck, but it seems a shame not to run it

October 11, 2017 4:31 p.m.

NippDip says... #11


Larger Than Life: This one is tricky, on one hand, it is a great way to push through damage, effectively giving +5/+5 to one of my creatures, and trample. On the other hand, I'm spending two mana for it, which sometimes means I can't hold up Blossoming Defense or Unsummon, making the creature I target very vulnerable. I think the chance of me getting blown out by a Fatal Push or some cheap removal overrides the potential of Larger Than Life.

Herald of Secret Streams: One of the problems with this card is if I play it on turn 4, I have no protection of any sort until I untap. In addition, There is only four copies of a creature in this deck that actually has +1/+1 counters on it. So if I play Herald of Secret Streams, they can kill my Deeproot Champion and make it effectively a 4 mana 2/3

October 12, 2017 7:26 a.m.

So I get that you have rejected all the trample cards previously mentioned but I know the perfect trample card for this deck... Crash Through. You get a draw, it's cheap enough to play blossoming defense, and of course it gives one of your monstrous creatures trample.

October 13, 2017 1:20 p.m.

NippDip says... #13


Hats off to you! Crash Through seems perfect for my deck. Any suggestion on what to take out? I was thinking 2 would be the best number.

October 13, 2017 2:18 p.m.

Maybe attune with aether. But I don't know your deck as well as you so I think your the best judge. Glad I could be of some help!

October 13, 2017 2:21 p.m.

And yes 2 seems right.

October 13, 2017 2:22 p.m.

Actually probably shock not attune with aether

October 13, 2017 3:10 p.m.

NippDip says... #17

I'm thinking one Opt one Shock as Crash Through does draw a card.

October 13, 2017 4:20 p.m.

Yeah that makes sense

October 13, 2017 5:28 p.m.

nav566 says... #19

Why the energy concept? It seems quite out of place here. with only Aether Hub uses energy. I suggest you to switch it with Rootbound Crag. The deck seems solid. Good job. I think Captain Lannery Storm and Kari Zev, Skyship Raider Will work here fantastically. You should try it.

October 24, 2017 7:39 a.m.

NippDip says... #20


On energy, I'm not trying to get tons of energy, it's just a side effect of my Attune with Aethers, which is one of the best cards in the deck. The Aether Hubs are just there as a dual land that I can use in a pinch to make any color of mana.

Rootbound Crag:

This card seems like it would fit in here, I'm just not sure what to cut for it. I need all my basics for Attune with Aether, and I also need all of the current fastlands, and as mentioned before, the Aether Hubs.

Captain Lannery Storm and Kari Zev, Skyship Raider:

These two fall in the same category for me, which is an aggressive creature that can get in for a fair amount of damage, but they don't benefit at all from the 30 spells in the maindeck.

October 25, 2017 7:24 a.m.

PickleNutz says... #21

I have an Izzet prowess deck that has a similar idea, but control decks absolutely wreak havoc on it.

I think Deeproot Champion is just so susceptible to removal and stuff that you cant really rely on him. In theory it would be a great choice, but in actuality a non-revolt Fatal Push gets rid of him before he can even become a threat. Have you considered taking the green out altogether and instead using Glorybringer? He is just a much better and well rounded threat, and the green splashed in here is really all to protect and build Deeproot, which seems really hard to do and keep the card competitive. Most control decks, which are the most common type of standard deck Ive seen lately, will almost always counter or kill him. If you save him until you have extra mana to cast blossoming defense, he doesnt get big enough to be a threat anyways.

Just an idea, but perhaps Baral, Chief of Compliance would be good too instead of the splash for green.

November 8, 2017 8:24 a.m. Edited.

NippDip says... #22


On Baral and Glorybringer:

I think these cards are very powerful, but I don't think they fit as either too slow or not aggressive enough. For this reason I will be leaving in Deeproot Champion, though I will look for a replacement.

November 8, 2017 5:30 p.m.

Ornge says... #23

Harnessed Lightning would work well with the fact you are running 4x Attune with Aether. also, putting one or two Riddleform in the maindeck would be beneficial. have you considered Larger Than Life or Servant of the Conduit? I would also take out Cryptic Serpent

November 12, 2017 5:29 p.m.

nav566 says... #24

how about Kari Zev's Expertise? Seems like it would fit here, with mostly one drops and two drops... It's a great control card for a small amount of mana for a lots of value.

November 13, 2017 12:35 p.m.

NippDip says... #25

Ornge and nav566:

-Harnessed Lightning: This card I have considered quite a bit, but I value killing creatures with removal spells that can hit players as well, as usually one or two Shocks and Lightning Strikes are enough to finish off the game, and if my opponent resolves a big threat like Torrential Gearhulk, I've probably lost anyways.

-Riddleform: This card I've been considering for a while, I'm not sure how many I want in my deck though. I was thinking a 2-2 split with Deeproot Champion?

-Kari Zev's Expertise: This is a great idea for a sideboard against Ramunap Red. I'll put some in.

-Larger Than Life: I don't know if I want this card in as it can't be used at instant speed.

-Servant of the Conduit: This is going to have to be a no because of how it doesn't benefit from casting spells, and it's not that big.

November 14, 2017 7:24 a.m.

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