Kleptomaniacs Get All the Nice Things

Casual MR H3AT


rckclimber777 says... #1

Since you're going post M13 but not rotation I'd go with Phantasmal Image over Clone . I'd also go look to fit in Mindslaver somewhere in the deck as it certainly fits the theme here. Maybe a 1 of and then a treasure mage or two to tutor it up. I like the general theme of the deck

July 8, 2012 2:52 p.m.

to keep with theme u could play master theif in sb. If its an artifact heavy deck or its like a pod deck, u steal their main card. go check out my deck! Tons of stuff ud have fun stealing in it

July 11, 2012 3:16 a.m.

MR H3AT says... #3

I really like that idea. That card is fantastic sideboard material.

July 11, 2012 3:29 a.m.

Sure, just did. Thumbs up and great deck.

July 11, 2012 4:13 a.m.

Sorry Mr H3AT, That was supposed to be a response to your comment one my deck haha

July 11, 2012 4:14 a.m.

MR H3AT says... #6

Thanks though =]

July 11, 2012 3:03 p.m.

CrimsonKing says... #7

+1 on a great deck! Ever consider Cackling Counterpart ?

July 11, 2012 3:11 p.m.

MR H3AT says... #8

I did think of him but the only problem is that he only copies target creature that I control. Unless I already have taken one of their things then that card wouldn't be of much use. If he could clone one of the opponents creatures then he would be in the deck for sure. Thanks for the input though! =]

July 11, 2012 3:40 p.m.

thejadejedi says... #9

Looks like a nice deck. A friend of mine played something like this ~6 months ago. It was fun and inventive. Glad to see someone is bringing it back.

First off, I would run Go for the Throat over Doom Blade simply because very few artifact creatures need killing right away (except for maybe a Wurmcoil Engine , but then again, you don't exactly want to just KILL that thing either.)

Stolen Goods , I'm not too sure about this one but I'm really not thinking it will be that effective. Sure it fits the theme but if you want this to be a serious FNM deck, I would drop it for +2 Vapor Snag (this card wins games!) and +2 Clone or Negate .

July 11, 2012 5:36 p.m.

thejadejedi says... #10

Clone vs. Phyrexian Metamorph having a turn 3 clone drop over a turn 4 drop is a +. However, the metamorph is always an artifact (which allows for more adaptability), but also allows for easier removal. So that's something to consider. I personally would drop the Dissipate s, and replace them with more clone (type creatures) since you still WANT their stuff to hit the ground.

Against creature less decks, you might have a real problem. One thing I would consider is finding a big creature that you can sideboard in. Consider including one or two Quicksilver Gargantuan s to give you a big guy for late game. Or maybe 4x Witchbane Orb s.

Also, Mimic Vat in a clone deck is just crazy good. I would not hesitate to put 4x in this deck pronto. I would forget the graveyard hate in the SB and pull out something from the main for this.

I would almost take out the Stalkers simply because they are useless without a powered card:Runechanter's Pike (if they can't win by turn 15, they shouldn't be playing standard). I might suggest you trade the pike for 4 Moonsilver Spear s or even go 2 of each. 4/4 flying creatures is nothing to scoff about!

July 11, 2012 5:40 p.m.

popperooo says... #11

Cool Deck, Gonna build this one. +1!

July 11, 2012 11:40 p.m.

MR H3AT says... #12

Thanks for the love and the excellent suggestions. Keep it up! =]

July 11, 2012 11:53 p.m.

Jokernaught says... #13

I saw the title and I was half expecting a ninja deck Haha. Evasive and theiving. very good +1 from me.

July 25, 2012 11:31 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #14

Even with 19 instants and sorceries, this deck isn't able to take advantage of runechanter's pike the way delver decks do. I can understand why you have that and the Spear- if your opponent isn't running anything worth stealing (like token decks), you need to make your own win con.

I'd recommend Stormbound Geist over invisible stalker. It has flying so it is still hard to block, undying so it is still hard to remove, but you get something more. Copying undying creatures has a really cool after effect. Say you use Phyrexian Metamorph to copy the geist- when the "metamorph" dies, it comes back with a +1/+1 counter on it HOWEVER, it isn't a stormbound geist anymore, it is a metamorph again, so early game, you can copy the geist for pressure or defense, but late game, when the juicer things start hitting the board, you can still copy those when the copied geist dies (but your copy will be +1/+1 stronger than the opponents).

And dear god, please add Mimic Vat - it is SOOO good in the current metagame and this deck is primed to exploit it

July 26, 2012 12:40 a.m.

MR H3AT says... #15

Eww. Mimic Vat and Evil Twin . That's nasty. I like it.

July 26, 2012 1:30 a.m.

MR H3AT says... #16

I'm going to need to test where it will fit the best and what I will replace it for so ill put it in the sideboard and try it out a few times at the next fnm. It will find its place soon.

July 26, 2012 1:33 a.m.

HoneyBadger says... #17

Mimic Vat is extremely good against pod decks, zombies, and dem naya decks that are taking advantage of all those "enter the battlefield" cards like Thragtusk , Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip , Blade Splicer , Thundermaw Hellkite , etc. So if you come across one of those, side board it in :)

July 26, 2012 1:50 a.m.

MR H3AT says... #18

For sure. I really like that a lot. Especially against Thragtusk

July 26, 2012 2:12 a.m.

OrgasmAndTea says... #19

Vanishment is a nice card to combo with Stolen Goods

July 29, 2012 4:15 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #20

Best creature i've seen on a mimic vat yet is Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis ....sooooo bad...

July 29, 2012 5:39 p.m.

MR H3AT says... #21

Well that's just brutal.

July 29, 2012 6:23 p.m.

hairlord says... #22

Why Index over Ponder , that seems so much worse

August 2, 2012 5:21 p.m.

MR H3AT says... #23

Index lets me dig much deeper. I have control for basically everything I will play against but the problem I find that I run into is not drawing what I need when I need it. If I need land the next few turns I will most likely be able to set my self up for that. If I need counterspells or creature control I will be able to look farther to get it. I don't necessarily need an extra card in my hand from the draw, I just need the correct card in my hand eventually.

August 2, 2012 5:54 p.m.

Jokernaught says... #24

Plus isn't Ponder due to cycle out soon?

August 2, 2012 6:04 p.m.

MR H3AT says... #25

A lot of the good cards like Mind Control and Doom Blade and even Mana Leak are going to as well. It will be tough to figure out what to do with this thing after rotation.

August 2, 2012 6:29 p.m.

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