[KLD] UW Control

Standard* ComputerizedMTG


Vampire_Lord says... #1

Just like Esper control I love it +1

September 26, 2016 10:29 a.m.

Vampire_Lord says... #2

I don't like playin with three colors Is this deck good for a control deck? It looks solid but I don't know I dislike playing three but it looks so powerful playing Esper but blue white looks fun

September 26, 2016 10:30 a.m.


Glad you like this build too :D

My friend is content with the deck, and I am going to give him edit rights so he can take over a bit (afterall it is going to be his deck), but I will keep an eye on it and update like I do with my own decks.

That said I am not 100% ok with it. U/W right now doesn't have exceptional removal and plays better in a tempo shell rather than a control one. It might be a decent start, and it can more than likely can be shaped into a deck that can do well at FNM; afterall, that is where this deck is going to be used by my friend if he decidws to build it.

If you want to compare it to my Esper build the ups are that it is definately more consist than a 3 color deck, and it is also cheaper; however, running black gives you acces to very strong walkers, hand disruption, and better removal.

September 26, 2016 10:45 a.m.

Vampire_Lord says... #4

Hey would you be interested in a blue black or sulti zombies? If not can you point me in a good direction?

September 26, 2016 4:07 p.m.


No sorry, zombies don't interest me at all. Every time I try to play U/B Zombies in ANY format it ends up being too slow, too clunky, and just not that fun for me. I even attempted a Grimgrin, Corpse-Born EDH deck twice and I just hated playing it. I tried U/B Zombies in modern and it was very meh. I have seen a few Standard iterations of the deck as well but they are just not good enough for my taste, they just lack that something that makes me enjoy playing in Dimir colors. I won't even mention BUG Zombies in standard since green doesn't exactly add too much. I guess you have some decent self mill cards and recursion tools in green like Grapple with the Past but if you are aiming for zombies, I would stick with UB; however, feel free to go whichever way seems more fun to you. If you aren't trying to practice for higher level tournaments, it's more fun to build a deck around a deck idea that you enjoy AND make it playable, rather than trying to make the "best" deck and not have fun piloting it.

I can surely help you out and give you pointers if you want to build one and shoot me a link. Otherwise the best direction I can point you to is one of the U/B Zombie lists that made top 24 at Pro-Tour Eldritch Moon. Link is here. You are going to be losing a few cards, but it's a good list to look at to start off.

Oh, just for future reference, please make sure all comments on any deck are actually on-topic with the deck. I am always willing to help if I can, so if you have any questions or comments that are unrelated to the deck page you are currently on just either leave a message on my profile and I'll get back to you. It's nothing major, just good etiquette to follow on forum boards: stay on topic!

September 26, 2016 4:46 p.m.

Decided to add Imprisoned in the Moon as a 2 of in the side-board; still three slots to fill up.

September 27, 2016 6:49 p.m.

gvlassek says... #7

Personally, I would go for moving the Unsubstantiates to the sideboard and replacing them with more Void Shatters or Scatter to the Winds.

September 27, 2016 6:53 p.m.


That's probably a good suggestion. I threw the deck together so fast that I used some fillers here and there just to have 60 cards in the main and 15 in the side.

Honestly, building UW control has turned out to be pretty awkward. There are good tools here and there but nothing that ties the deck together and it often feels lack luster. Or maybe it's just that I am used to Esper and the lack of black here is odd to me :)

Side-tracking aside, I really wish there was better hard removal in UW, but I guess counter spells will have to do. I didn't want to rely too much on them because counter magic is pretty bad in this rotation.

September 28, 2016 3:50 a.m.

I have a blue white control deck that I've been playing since oath of the gatewatch came out. It's been doing pretty well. It's currently going through some adjustments since kaladesh is coming out. It's heavy on counters and some tempo control. The win con is Ulamog. So it's not a deck you see all over the place. I forget how to link decks so feel free to click on me and then see the deck it's on my page. Hope it can help a bit.

September 28, 2016 10:35 p.m.


I'll definately check it out, thanks!

September 29, 2016 12:06 a.m.

No problem I hope I can help. And if you have any input for mine that'd be sweet.

Looking at your deck I would make space for Thalia, Heretic Cathar she can be devastating to an opponent especially if they're aggro. I think a two of wuld be good. Dropping one Gideon and maybe one reflector mage. Also I would have more void shatter than I wuld scatter to the winds. Void shatters exile can really screw wth some decks. Also maybe try Aether Hub over Evolving Wilds. In my deck it has been working out pretty well. It generally buys me a turn to get one of the mana source I need and I don't lose a turn from tapped mana. Also with glimmer of genius that helps to replenish the energy counters.

Hope I could help out. I love blue white :)

September 29, 2016 1:36 a.m.

zadeth says... #12

Thanks for the suggestions guys, if you have any more please throw em this way. Really liking the Aether Hub instead of Evolving Wilds in the deck

October 1, 2016 12:11 p.m.

Kiivuhl says... #13

Fumigate and all instants x4 (but decide for scatter or shatter - shatter for me is much better), cut creatures, or leave only 2 gearhulks or 1-2 linvalas. 4x stasis snare and 4x DiS.

About PW - I think only 4 gideons are good here (for sure dovin doesn't fit here for me. Jace is fine, but he is nothink special).

Ahh. And add 2 more lands (for example 2 aether hubs)

October 2, 2016 10:12 a.m.

zadeth says... #14

I could try running a few more lands in the deck. However I'm not sure about leaving only Gideon and 3 creatures in the deck when Lost Legacy is around. If they were to exile Gideon, i'd have to leave everything up to just those 3 or 4 creatures.

I'd like to keep the Reflector Mages for allowing the bigger creatures and Gideon through. But who knows, maybe i'll try it out with more instances and see how it works.

October 3, 2016 12:44 a.m.

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