I would like to notw, as I stated, for those that play eternal formats, cards like Stifle and Voidslime counter triggered abilities. The ability of Mirrorwing Dragon goes on the stack and can be responded to before the spell is copied. If you counter the ability itself, with either of the previously mentioned card or for the standard players, Summary Dismissal would in fact stop the trigger from resolving and the copies would never go on the stack.
Epochalyptik, just a note, morph does not use the stack either, which is why cards with morph can be used to respond to cards like Krosan Grip.
September 23, 2016 4:58 p.m.
JennyMatrix101 says... #3
I usually don't just build decks I found on Tappedout, but good lord this makes me want to. do you think this deck will be FNM viable in the new standard to regularly go 2-1 or even 3-0? Thanks
September 25, 2016 4:36 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #4
@maddoxmtg: Morph is not an activated ability. It's a special action.
September 25, 2016 5:06 p.m.
JennyMatrix101 I'm not sure, actually. From the prereleases I've went to and all of the cards in the set overall, it looks like aggro is going to be really prominent. There are probably going to be energy decks with Voltaic Brawler and there might be other aggro decks centered around other things like artifacts with Inventor's Apprentice and Toolcraft Exemplar. So, I think I can say that this deck will be slightly less viable, but it all depends on what the meta favors. I would give it a couple weeks to settle on a deck. On the other hand, this deck is relatively cheap, so it could be easy to switch to a new one, since you only have to drop like 60 bucks.
September 25, 2016 5:44 p.m.
Epochalyptik ahh thank you! I just reviewed the rulings this morning and realized where I went wrong.
September 25, 2016 7:02 p.m.
EnderWorldKing says... #7
The thing is you can gain life crazy quick with this deck. All you have to do is not die until Aetherflux Reservoir comes out, than even if it takes an extra turn or 2, you'll be okay.
September 25, 2016 9:31 p.m.
ObbytheObserver says... #8
This deck is incredible, and it is very similar to what I had in mind, but simply better.
Looking at this, I would suggest a few changes. I would take out black entirely. I had no need to activate Metalspinner's Puzzleknot when play-testing, and Evolving Wilds was a little of a disruption.
In re-concocting this deck, I took the suggestion in the comments to use Crush of Tentacles and added one to the mix.
Awesome prototype, my friend! I will hate seeing my card shop friends cry about this!
I can always link my version as well.
September 27, 2016 1:43 p.m.
hey man, back again.
was witnessing a very similar build on untap.in...
Got to tell you, Contraband Kingpin is freaking ridiculously good for this deck. Like, a must kill. That scry is just so damn powerful for how often it gets to trigger that you literally get to pick your draws so quickly and get to the combo much more consistently and on time.
The face that he is a 1/4 lifelink is totally unnecessary, but so welcomed. I saw him play against many decks last night and that 1/4 Contraband Kingpin literally stalled out SO many boardstates. You need to run it, i don't think this should even be a discussion, especially since you are already splashing black in here.
What to cut? I absolutely hate Terrarion for this deck, feels so clunky if I don't have it turn 1 and does nothing for your combo except triggering other things. I would much rather play Kingpin on T2 over this...
September 27, 2016 2:32 p.m.
on what Dreno33 said, I would actually recommend cutting Endless One. Terrarion is super good turn 1, then use it to filter and draw for the Contraband Kingpin. Endless one to me is basically useless early game because he is a pretty meh chump blocker.
September 27, 2016 3:47 p.m.
Dreno33 & maddoxmtg I really like the idea of Contraband Kingpin, but I don't know what to cut. Both of what you guys are saying makes sense, but I like both Endless One and Terrarion. I think I'll probably just go two of each for now, because I think Terrarion is a bit better because it's an artifact, but Endless One is good for dumping mana into if you don't have anything else to play.
September 27, 2016 5:13 p.m.
Agree with dreno33. Terrarion doesn't fit right but I would replace it with Bomat Courier though. Or if your set on keeping it for the artifact bring free. Replace Endless One with it. That way you get your free spell off the combo and still have your chump blocker. Contraband Kingpin looks like a great addition for the scry and gives you a viable turn two drop against aggro decks. Looks good +1
September 27, 2016 5:19 p.m.
I liked it the moment I saw it. When I realized you were at 99 votes... well it was clearly meant to be.
September 27, 2016 5:22 p.m.
JardBard how are you casting 6 spells in response to triggers when you only run 4 instants. I feel I may be missing something lol
September 28, 2016 4:16 p.m.
Dylls You don't have to cast them in response to triggers. You are supposed to play Aetherflux Reservoir, play a lot of cheap artifacts, return them to your hand with Paradoxical Outcome, and then cast them again, hopefully putting you at more than 50 life and allowing you to burn them for 50 damage.
hamiam says... #1
Awesome +1
September 22, 2016 11:02 p.m.