[KLD] Aetherflux Reservoir Combo

Standard* JardBard

SCORE: 119 | 90 COMMENTS | 21032 VIEWS | IN 56 FOLDERS

JardBard says... #1

K00lDudE1 You're right. For some reason before, I thought that Endless One's ability was an ETB ability. Thanks for catching that.

I also looked at your deck, and it seemed pretty neat. I really like the idea of Metalwork Colossus.

September 20, 2016 12:12 p.m.

Thanks for checking it out! I love Metalwork Colossus in my version because I run more of the Puzzleknots so I usually cast it for free anyway.

No problem about the Endless One thing, I originally played that card wrong for so long when I used it in a Hardened Scales deck lol

September 20, 2016 1:27 p.m.

bsorner3 says... #3

It might also be worth looking into 1-2 copies of Metalwork colossus, at least in the sideboard if not the mainboard. Works off discount from your big artifacts and foundry inspector (whereas endless one does not). Gives you another big win condition if you fail on your other draws.

September 20, 2016 6:37 p.m.

dlaciebiepan says... #4

why you use 4x Terrarion - they come tapped. the flying artefact for 3mana which gain you land when enter is better, right?

September 21, 2016 6:22 a.m.

dlaciebiepan says... #5

does realy Endless One trigger x2 its counters?

September 21, 2016 8:13 a.m.

Dreno33 says... #6

i think you had the right idea with Crush of Tentacles in your SB. you need a boardwipe to stall for the combo, and this is the best boardwipe that works with your deck. i would DEFINITELY find room for 2 mainboard and 1 SB.

but considering nearly your entire deck is 4-ofs, i wouldn't know what to cut until lots of playtesting. can't help you there on the removing suggestion, just know that Crush of Tentacles seems so necessary due to your lack of defense/removal.

September 21, 2016 1:15 p.m.

JardBard says... #7

dlaciebiepan The primary focus of having Terrarion in the deck is not for using its ability, it's in there because it's a relatively cheap artifact for the combo and it can draw a card if you really need to. And no, Endless One does not get more counters from Panharmonicon

Dreno33 Yeah, I really want to find room for Crush of Tentacles. I'll probably replace Saheeli Rai with it in the sideboard. I will have to do some more testing to figure out what to take out of the mainboard. Thanks for pointing that out to me.

September 21, 2016 2:03 p.m.

Omittav says... #8

Have you considered running 2 Padeem main board? that cards pretty good for the artifacts.

September 21, 2016 7:54 p.m.

PixelsInStyle says... #9

did you know that foundry inspector can pay for the X on endless ones mana? cost so you could cast endless one for zero and still have it be a 1/1 or a 2/2

September 21, 2016 9:39 p.m.

Dreno33 says... #10


...thats why it's in the deck. its a free cast trigger at any stage of the game. fits perfectly into the deck, that's why he added it.

I'm really holding off my sarcasm here, but that was a hilarious comment.

September 21, 2016 9:44 p.m.

PixelsInStyle says... #11

to me it didn't really seem like he knew this.

September 21, 2016 9:46 p.m.

Dreno33 says... #12

it's just a thought, but i think you could really do a lot of damage against so many decks by running a playset of Authority of the Consuls in the Main board.

i know it's white and I know this will call for you put a lot of editing into it to make it reliable to play for Turns 1-3, but it will buy you so much time in regards to netting so much life. I understand this card is ideal for tempo plays (keep attacking through tapped creatures that are played. But i feel it can do a lot of work.

If you WERE to go down a path of adding white to the deck, you could then open up many options for sideboarding, including the wrath, which is important.

Just some thoughts, but understand you may need to cut black out of your deck.

September 21, 2016 10 p.m.

Dreno33 says... #13

Oh crap im so sorry, PixelsInStyle, i for some reason assumed your were speaking of Herald of Kozilek. my bad. so actually the other one, Foundry Inspector. does NOT help lower it's cost. that only supports ARTIFACTS, notice that Endless One is COLORESS, but still not an artifact.

September 21, 2016 10:10 p.m.

Leatherankh says... #14

Being a big fan of Lady Emmy (better known as Emrakul, the Promised End), I am very familiar with cast vs. ETB, and I hate to tell you this jp9506, but your math is wrong. Cast effects are NOT part of the stack, the stack is the resolution order of instant-speed effects. For example, if I cast Lady Emmy and someone counters with Stasis Snare (necessary because of her immunity to instants), Emmy's cast effect still happens and I get to mind control for a turn. OTOH, if her effect were an ETB, it would be part of the stack and therefore be countered by the Snare. Each cast effect is a separate event that occurs when the cast is declared.

So the real math on your example of Aetherflux Reservoir would go like this: your first spell cast each turn would gain you 1 life, your second 2, and so on. So your total gain for seven spells would be 28 life: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7, not 49. The stack doesn't matter, the accumulating total of spells does.

Still, great deck build, +1. Love the ideas. Question though; have you considered splashing any White in the deck? Authority of the Consuls would be a great addition, and you could toss in a couple of Felidar Soverign to give you an alternate win-con. Just a thought.

September 21, 2016 10:27 p.m.

Dreno33 says... #15


Please read!

Leatherankh, are saying that cast triggers DON'T use the stack? If so, you are not very familiar with how the stack works.

There are only a few things in magic that DON'T use the stack, some including morphing and playing a land (although lands and morphing could trigger other abilities, such as landfall, etc).

Another thing, you are incorrect when you say that IF Emmy's cast trigger was an ETB trigger, that it would be countered/prevented by Stasis Snare. This is false because the trigger would still go on the stack, even with Emmy being exiled from Stasis Snare, the ability would still need to be countered or prevented another way. just because emmy would be exiled, DOESN'T mean that his TRIGGERED ability is prevented.

  • Emmy real Ex. I cast Emrakul and my opponent counters her. I would still get to Mindslaver the opponent's next turn, then their additional turn would follow. Just because it is countered does NOT me the TRIGGERED ability is countered. EDIT: I see you understand this example. But note the ETBs triggers still happen upon using removal in response to the trigger.

  • Another Ex. If Primeval Titan ETBs and i respond with Path to Exile, my oppponent would still get the 2 lands from Prime's ETB trigger AND the path's basic land.


You were VERY incorrect with your rules explaining.

Please do NOT go around telling people how magic rules work, claiming your are "very familiar" with them, when you in fact don't know much about how any of these rules interact. It is very confusing to many semi-new and new players. Please do your research before you post from now on.

jp9506, if you read his comment, PLEASE read this one.

Thank you.

September 21, 2016 10:59 p.m. Edited.

maddoxmtg says... #16

Leatherankh actually no. Any an all triggers use the stack. On cast triggers go on the stack as triggered abilities. They could be countered for example by Stifle. There for, with Aetherflux Reservoir on the battlefield, I cast Gitaxian Probe. The spell goes on the stack, followed by the ability on top. Then I cast Comparative Analysis. CA goes on the stack followed by the AFR ability. Now lets resolve the stack.

-AFR ability resolves. Upon resolution, it sees you have cast 2 spells this turn (CA and GP). Thus you gain 2 life.-CA resolves, I draw 2 cards.-Second AFR ability resolves, sees 2 spells have been cast, gain 2 life.-GP resolves, I look at your hand and draw a card.

Now, the reason it resolves this way is because an ability like Storm, which also occurs on cast triggers, and after the trigger, you have the chance to counter the storm trigger before the ability resolves and puts the copies on the stack. However, unlike AFR, Storm specifically says that it only counts the number of spells cast before it this turn, so if my opponent goes to stifle the trigger, and i counter their stifle, these spells were cast after the storm trigger went on the stack and thus do not add to the storm count.

Hope this cleared up any confusion on AFR and how it works.

September 21, 2016 11:10 p.m.

jp9506 says... #17


Your example doesn't work. Stasis Snare cannot target Emrakul until after it resolves and is on the battlefield. If I cast Stasis Snare "in response" to your Emrakul it isn't targetable as it is still a spell on the stack, not a creature on the battlefield.

Researching how and when "cast effects" trigger, I am finding an incredible amount of inconsistency, even among MtG judges. Some say priority passes before the cast effect triggers and some say it doesn't.

A better example of where this would really matter is if my opponent targets my Mirrorwing Dragon with Survive the Night with the goal of giving it and all his creatures indestructible, can I counter the initial Survive the Night preventing the copies from being created.

The rules (by the letter) say no, but it feels like I really should have the opportunity to prevent that. Ignoring the "opinion-based" answers, the Internet is around 60% in agreement with you. So now I'm torn.

September 21, 2016 11:34 p.m.

jp9506 says... #18

Let me revise my last post:

The rules (by the letter) make me lean toward no.

I'm not a judge, nor an expert on the rules, so stating that the rules "say" something is beyond my ability.

September 21, 2016 11:39 p.m.

Dreno33 says... #19

Epochalyptik, xzzane, ChiefBell. summoning you three as I know i can trust you all to give correct MTG rulings. Several people are commenting on the same thing and keep giving incorrect rules. Need an additional to chime in as there are a lot of people "subscribed" to this thread and i think having an additional to confirm correct rulings seems like a good idea as to prevent confusion to any newer players.

September 21, 2016 11:42 p.m.

Good idea Dreno33 lol

I was almost about to summon someone here to sort this out myself lol

September 22, 2016 2:09 a.m.

Jtegg007 says... #21

So, jp9506 to answer your example... and mind you, I'm also no judge, but I asked the nice folks over at http://chat.magicjudges.org/mtgrules/ for help.

NateDogg and Brain both say -"You can respond by countering the Night with Negate. However, that won't stop the Dragon's trigger from resolving and making a copy of it for all of their other creatures. Their other creatures will get +1/+0 and indestructible, but not the Dragon."

Because of rule 608.2g:

If an effect requires information from the game (such as the number of creatures on the battlefield), the answer is determined only once, when the effect is applied. If the effect requires information from a specific object, including the source of the ability itself, the effect uses the current information of that object if it's in the public zone it was expected to be in; if it's no longer in that zone, or if the effect has moved it from a public zone to a hidden zone, the effect uses the object's last known information. See rule 112.7a. If an ability states that an object does something, it's the object as it exists--or as it most recently existed--that does it, not the ability.

September 22, 2016 3:54 a.m.

What question am I supposed to be answering? I'd rather not read through the entire comment history of the deck looking for things to point out.

September 22, 2016 6:33 a.m.

Dreno33 says... #23

Epochalyptik. thanks for replying. Please clarify for jp9506 and Leatherankh.

Here are a few things that they mentioned from the comments above.

"Being a big fan of Lady Emmy (better known as Emrakul, the Promised End), I am very familiar with cast vs. ETB, and I hate to tell you this jp9506, but your math is wrong. Cast effects are NOT part of the stack, the stack is the resolution order of instant-speed effects. For example, if I cast Lady Emmy and someone counters with Stasis Snare (necessary because of her immunity to instants), Emmy's cast effect still happens and I get to mind control for a turn. OTOH, if her effect were an ETB, it would be part of the stack and therefore be countered by the Snare. Each cast effect is a separate event that occurs when the cast is declared."


"Researching how and when "cast effects" trigger, I am finding an incredible amount of inconsistency, even among MtG judges. Some say priority passes before the cast effect triggers and some say it doesn't.

A better example of where this would really matter is if my opponent targets my Mirrorwing Dragon with Survive the Night with the goal of giving it and all his creatures indestructible, can I counter the initial Survive the Night preventing the copies from being created.

The rules (by the letter) say no, but it feels like I really should have the opportunity to prevent that. Ignoring the "opinion-based" answers, the Internet is around 60% in agreement with you. So now I'm torn."

They seem to have ignored mine and Jtegg007 responses, hoping you could let the thread know the final answers and either delete there comments or put your edits in there. something. a few of the comments were stating as "FACT" when it was clearly wrong.

Thanks, epoch!

September 22, 2016 1:49 p.m.

To address some points here:

First: On-cast triggered abilities absolutely do use the stack. The only kind of triggered (or activated, for that matter) abilities that do not use the stack are mana abilities, which are abilities that (1) do not have targets, (2) are not loyalty abilities, (3) would add mana to a player's mana pool upon resolution, and (4) trigger from other mana abilities (if they're triggered abilities).

Second: Protection is a static ability that functions only from the battlefield. Emrakul, the Promised End's protection from instants does not prevent Emrakul, the Promised End from being countered. It does nothing while Emrakul is still on the stack.

Third: Abilities on the stack exist independently of their sources. Countering, destroying, exiling, or otherwise removing the source of the ability will not interfere with abilities on the stack. Therefore, exiling a creature after it enters the battlefield will not counter an ETB ability. In order to circumvent an ETB ability, you would need to either prevent the creature from entering the battlefield at all or counter/exile the ability itself once it's on the stack.

Fourth: When an ability triggers, it's put onto the stack the next time a player would receive priority. Priority is not passed before this happens.

Fifth: If you counter a spell or remove a permanent, spells or abilities that would copy that spell or permanent on resolution will still be able to copy it. Countering the spell that triggers Mirrorwing Dragon's ability will not prevent that ability from copying the spell later on.

September 22, 2016 4:57 p.m.

jp9506 says... #25

Epochalyptik, Dreno33 - Thank you both for clearing all that up.

September 22, 2016 6:21 p.m.

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