Only one color I haven't touched yet with you folks so far. Let's take a stab at it with one of my favorite decks Kitty Cat Burger Time! It is so named thanks to its awesome sleeves and its commander Kemba, Kha Regent.
Kitty Cat Burger Time was originally Nahiris Forged in Stone, the white Commander 2014 deck. I swapped out commanders and changed direction. Kitty Cat Burger Time focuses primarily on a Voltron strategy, equipping Kemba to become a monstrous, game ending threat. That said, it can quickly change directions and overwhelm the enemy with a massive army. A good chunk of the cards in the deck came straight from the original, cause hey theyre good! That makes this one fairly cheap to build if youre looking for ideas.
Kemba, Kha Regent is an excellent commander. Even without the equipment on her, Kemba is a solid body in the early game. 2/4 for 3 is nothing to scoff at and outclasses most things people play at that stage of the game. With equipment shes a beast (well, cat) becoming a beefy, player killing bruiser. Even if they do manage to take her out, she builds her own backup plan in the form of her army of cats!
What is a Voltron style deck without lots of equipment? Kemba here has far too many swords to comfortably hold in two hands, and yet she manages. Pennon Blade is particularly good with Kemba. This deck can generate a ton of tokens, making her all the stronger, and her own ability makes it better and better every turn!
Assault Suit too is a ton of fun and honestly one of my favorite additions from last years commander decks. White cant normally get multiple combat steps, but who cares when you can let your enemies spread your commander damage for you?
The Army
Kemba leads a powerful army when not slaughtering foes on her own. From an army of soldier tokens, to every version of Elspeth, to the always mighty Sun Titan! Kembas army is versatile in size and strength and highly resilient.
Buffs and Recursion
An army of minions is cool and all, but if theyre all 1/1s its not going to get you too far. Thats where buffs come in. Cathars' Crusade, for example, is a win condition all on its own. Catapult Master turns your puny army into powerful removal. Others like Emeria Shepherd and Sun Titan keep the pain train rolling even after the enemy think theyve stopped it.
Heavy Artillery
And if we have an army, we must protect it! Powerful standard removal like Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile are joined by some oddities such as a favorite of mine, Mangara of Corondor. Mangara combos fantastically well with Sword of the Paruns, allowing you to exile multiple targets for just 3 mana a pop! Id honestly be interested in building Mangara her own control deck just to toy with interactions like that. If only Karakas were legal...
How you play out the game depends typically on which strategy you draw into more and of course the opponents at the table. More equipment? Voltron it up and swing for tons of damage. More token generators? Drop a few and start pumping out an army. Either way youll be winning with combat damage, but one way gets it done faster with general damage.No matter what youll be wanting to drop Kemba pretty early. Shes cheap to cast with a great body (hush furries). Even if the only equipment you get is a Lightning Greaves youll be generating a token every turn for no effort.The beauty of an equipment based Voltron over an aura-focused one is that even if the creature dies you can have another creature pick it all up again to resume the beats. Even a 1/1 soldier token can transform into a 10/10 monstrosity with the right weaponry. Thus once your board presence is stable or growing of its own accord, try and hold back dropping anything further threats. Backup plans! Feel free to nuke whatever is necessary as you have plenty of removal of your own to clear boards with.