Nivix Blitz Burn

Modern greenkine


daltonnelson says... #1

I feel you need more land. I playtested this, no joke, 11 times and each time I used a mulligan at least once or twice and I was lucky to have two lands on the battlefield by turn four. I like the concept with more land

March 20, 2014 4:48 p.m.

greenkine says... #2

daltonnelson it seems to operate pretty well in physical form for me, I was actually considering dropping a land for tomorrows FNM, what would you recommend adding though, another Island ?

March 20, 2014 5:12 p.m.

greenkine says... #3


Pyromancer Ascension is a really fun card, but I think that it operates slightly to slow for this deck.

Manamorphose is a considerable card though, as I am unfamiliar with Lorwyn Block cards, I like it.

March 20, 2014 5:15 p.m.

daltonnelson says... #4

I will take your word for it, greenkine. I have decks that run beautifully on tapped out but suck in real life and the parallel is also true. If you have troubles with land, then an island could be helpful.

March 20, 2014 5:45 p.m.

MakoLifeStream says... #5

you might consider Teleportal for more unblockable fun. plus it gives the option for fun for all.

also Gigadrowse might be worth looking into. that replicate effect could really take off.

March 21, 2014 12:40 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #6

If he already has Distortion Strike and Artful Dodge , the in think the much harder to cast Teleportal really isn't worth it.

Gigadrowse does not provide extra cast triggers, which is what feuls Kiln Fiend and Nivix Cyclops . Copied spells are not cast spells.

March 21, 2014 1:47 p.m.

Pauper + Lands XD

March 24, 2014 3:37 p.m.

BloodnThunder says... #8

is Brainstorm banned in modern?

March 26, 2014 1:23 p.m.

greenkine says... #9

BloodnThunder nope, Brainstorm would be playable :)

March 26, 2014 1:36 p.m.

Jay says... #11

Except it was never printed in a modern set :/

March 28, 2014 8:03 p.m.

Darkstripe2 says... #12

Lightning Bolt anyone? +1

March 29, 2014 5:45 p.m.

If you want more speed and a bunch more consistency, replace Wee Dragonauts or Nivix Cyclops with Nivmagus Elemental . The exiling of the spell may be a drawback, but the fact that you get the points of power as counters instead of temporary "until EOT" bonuses is very important, not to mention that it only costs 1 mana. Tainted Strike would also make a T2 kill a reality, in addition to more Gut Shot for more 0-mana spells. Apostle's Blessing for protection is key because your combo is very fragile. Nice deck!

March 30, 2014 10:31 p.m.

Flamekin Harbinger could be good here.....+1

June 29, 2014 10:10 p.m.

Stamina says... #15

Fuck, i keep getting rekt by this deck. What do I sideboard to destroy the kitty cat before it gets played?

I'm playing Heavily Burnt Eggs.

July 1, 2014 3:08 p.m.

cmskinny says... #16

Since you've added green, you should try to fit in a few of one of my favourite cards: Wild Defiance !

July 10, 2014 10:01 p.m.

Nef says... #17

I would suggest running some kind of hexproof or protection for your creature.
Another weakness would be that you pump up a huge Kiln Fiend and the opponent casts Geth's Verdict

July 13, 2014 5:02 p.m.

The_Squirrel says... #18

Apostle's Blessing is an absolute must for a kiln fiend deck. It's 1 colorless mana that can be used as a Distortion Strike to get past blockers or more importantly as a pseudo-counter against removal. Honestly, everything in a normal pauper fiend deck should probably be in there, except the lands.

I would add:

4x Delver of Secrets  Flip - I know he doesn't get buffed like the other guys, but he WILL win you games. T2 flipped delver attacking w/ Mutagenic Growth & Assault Strobe is 10 damage in the air.

2-4x Lightning Bolt - One of the best spells in Modern. Its just as strong in this deck as any other. 3 to the face plus pump your dudes OR take out a troublesome creature.

4x Apostle's Blessing

2x Mizzium Skin You need more protection. Modern is chuck full or removal.

1x Artful Dodge - Better than Distortion Strike imo. You can cast it twice, pumping guys twice in the same turn or whenever you need it.

2-4x Serum Visions - Ponder & Preordain are a big part of the pauper version, which makes me think this might not be so awesome in modern :( If you do put in Delver, I would for sure put in 4 of serum.

I would take out(In this order):

3x Distortion Strike

4x Brute Force

4x Titan's Strength

3x Wee Dragonauts (if you put in Delver)

Landwise, Sulfur Falls would be a good fit. You would need to take out the City of Brass for them.

Other possiblities you could play with:

Izzet Charm - Lots of options, none of them pump your guy or damage opponent though, also 2 cmc is bad.

Quicken - Cantrips and lets you cast Assault Strobe as an instant.

July 13, 2014 5:21 p.m.

greenkine says... #19

Stamina you need some sort of removal spells on your sideboard. AT my LGS, several Modern players ask the same question as this deck can fire off on turn 4, the play at my LGS is usually a turn 6 or 7 win condition.

July 23, 2014 6:47 p.m.

qwertyking says... #20

July 23, 2014 7:07 p.m.

shadow63 says... #21

July 25, 2014 12:25 p.m.

greenkine says... #23

Jdvanliew I would play Epic Experiment at kitchen table Magic as it seems like a go off combo that would be really fun against friends, but for FNM: Modern I like the consistency of drawing and not having 3 of my 11 creatures go to the graveyard. As this deck has no graveyard extraction. Thanks for the recommendation, I have a play set of Epic Experiment so I will test this out.

July 25, 2014 3:13 p.m.

greenkine says... #25

shadow63 I had originally considered Charmbreaker Devils , but in test play with my friends and at my LGS found it to be slight to slow for Modern play. I ran 2 but decided to pull them. Charmbreaker Devils is a really good card though and would probably include it in a variant of this deck.

July 25, 2014 4:04 p.m.

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